Tuesday, May 2, 2017

The attack on the raiders

(01:49:25 )
Steel is the coinage of the warrior, with it he purchases what pleases him..

Dhal al Ghur
Captain of the Sea Kur

[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons, caravans and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to His Delicious Torment.||: the beasts had ridden the ten pasangs hard at a full run, they were not exhausted but needed a break, in a cloud of dust, grunting and snorting from the beasts we can me a halt with the rest of the caravan that was waiting in a defensive position. Slipping from my saddle before the beast had come to a complete stop I ran to the commander Kahil "we have found the main force waiting on the opposite bank, they must be about 150 - 200 strong, they lay in wait about a pasang in just below the horizon. There did not appear to be any cavalry but they are almost sure to have mounted me available for the assault. How did it go clearing that low range of hills over to the North?"

we spoke rapidly exchanging reports Kahil reporting that the hills had been cleared with at least 50 men killed or captured that had been hiding in the low hills. "What is our tally of men Kahil, what have been our losses?" I looked over at the bearded man our dark eyes locked me a Torvie and him from the Plains his mother from the tribes of the Tahari "we have 123 men Captain, it will be a hard battle against unfavorable odds. My men are all hardened warriors, I have complete faith that they will give their all." He was grave as he looked at me a devoted and loyal commander and warrior "I reached out and gripped his shoulder and spoke "that's all we can ever hope for my Brother" then taking him across to some soft sand taking up a stick drawing in the sand as we spoke and drew up plans for the attack.

(02:15:26 )
His Delicious Torment.

|| soraya ||
- Dhal's Property -
-"The essence of Obedience.!"-

-First Girl-

[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons, caravans and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to Steel is the coinage of : the pace was fast as they headed back to where the others waited and Her Owner was off His mount before it ground to a stop, the dust was thick and her eyes stung as she pulled her beast up and slipped down from the saddle , booted feet hitting the ground with a soft thud, grabbing the reigns of her Masters beast she led them to where a thrall was standing and asked him to see that were watered and cooled down , grabbing her bow she slung it over her back and the arrow pouch was attacked to her leather pants , moving to the caravans she filled their empty botas with fresh water from the barrels strapped to the side of the supply wagon and then grabbed some cheese n black bread from the sacks and then heads over to where her Master is speaking to the Commander

Standing quietly back a little her deep gems scan around constantly watching for anything that seems not right, her senses on high alert she has the feeling in the pit of her stomach that danger was everywhere and after seeing Her Master return from the bushs on the other side of the river she knew her feelings were right , His weapon and hands still bore blood so indeed danger was ever present , small beads of sweat trickly down her spin , the heat was so oppressive under the black tunic, her head itchy from wearing the scarf , made worse from getting wet coming back across the river then the dust sticking to their wet clothes , there will be no reprieve from this anytime soon, she waits quietly as her Master and the Commander draw maps in the dirt

(02:24:10 )
Steel is the coinage of the warrior, with it he purchases what pleases him..

Dhal al Ghur
Captain of the Sea Kur

[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons, caravans and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to His Delicious Torment.||: We split the group Kahil sending a runner to gather every fighting man available, the caravan will have to rely on traders , merchants and animal handlers to protect the caravans while the fighting men would be used for the assault. We had to make it appear as if we knew nothing about the waiting group of men on the opposite bank and so slowly we managed to draw away about fifty men to slip back down stream and across the river while the rest made themselves look as visible as possible on this side of the bank. Kahil had women dressing up in dark robes to appear like the armed and fighting men and a reduced force, we had to maintain the look that there were still a full compliment of men with the caravan. Four wagons pulled up to the landing and rolled slowly onto the pontoon where they would be drawn across, the wagons were closed and covered in canvas so the goods inside were protected and hidden from sight. There were rather a few men extra that saw to the crossing and stayed with the wagons as they were drawn out across the river.

I rode to join with the band of fifty well armed men that had slipped away from the caravan only to meet them about 5 pasangs from the crossing and out of sight. We rode hard to find the place where we had scouted across the river earlier, finding the place easily. I glanced over my shoulder to see the messenger and my first girl with the sandscarf wrapped about her features riding hard behind me, shadowing me a determined look in her eyes. I nodded to her in approval as I turned the beast entering the water and our group began to swim across the river to quickly gather around on the opposite bank where I spoke to them so that the attack would be co-ordinated and devastatingly effective. There me were all extremely ready for battle, it shone in their eyes, it showed up in the lines on their faces, set in determination. They carried that aura about them that they were to succeed without reprieve nor quarter given I knew that some faces would not be before me this even and admired them all, they were my brothers and they were brave and loyal men each one without exception. It was time now for battle and now we moved forward with stealth once more

(04:34:57 )
Steel is the coinage of the warrior, with it he purchases what pleases him..
Dhal al Ghur
Captain of the Sea Kur


[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons, caravans and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to His Delicious Torment.||: We moved quickly yet silently I had estimated that there was at least 2 trips with the Pont so about eight or twelve wagons had crossed the river by now making at least half of the caravan across the river.The prize would look more enticing now because the caravan would appear to be more vulnerable with a divided force perhaps enough to draw the out the attack. Weapons drawn we moved into an extended line formation and once the attack began move into an arrow formation.

I crouched down in the shrubbery the axe in my right hand and shield in left, a sword at my left hip I was prepared for the assault on the rear of the enemy. My left hand releasing the shield as I held up my hand in a fist signaling down the line so that men knew that they were to wait for my command, I would wait for them to start the attack first before me made our move from our point of concealment. I glanced down to my left, the little beast was crouched beside me the sand scarf wrapped about her features just her eyes showing like each and everyone of us nothing to reveal who or what gender we were. I smiled at her the love and pride showing in my eyes because she could see nothing more than that, yet she knew me well enough to be able to read it in the darkness of my eyes, a soft inclination of my head showed her that we were ready and I wished her luck in silence. The odds were against us but we had the element of surprise.

(04:45:31 )
His Delicious Torment.

|| soraya ||
- Dhal's Property -
-"The essence of Obedience.!"-

-First Girl-

[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons, caravans and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to Steel is the coinage of :
crouching low beside her Master , her heart raced and the sound was deafening in her ears, she tried not to show her fear in her eyes as He looked to her but He knew , nothing could she conceal from Him , nothing.The bow He had given her was cluctched in her hand the arrow pouch at the ready , she had practised every chance she got so her aim was sharp, she could smell the fear drom the sweating men around her , but she also knew they would give thier very lives for her Master and the Port , out here they didnt treat her as His silk slave , they treated her as one of them ,as she would give her life for her Master and her Home.

Her eyes watched the caravans on the pontoon and she felt her senses heighten, for a moment she closed her eyes and spoke to herself , perhaps to ask for courage , perhaps to ask for the saftey of us all this day and then nodded softly to Him and waited like an animal ready to spring to her feet at His signal.

(05:12:33 )
Steel is the coinage of the warrior, with it he purchases what pleases him..

Dhal al Ghur
Captain of the Sea Kur

[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons, caravans and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to His Delicious Torment.||: I could see the enemy just ahead hidden in the shrubbery, the heat of the day did not disturb us too much at this stage despite the sweat that tricked against our flesh under the robes, it was the last thing that we focused upon. Then it came the attack on the caravan, at least twenty wagons were strung out in a semi defensive position down on the dirt road, there appeared to be a few men guarding the caravan, and animal minders and wagon drivers that were tending to the wagons and beasts when the call to attack came from the enemy before us. I held up my hand once more a fist showing for my men to hold their positions, it was not yet time. I could see the enemy now stand and surge forward, whoever was in command had committed all his men in the initial charge on the exposed unprotected caravan, thinking that he had the advantage he had grown arrogant and assured.

The caravan was vulnerable yet the wagons and beasts were set out in a large U the open end facing the river allowing the pont to discharge more wagons as they drew them across the river. I could see the attackers surge down the incline towards the wagons firing arrows on the run as they charged down closing the gap, it was then that the wagons had the covers thrown off and our men revealed themselves.

The fighting men had been hidden in all the wagons that crossed and the civilians were dressed as the fighting men remained on the opposite bank giving the impression that the caravan was unprotected with just a few men there. The cloud of arrows ripped into the attackers taking them by surprise, I saw men tumbling as they ran shot through with the arrows dying as they ran towards the wagons, faltering in their charge. A cheer going up from the me in the wagons as they fired a second and third volley "HAI PORT PHENIX!" the cry went up rallying the men and signalling us to attack.

(05:22:07 )
His Delicious Torment.

|| soraya ||
- Dhal's Property -
-"The essence of Obedience.!"-

-First Girl-

[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons, caravans and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to Steel is the coinage of : seeing her Owners signal to hold , she watches as the enemy charges down at the caravan ,thinking they would have the upper hand nd slaughter the innocent their yells were full of arrogance , my tiny fists cenched around my bow wanting to fire as amny arrows as i coud get off into there shifty eyes but holding back as ordered, the canvas is suddenly thrown back from the hoops over the wagons and our fighters let out a piercing war cry as they began to attack the attackers, soon the heat and dry throat was forgotton as every sense was on alert ready to lunge on His signal, my trusty lucky copper in my boot gave me comfort as i waited .....

(05:37:44 )
Personal combat is the ultimate test of my freedom.
Dhal al Ghur
Captain of the Sea Kur

[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons, caravans and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to His Delicious Torment.||: I grabbed the shield and stood now looking down to the left and then right lifting my axe yelled "Hai Port Phenix!" the began to run forward, the formation was supposed to be arrow but there were a few enthusiastic individuals that were caught up in the moment as we charged down on the rear of the attackers in what resembled an arrow formation. The defenders of the caravan immediately stopped using the bow and the volley of arrows stopped they then drew their weapons and began to fight with blade, axe or whatever they could get their hands upon. They were caught unawares and surprised and as the slammed into the body of men weapons fell upon the enemy and the melee ensued.

Everything seemed to slow down as the adrenaline pumped through our veins, the fight was all in slow motion because of our heightened senses, the blood and battle lust fueling us as we attacked. The axe biting deep into the neck and shoulder of the man before in a gush and shower of blood as I ripped the weapon back releasing the steel from flesh whipping it out and up towards my left whipping it down now hacking into the next man the showed himself before me. My peripheral vision kept the little first girl on my left and slightly behind me always so that I could cover her right and left side while she saw to my left and behind me. The fighting was fierce, blood splattered and raging we fought hacking and cutting into the center of the raiders, breaking them up into small pockets where small individual fights continued the tide of the battle turning in our favor

(06:06:45 )
His Delicious Torment.

|| soraya ||
- Dhal's Property -
-"The essence of Obedience.!"-

-First Girl-

[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons, caravans and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to Personal combat is the u: On my Owners signal we surge forward my bow at the ready staying slightly behind Him on His left ready to shoot anything that comes sideways , the spray of blood is everywhere , as His axe is kissing flesh , the blood raining down on me as arteries spurt, out of the corner of my eye i see someone charging sideways and twist and send an arrow towards him , as he moves forawrd my arrow finds its mark and his eyeball explodes and then He falls to His knees and i signal for one of ours to finish him as my booted feet surge forward behind my Owner , the sounds of angusih is everywhere as men fall , and the battle cry of "Hai Port Phenix" resounds around us , heart racing as she never looses sight of Him

(06:09:47 )

probationary Member

[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons, caravans and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to Personal combat is the u:
It was morning and the day was sunny. It was indeed a good day… he had gotten up early today. He had a lot of things to do so the man named Nicanor had sent bob to finalize the sale of his stake in boswell camp although he would keep his house there as a retreat if he wanted to go on a hunting trip. So with Bob gone Nic had to arrange somewhere to stay here and somewhere to do his caste work. He had already for his caste work he could do something basic until he had a builders yard and workshop. Testing coins for merchants would be a good start. At the moment he decided to go on a ride on his kallia around the area to see what building materials there are. What type of stone was about and wood and other materials so a scout about was the place to start for him so he left the port on his beast. Of course he had alot of his tools oh his beasts saddle. He had saddle packs full of tools and all kinds of things. After all he was a builder and he was damn good at it. Yah he was a little mhmm well crazy is the best word for it. Odd and eccentric was another. He also wanted to think about what he was asked to do.. he was not of the secret clan of torturers anymore he left that behind in the plans but he was asked to help out the new home. He would have to think about it before he did anything like that again. He was a happy joker of a man these days not the rage filled youth that hated turians to the core of his being. He moved on. But it did not mean he would not do it. He just needed to think about it.

He was not far from the road as he road to a high point to have a look around.. down the road some way was what looked like a group of men that looked up to no good. Anyway he was a curious fellow so he decided to follow them for awhile at a distance.. Anyway after awhile it came clear they was going to ambush a caravan. So Nic he had weapons but would be single handedly attack a group of men that out numbered him and was armed to the teeth. No well maybe depends on his mood. Even though he had weapons on him at all times he had a even more dangerous weapon. His brain and he had built all kinds of siege engines in the past he was fascinated by them. He was looking about for stuff to use and on top of a hill out of sight he found everything he needed . A few broken wagons from ether another attack or just left there cause the merchant was in a hurry He found some ether spear shafts or handles for tools. He was not sure what they was going to be for but a idea formed in his head and he smiled like a kid with a magnified glass and a insect nest. So he got to work. He broke apart the wagon with his crowbar. Well if this seems unrelistic do remember this is just how armys did it. They built a lot of siege weapons on improve and to order because most sieges just happen. They are not always plain because no one likes sieges they suck big time cause they can last a long time and the sooner they are over the better. So Nic got to work fast. The sensible thing to do would have been to get help but lets face it Nic was not a sensible man hell every day as a builder was courting blue flames.

So he took it apart then rebuilt it. A rectangle frame at the front with round poles coming off and wheels reattached at the rear with a hook so he could pull it with his kaiila… it was not as big as it could have been with more time and stuff. was just a fast basic one that was eight foot wide and seven long . It took him a few ahn to make with the cables and a a few fastly made cranks and a few sharpened sicks. By the time the attack stated the ballista was ready… hell he made all kinds of things for fun. He made a catapult to throw people into the water for giggles once. Yah that was fun. So a giant crossbow out of a broken wagon was cake. Hell he made a siege tower to repair a roof once. Why ? cause he could. So he went to the highest point over looking and he saw the attack start so he went down the hill or high point and onto the rood about a thousand yards from the attackers.

What the attacks might see is a lone kaiila coming onto the road pulling something. One man was not a threat but as they seemed to be distracted by the fact that inside the wagon was lots of armed men in a trap they would not more than likely notice Nic stopping getting off his beast. Unhooking the ballista then using his muscles he moved it into place.. he then opened up the arms on the side and connected the cab;le to the lunching bucket. He loaded the bucket with about thirty sharpened sticks.. He then put down the feet and set the crabnk so he could lift the front of it.. He cranked and looked through the end aiming for the mass of the attackers that was away from the caravan. He did not want to hurt innocence people. When he was clear he fired and a rain of sharped sicks would fire into some of the attackers. Some would of course miss and Nic would crank and re aim and reload. Yah this would be a surprise for the attackers and the defenders with a roar of a voice. “ Run tarskies run!!! Daddies got a big toy!!!”

(06:17:53 )
Personal combat is the ultimate test of my freedom.
Dhal al Ghur
Captain of the Sea Kur

says to His Delicious Torment.||: Kicking at the knee of the man to my left making him go down on that knee while my shield whipped out edge first the steel rimming catching him in his left temple knocking him down either concussed or dead. While the axe again swung out to the right wrist twisting the cutting edge leading as it caught another raider on the bicep hacking into the limp leaving it dangling on a strip of skin as arterial blood showered over my right forearm. We were covered in blood it was a bloody business with death being our purpose, we will send our enemies across the river Hades because Odin was at our backs. "HAI PORT PHENIX" the cry went up again as we fought like dijn's possessed.

The raiders were breaking up now and running there was little resistance left and small pockets of men still held out. The archers again shooting at the backs of the running men as they tried to escape it was easy to identify between the men of the caravan and the men dressed as Aretai tribesmen, we had them on the run now. Calling out to the defenders now as we surged forward mopping up, the ballista had taken out a few running men making it easier for the men to follow on foot or on kaiila back to dispense of the remaining attackers. We had broken the attack on the caravan and now the road was clear all the way to Corcyrus and Turia. Of course there was still the captured leaders that had to be interrogated, this much men with a co-ordinated army was no small armed band but an organised force with someone big behind the scenes

(06:26:07 )

probationary Member

[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons, caravans and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to Personal combat is the u: He only had a limited amount of ammo. He only had a few ahn to make this thing but they did not know that at all as he could see the fight unfold maybe he was not even needed but like the attackers he had ashamed when the carvan came into view it was undefended and well he was no coward he had a red mark on his face to prove it. He was abit of a psycho if truth be told. He expected the few guards to be over whelmed and to cull most of them before they realized he was alone and take on what was left. But that had not happened it seemed the caravan was in fact a trap so maybe they would just assume he was apart of the trap. He had ten more make shift arrows and three large ones he could fire the ten in one go and the three in single file. So he had to pic wisely. But he didn’t need to do anything more. They was broken. So he hooked his kaiila to his toy and road back towards the port. He might have someone to play with later if he decided to do that. He would whistle while he road. Yah might be a big man behind this pain but Nic was the wildcard and wild cards could be a good thing or a bad one. So off he road like he just had a morning stroll.

The Sea Kur sets sail for Turia

(04:56:42 ) Personal combat is the ultimate test of my freedom. [PIC] Dhal al Ghur Captain of the Sea Kur [PIC] [ Dhal's Villa - B...