Wednesday, July 12, 2017

The Sea Kur sets sail for Turia

(04:56:42 )
Personal combat is the ultimate test of my freedom.
Dhal al GhurCaptain of the Sea Kur

[ Dhal's Villa - Beach & Bluffs ]--Sitting staunch on the cliffs is the Captain of the Port's home, the pillared strength resting with the town and harbor spread proudly before its watchful eye, it's a solid structure of ancient tiled halls and clean simple spaces. .
A nice view of the Thassa can be had from the front patio and balcony. --

says to His Delicious Torment.||: I was in the bedroom folding a change of clothing and placing it on the bed, as well as a few other personal items I knew that I would need on this trip. My mind mulling over the incidents and interrogation over the past few days, and the necessity for the trip that has become an necessity to take. I knew that it had been so long since I had traveled so far south and the problems we would encounter in adapting to the different environment and the harshness of the terrain of the Tahari and its different cultures. Turning to you I smiled and pointed to the bosk back on the bed of furs "pack those things into the bag please pretty beast, whatever small things you will need do so as well there is space enough for both of our things in there" We would travel lightly and purchase clothing that would fit the area when we were there like slave chalwars, slippers, burnoose and whatever else we would need when there.
(05:06:09 )
His Delicious Torment.

|| soraya ||
- Dhal's Property - 
-"The essence of Obedience.!"-

-First Girl-[PIC]

[ Dhal's Villa - Beach & Bluffs ]--Sitting staunch on the cliffs is the Captain of the Port's home, the pillared strength resting with the town and harbor spread proudly before its watchful eye, it's a solid structure of ancient tiled halls and clean simple spaces. .
A nice view of the Thassa can be had from the front patio and balcony. --

says to Personal combat is the u: Moving quickly, gathering up the bosk pack and placing all Your items in it, heads into the small room that is shared with jamee i gather up a change of silks and my hair bruush and soap and other small items, the belly chain is already, glancing around she hopes she has whats needed looking to her claok she has no idea whether she will need it or not, she grabs her basket ,hoping she cant take it with her she will have to wait and see what her Master says.Her red boots where upon her feet so she was ready to go , the cook would have preapred some food to take and there were resh botas of water cooling on the salted ice,looking around once more she pulls the door behind her and wonders when she will be back and what lays ahead of them, this being the first trip she hasnt gone on with Master other than the Road and that in itself was an adventure that changed her life forever.
(05:14:05 )
Personal combat is the ultimate test of my freedom.
Dhal al GhurCaptain of the Sea Kur

[ Dhal's Villa - Beach & Bluffs ]--Sitting staunch on the cliffs is the Captain of the Port's home, the pillared strength resting with the town and harbor spread proudly before its watchful eye, it's a solid structure of ancient tiled halls and clean simple spaces. .
A nice view of the Thassa can be had from the front patio and balcony. --

says to His Delicious Torment.||: as we worked I took looked over at you and smiled "we will sail on the Sea Kur south towards Anango. "grins "there we will put into a cove that we have used in the past and travel overland to Turia where we will stay for a few days to get provisions and hear news about the area that we will be travelling in. We will then leave and head East towards Tor either through the plains depending on how the nomads will be or through the sands of the Tahari on to Tor where we will plan and prepare for the final leg of the journey" My dark eyes flashed at you a smile on my lips you did not see the concern that I felt nor the apprehension at being back in the desert sands of the Tahari and what it could bring. It was a brutal life in those sandy wastes
(05:24:25 )
His Delicious Torment.

|| soraya ||
- Dhal's Property - 
-"The essence of Obedience.!"-

-First Girl-[PIC]

[ Dhal's Villa - Beach & Bluffs ]--Sitting staunch on the cliffs is the Captain of the Port's home, the pillared strength resting with the town and harbor spread proudly before its watchful eye, it's a solid structure of ancient tiled halls and clean simple spaces. .
A nice view of the Thassa can be had from the front patio and balcony. --

says to Personal combat is the u: Her tummy rolled hearing that we will be sailing , ironic she belonged to a Captain and she got sea ill, breathing deeply she shows no dread upon her serene features as she finishes off the packing, hearing they would be stopping in Turia wasa nice surprise and she looked forward to , having no knowledge at all of the other places Master was speaking of she had no idea to be excited or scared , the Plains she had heard of where the slaves ran around barely clad in leather vests and strips of material wound around the waists and between there legs , uncomfortable she would think but she was a silk slave of Ar and had only known silk upon her flesh ,You seemed relaxed but there was something different and she had no idea what it was , she onnly knew she was Your and folow You anywhere that You bid her to.

A cry goes up from the stands in the Ludus as the crowds cheer on their favorite fighter....

(05:30:20 )
Personal combat is the ultimate test of my freedom.
Dhal al GhurCaptain of the Sea Kur

[ Dhal's Villa - Beach & Bluffs ]--Sitting staunch on the cliffs is the Captain of the Port's home, the pillared strength resting with the town and harbor spread proudly before its watchful eye, it's a solid structure of ancient tiled halls and clean simple spaces. .
A nice view of the Thassa can be had from the front patio and balcony. --

says to His Delicious Torment.||: taking the gold talisman from its hiding place and slipping it around my neck and under my tunic where it was not seen, the chain heavy and string was hidden from sight. It was something that I had to have to ensure that some doors were to be opened in places where I needed it most. 

taking a look around once more ensuring that everything was tidy I left my room heading downstairs and waited by the door for you to come and join me. I called Helga the house keeper "I will be away on another of my voyages please see to it that everything is kept orderly just the way I like it. Please ensure that the staff stay busy and the the grounds are kept in good shape, neat and manicured" 

I saw you come and join me by the door as I finished speaking to the house keep and nodded my dark gaze slipping from her to you "its time to go" was all I said as I took the bosk bag with clothing from your fingers and slung it over my shoulder, picked up my personal weapons and headed through the door with you to heel carry your basket of goodies and whatever godsend you kept in there.
(05:40:30 )
His Delicious Torment.

|| soraya ||
- Dhal's Property - 
-"The essence of Obedience.!"-

-First Girl-[PIC]

[ Dhal's Villa - Beach & Bluffs ]--Sitting staunch on the cliffs is the Captain of the Port's home, the pillared strength resting with the town and harbor spread proudly before its watchful eye, it's a solid structure of ancient tiled halls and clean simple spaces. .
A nice view of the Thassa can be had from the front patio and balcony. --

says to Personal combat is the u: Seeing my Master already at the bottom of the stairs, grabbing my cloa kand throwing it around my shouders, the clasp closed , basket clutched in my right hand i quickly come down and wait near You as speak to Helga ,the pack easily slung over Your shouulder , gems watch as Yu gather Your personal weapons , Helga leans in and gives me a quick squeeze , a lil taken back at such a display an awkward smile is given. maybe she was going to miss my constant chatter to her about things or maybe she was worried, having no idea i simply clutch my basket hearing Master say its alright to bring it, that alone gives me a form of security because in the small basket was so many odds and ends that one never knows when one will need something such as a boned needle n thread , a lucky vulo foot and many other girl things
(05:49:35 )
Personal combat is the ultimate test of my freedom.
Dhal al GhurCaptain of the Sea Kur

[ Docks - Dock Area ]-- Somewhere on the docks of the Port. You can be on a ship or simply walking the docks. --
says to His Delicious Torment.||: The men had been ready for a hand now, The Sea Kur was always ready to set sail at a moments notice and tonight was no exception. The night was calm with a light breeze blowing off the land onto the water a perfect wind to set away from the port without much attention being drawn to us. The men on board were ready to cast off they were waiting for me and my party of one to come aboard. Gant had seen to the provisions, Sven had studied the charts although he knew the way South having sailed there on a number of occasions, my men were experienced and seasoned men seafarers and fighters to the last man. 

I watched as they had the lines slipped from the bollards that held the vessel fast and jumped across the widening gap with haste as they came on board the vessel. The yardarm was hoisted filling the sails and men with oars got the hull free and headed out into the channel docks slipping quietly away as the Tri-moons began to rise over the far mountains while still shrouding the Sea Kur as it slipped away without much notice from the Port. 

I stood at the bow my foot up against the railing my hand on the Serpent figure head as it began to move faster out into the bay the water lapping against the hull, lightly drumming the beat of the small waves against the hull. The sky awash with the stars like a million lamps being lit in the heavens, a cover had been set up in the stern where we would sleep when it found us the excitement of the trip already behind us as now the reality of what was happening and what had to be done set in....we were now committed

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The Sea Kur sets sail for Turia

(04:56:42 ) Personal combat is the ultimate test of my freedom. [PIC] Dhal al Ghur Captain of the Sea Kur [PIC] [ Dhal's Villa - B...