Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Scouts are seen in the Port

(03:33:58 )
Personal combat is the ultimate test of my freedom.
Dhal al Ghur
Captain of the Sea Kur
Captain of Port Phenix IC

[ - Phenix Grand Hall -Public Area ]
-- where the community gather under the watchful eye of the Port Captain and his lieutenants to socialize, share stories or just chill at night by the great hearth enjoying the warmth of the fire.
The doors open to give you a view of the Harbor from the steps. Benches, low tables and chairs to sit and visit.

says to His Delicious Torment.||: my hand softly stroking the golden mane my hand rough and hard as gentle as can be. A soft content smile upon my lips as I sit and contemplate the men and their motives. I would interrogate them myself personally.

(03:37:14 )
His Delicious Torment.

|| soraya ||
- Dhal's Property -
-"The essence of Obedience.!"-

-First Girl-

[ - Phenix Grand Hall -Public Area ]
-- where the community gather under the watchful eye of the Port Captain and his lieutenants to socialize, share stories or just chill at night by the great hearth enjoying the warmth of the fire.
The doors open to give you a view of the Harbor from the steps. Benches, low tables and chairs to sit and visit.

says to Personal combat is the u: nestles under your hand, enjoying the closeness, knowing you have something on your mind simply by the way you sit, the sounds of the Port wafting in thru the open windows , the lights flickering low

(03:40:11 )
Personal combat is the ultimate test of my freedom.
Dhal al Ghur
Captain of the Sea Kur
Captain of Port Phenix IC

[ - Phenix Grand Hall -Public Area ]
-- where the community gather under the watchful eye of the Port Captain and his lieutenants to socialize, share stories or just chill at night by the great hearth enjoying the warmth of the fire.
The doors open to give you a view of the Harbor from the steps. Benches, low tables and chairs to sit and visit.

says to His Delicious Torment.||: standing up now suddenly on impulse I decided that I would go down and take a look for myself at who and what these guys were up to. If it was not too difficult I could settle this now. "come my precious we have some men to see" was all I said as I set off down the road towards the barracks where the men were being kept

... A whip cracks as a slaver leads a chain of slaves from the docks to the kennels ...

(03:44:36 )
His Delicious Torment.

|| soraya ||
- Dhal's Property -
-"The essence of Obedience.!"-

-First Girl-

[ - Phenix Grand Hall -Public Area ]
-- where the community gather under the watchful eye of the Port Captain and his lieutenants to socialize, share stories or just chill at night by the great hearth enjoying the warmth of the fire.
The doors open to give you a view of the Harbor from the steps. Benches, low tables and chairs to sit and visit.

says to Personal combat is the u: Your movement startled her some but she soon was upon her feet, and hurrying behind you as you head out and down to the road in the direction of the barracks, her boots barely touching the road as she virtually needs to trot to keep up with your stride, her basket held in her hand carrying an array of things encase you needed something ,
(03:45:41 )
Personal combat is the ultimate test of my freedom.
Dhal al Ghur
Captain of the Sea Kur
Captain of Port Phenix IC

[ Streets - Around the Port ]
-- On one of the streets that weave around the Port --

says to His Delicious Torment.||: the walk was brisk and the night cool, light flickered from the lamps wherever they were placed, darkness and pools of light dancing back and forth eerily. The crunch of my boots carried over the stillness of the night as I trudged down towards the Port the little beast following close at hand. Glancing over my shoulder a smile upon my lips when I saw you skipping along behind me keeping pace, those little red boots flashing darkly upon the streets the sounds of our passing along marking our way through the night.

(03:50:58 )
His Delicious Torment.

|| soraya ||
- Dhal's Property -
-"The essence of Obedience.!"-

-First Girl-

[ - Phenix Grand Hall -Public Area ]
-- where the community gather under the watchful eye of the Port Captain and his lieutenants to socialize, share stories or just chill at night by the great hearth enjoying the warmth of the fire.
The doors open to give you a view of the Harbor from the steps. Benches, low tables and chairs to sit and visit.

says to Personal combat is the u: normally she was frightened of the dark but never when she was with her beloved Master ,nothing could hurt her when He was around , the night was still and just the sound of our boots could be heard, the lamps giving off an eerie glow soon a mist would roll in off the water and envelope the Port , that's when she had heard the creatures of the Port come out from their hiding places and try and snatch rats and anything else that looks easy prey , she's not sure if its true but that's what the guards were telling the kitchen girls

(03:55:50 )
Personal combat is the ultimate test of my freedom.
Dhal al Ghur
Captain of the Sea Kur
Captain of Port Phenix IC

[ Port Barracks - Dock Area ]
neat compact rows of stone buildings house the troops of the port, beside that a parade ground where they train improving their skills in the defense of the Port..

says to His Delicious Torment.||: The barracks housed the port guard and was the center of the Port defenses. The guard room stood apart from the rest of the sleeping quarters and the duty officer stood to attention as I entered the doorway suddenly. "Tal, are you the officer of the guard?" I did not wait for an answer but the man nodded as I continued "where are the men that were detained, where are they held, I trust that you have not interrogated them yet?" I fired off the questions one after the other without giving the man a chance to respond decently. "yes Captain, in the cells down the corridor Captain, no Captain!" the man stammered as he tried to keep up with the verbal onslaught. I headed quickly down the corridor to the cells the officer of the guard running ahead before me to open the cell doors

(04:00:57 )
His Delicious Torment.

|| soraya ||
- Dhal's Property -
-"The essence of Obedience.!"-

-First Girl-

[ - Phenix Grand Hall -Public Area ]
-- where the community gather under the watchful eye of the Port Captain and his lieutenants to socialize, share stories or just chill at night by the great hearth enjoying the warmth of the fire.
The doors open to give you a view of the Harbor from the steps. Benches, low tables and chairs to sit and visit.

says to Personal combat is the u: entering the barracks following her Master she felt eyes upon her from all directions , never had she been here before but she held her poise and silently listened to her Master firing off questions then they were off again down a corridor, she dared not look into the cells they passed but she caught a few words calling out to her and she shuddered and tried to stay as close as she could to her Master

(04:08:27 )
Personal combat is the ultimate test of my freedom.
Dhal al Ghur
Captain of the Sea Kur
Captain of Port Phenix IC

[ Port Barracks - Dock Area ]
neat compact rows of stone buildings house the troops of the port, beside that a parade ground where they train improving their skills in the defense of the Port..

says to His Delicious Torment.||: the men sat on the floor their straw beds were all they had to sleep on and there was no blankets. I stood at the door to the cell my right hand carrying the axe loosely cocked over my right shoulder now making a menacing sight for the men that laid or sat upon the floor.

"I'm the Captain of the Port what is it that you want here in Port Phenix. It's clear that you are not merchants and have a military background? I had watched you on the central plaza." My dark eyes shone in the flickering light of the lamps "we can do it one of two ways, either you are open and tell me the truth." pausing for some dramatic effect "or we can do it the hard way where I extract the whole truth from you by means of pain and torture, either way I will have the truth?"

The men glanced over at each other and by the reaction it was obvious that they had discussed this among themselves. "we are part of a scouting party, we were sent here to evaluate the defenses and identify the weak points in your defenses." replying quickly "who sent you?" the pause in the reply was deliberate as I waited "we are not sure who it was, the man that escaped he came to us and recruited us for the task" with I nod I asked again "where has he gone too and where did you meet this man?" I asked and the reply "in the market in the Sadar we have no idea where he came from" nodding I turned and retreated from the cell. I would leave them with this although I did not believe them I would return and get to the bottom of this yet

(04:14:48 )
His Delicious Torment.

|| soraya ||
- Dhal's Property -
-"The essence of Obedience.!"-

-First Girl-

[ - Phenix Grand Hall -Public Area ]
-- where the community gather under the watchful eye of the Port Captain and his lieutenants to socialize, share stories or just chill at night by the great hearth enjoying the warmth of the fire.
The doors open to give you a view of the Harbor from the steps. Benches, low tables and chairs to sit and visit.

says to Personal combat is the u: keeping out of the way she could not help but twitch her nose at the smell in the small cell, the straw was soiled in parts as she listened quietly to her Master speak to the men, she wasn't really sure what they meant but by the look on her Owners face this was not good, her small hands fidgeting behind her back , bits of words drift to her ears , her lips dry she runs the tip of her pink tongue over them and remembers her time on the Road with her Master could this be connected....

(04:21:56 )
Personal combat is the ultimate test of my freedom.
Dhal al Ghur
Captain of the Sea Kur
Captain of Port Phenix IC

[ Port Barracks - Dock Area ]
neat compact rows of stone buildings house the troops of the port, beside that a parade ground where they train improving their skills in the defense of the Port..

says to His Delicious Torment.||: moving quickly down the corridor and out into the guard room bidding my farewell to the officer in charge and headed back into the Port streets my mind going over the new information that I had just received. Glancing over my shoulder to see if you were still with me or if any grabbing hands from those cells had not detained or pawed over your lush body. A smile teasing upon my lips as I walked heading back towards the bluffs and the villa not wanting to spend any more time in the hall it was time for my furs and the warm flesh of my lovely beast...oh those carnal pleasures

(04:25:05 )
His Delicious Torment.

|| soraya ||
- Dhal's Property -
-"The essence of Obedience.!"-

-First Girl-

[ - Phenix Grand Hall -Public Area ]
-- where the community gather under the watchful eye of the Port Captain and his lieutenants to socialize, share stories or just chill at night by the great hearth enjoying the warmth of the fire.
The doors open to give you a view of the Harbor from the steps. Benches, low tables and chairs to sit and visit.

says to Personal combat is the u: glad to be out in the fresh night air she hurries to keep up with her beloved Master and sees they are heading Home , a soft smile plays across her lush lips , soon she hoped they would be in the warmth of furs

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The Sea Kur sets sail for Turia

(04:56:42 ) Personal combat is the ultimate test of my freedom. [PIC] Dhal al Ghur Captain of the Sea Kur [PIC] [ Dhal's Villa - B...