Monday, April 17, 2017

Mopping Up

(04:35:05 )
Let all who oppose my Home Stone fall to ruin by my hand
Dhal al Ghur
Captain of the Sea Kur

[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons, caravans and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to His Delicious Torment.||: The smoke burnt my eyes making them already more bloodshot than they were, the smell of smoke clinging to our hair and clothes as the fires that burn carried the thick oily smoke of the dead enemy burning as they were piled up under wooden pyres and set alight. Still splattered with blood and grime we walked across the field while men checked the dead separating ours from the enemy, ours would have a funeral pyre while the enemy were unceremoniously disposed of.

The caravan was stationary and strung out along the road still as most counted their losses and assessed the damages. I saw Caleb working with his men picking through the bodies killing the wounded enemy and having their bodies dragged to the fires for cremation. His men had done well picking off the raiders with courageous fury he himself dispatching the leader to Hades without mercy. He had done well in his first skirmish as a leader I was pleased.

as I walked my shadow cast over the small figure that remained at my side following never straying further than a few steps, she had nearly been lost and that would have been more terrible than me losing a general as I had come to rely on her more than ever now, she was my right hand. Turning to her as we walked, my eyes red from the smoke "did you send word to Kahil that the caravan was safe and that once he was done mopping up he was to do a quick sweep of the area to ensure it was clear of raiders and to identify a decent place to camp overnight?"

(04:48:13 )
His Delicious Torment.

|| soraya ||
- Dhal's Property -
-"The essence of Obedience.!"-

-First Girl-

[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons, caravans and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to Let all who oppose my Ho: Walking along side my Master ,every part of my body was aching , the head scarf discarded for now,the sound of blood squelching in my small boots as we walked , it was hard not to breath in the pungent smell of death as the fires burned disposing of the enemies pitiful remains , the back of her hand was used to brush her mane from her face as she listened to her Masters words,this day had been hard many sent to the cities of dust , a few by her own arrows and she contemplates this quietly ,she would do anything to help protect the Home , its people and of course her beloved Master and she would be foolish to think she had made a big impact on the outcome today but she did her best evern though she did get caught of guard by that raider , if her Master hadnt seen....she shudders to think of the outcome , but he had and she realised then how much she loved the man whos steel adorned her neck,she will try harder tomorrow be more alert , and be sure not to let herself get in a postion like today ...."aii my Master she had sent a rider to inform Him so He will be aware"

hoping they could find a place to wash and she had placed spare clothes in Nyahs caravan for them both she could just hear squelch squelch squelch as they walked truly unsure if it was only her boots filled with blood...

(05:24:07 )
Personal combat is the ultimate test of my freedom.

Dhal al Ghur
Captain of the Sea Kur

[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons, caravans and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to His Delicious Torment.||: Looking down at the little beast as I walked hearing the sound of her boots as she walked. Her blood streaked face and hair caused me to be concerned for her knowing that she was exposed to terrible things today. Issues that she probably had no prior exposure too or what the impact would be on her emotionally. I knew that she walked and functioned well doing what she had to do but inside her heart and mind I knew what she grappled with, it was worse for her than it would ever be for me. This was not what she was trained or lived for and I would not allow it again. I would not want to lose her or have her injured.

I smiled as she answered me nodding with satisfaction and her efficency while turning now to one of the traders at his wagon.."check for damage we will be moving on again soon so that we can camp for the night and count stock of our position. Pass on the word, I will tell the caravan Master. You did well today defending your property, well done and thank you." I smiled as I moved on, soraya walking alongside carrying a lance that she had picked up, it may have even been the one the raider had tried to use to dispatch her to the city of dust.

Continuing to walk along the length of the caravan checking with the men as I walked ensuring they were fine and the losses not too heavy yet satisfied that they were all in good spirits, despite the withdrawn faces after the adrenalin rush they were happy to be alive and victors. Speaking to the men as I made my way made them appreciate my leadership and most pointed to where I could hear the caravan Master shouting out orders as he sent his men to do his bidding

as we walked up the Olaf the caravan Master a Torvie to be sure he turned to me "Tal Captain, these stupid men are still in battle shock, they need to get their arses into gear because we need to get these wagons and beasts moving" a curt nod was my response "yes of course Olaf we need to get to a suitable camp site for the night so we can assess what our damages are and the next contingency plan in place." Glancing over my shoulder I watched as a few bodies were piled onto a prye "you will need to bring our dead with so we can have the funeral prye near the camp once things have settled, carry on my good man" and with that we headed off to get out kaiila's that we could rondivous with Kahil

(05:40:30 )
His Delicious Torment.

|| soraya ||
- Dhal's Property -
-"The essence of Obedience.!"-

-First Girl-

[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons, caravans and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to Personal combat is the u: Keeping pace with her Master she listened as he spoke to several of His men , praising them for how hard they had fought , her eyes couldnt help but flicker to the piles of dead , many she reconised from around the Port and her heart panged , many of the men were victorious and some just seemed sullen realising what had occured perhaps a few were like her and had never actually seen death on such a scale but she would rather be here by her Owners side than back in a wagon wondering where and how He was.

she had the lance in her small hand that the raider had held to her throat and she is truly unsure why she had picked it up but she had and she clenched it in her hand and kept up with him, a few of His men had nodded to her as she passed them and she dared not look at them unsure what her features would portray , hearing Olafs words she knew soon they would be on the move again and she hoped soon they could rest and she could care for her Owner and make him something to eat and check he truly was unhurt , and get out of the stench of these clothes.

Heading to the beasts she knew soon a pyre would once more be lit and the fires would rage carrying our own off to the cities of dust .

(06:18:58 )
Personal combat is the ultimate test of my freedom.

Dhal al Ghur
Captain of the Sea Kur

[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons, caravans and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to His Delicious Torment.||: when soraya had fallen from her beast or later in the battle she had lost her mount, in fact we both had, but as with most military trained beasts they would find their way back to where they were last dismounted. I found soraya's beast but it was injured and so leaving it with an animal Master to see to it. Mounting my own kaiila I reached down and dragged soraya by the arm dragging her up behind me allowing her to cling to me while kicking my heels into the beasts flanks making it set off clawing into the dirt as it took off into a run. We rode back north past the head of the caravan on towards the North and the Commander Kahil with his contingent of men sweeping the road. We found a rider waiting for us about 4 pasangs down the road following him down a track to a flat area near the deep flowing river where we would set up camp. The girl slipped from the beast with me following, I handed her the reins so that the beast could be tethered. "find us a place to sleep for the night I will seek out Kahil." winking at her I turned to search for the commander.

I found him speaking to a small group of his lieutenants "Tal Kahil," he nodded at his men as he had just finished with them sending them out to act on his commands. "We have captured the leader of the group, he is wounded shot through by an arrow. We will keep him well secured so that we can glean as much knowledge from him as possible." raising a brow I grinned "that is good news, reward whoever it was that captured the head of the Ost" He laughed at my words."I will leave that up to you Captain, it was your companion and her girl that managed to get him, The slave shot him and Nyah captured him." Laughing at this news "I surely will" winking at the man before turning serious once more

"we need a pyre set up away from the camp, down wind and we need to take stock of our men, weapons, defenses, and damage so that we can make informed decisions on what to do next. We have 3 more days before we get to the city of Turia I do not want any more problems. There is a large river crossing coming up, I need that area secure so that we will not be ambushed yet again." He nodded I have already sent orders to get the prye ready, the camp site is being made secure as we speak, men are checking all weapons and defensive capabilities. I will send men to check on the pontoon crossing at first light my Captain" I nodded and smiled pleased that my Commander knew what was needed before he was informed. A good strategist was always hard to come by. I left him now to seek out my little beast so that we could wash eat and rest, the night would be long and the day tomorrow even longer.

(06:44:59 )
His Delicious Torment.

|| soraya ||
- Dhal's Property -
-"The essence of Obedience.!"-

-First Girl-

[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons, caravans and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to Personal combat is the u: looking at her injured beast she frowns slighty , hoping it woud be well enough for her to ride come morn she feels her Owner lift her up behind Him and she slides as close as she can to Him, wrapping her arms around His waist, her hair now fress from the head scarf and braid she tucked her face to His back and as her long mane flew out behind her as he urged the beats on with His boots,
heading north they soon passed the caravan and stopping briefly she gathered up a pack of fresh clothes for them and soon they met up with rider men who lead us down a track to a deep and fast flowing river , the Commander kahil was sweeping the road with his men so for now she thought it could be safe, for now,

Slipping off the beast her Master hands the reigns to her and finds a animal handler to feed and water it , asking him to wipe the beast down as it to was lathered in sweat and blood and could easily get a chill from the events just past she looks at the river and the currentand then back to the flat area and soon was preparing an area for His sleeping furs picking up a fallen small branch she begins to sweep an area smooth discarding any rocks she could see so that He may get a rest this night, knowing he never fully sleeps but hopes some comfort can be sort , the small pack contained fresh clothes for both of them and a rider brought her things she would need to make Him a meal , moving to te river she caefully filled the small pot with a wire handle and took back up to where a fire had been started and she placed the water to boil to make Him black wine, verr cheese and black bread were pulled from a cloth sack and she busied herself trying to clear todays events from her mind and soon she had food and a hot drink prepared and she sat for a moment her head in her hands as she waited for Him

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The Sea Kur sets sail for Turia

(04:56:42 ) Personal combat is the ultimate test of my freedom. [PIC] Dhal al Ghur Captain of the Sea Kur [PIC] [ Dhal's Villa - B...