Saturday, April 8, 2017

We arrive at the Ost Fangs

(00:57:16 )
His Delicious Torment.

|| soraya ||
- Dhal's Property -
-"The essence of Obedience.!"-

-First Girl-

[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to Let all who oppose my Ho: Waking before dawn,she rises and grabs a bota pulling the cork out with her teeth she pours some cool water in her cupped hand and wipes her face, no soaps or perfumes here , she could not risk that her smell would be caught on the breeze and her postion would be given away if it came to that, her silks had been left far behind at the Villa and instead she wore a simple tunic top of black over leather pants only her trusty red boots remanined , though now they were dusty and dull. her long mane had been braided and tucked down the back of her tunic,perhaps people would think she was a boy from the distance as she was only of slight stature.Moving quietly thru the camp she heads to the well were two guards were stationed they simply nodded as the worn pot was lowered down , dragging the rope back up she fills several botas for her Master for the day and then fills the small tin pot that she would brew Him some blackwine for when He awakens, some verr cheese and sa tarn bread had prepared back at the port along with other food ration packs to sustain them on the journey and she heads to get things prepared for Him.

(01:30:15 )
Let all who oppose my Home Stone fall to ruin by my hand
Dhal al Ghur
Captain of the Sea Kur

[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to His Delicious Torment.||: The Tor tu Gor had not yet painted the horizon with its first hint of light when I rose from my blanket. I moved quickly to wash my face and hands from a bucket before quickly moving to the ridge of the nearby overlooking hill. One of the guards was hidden in a thicket of scrub was keeping a vigilant eye out because this was one of the times when an attack was most prevalent at dusk and just before the dawn. squatting down beside him in silence we both searched the lay of the land before us the coolness of the impending dawn welcome because the heat of the day would be brutal before long once the Tor tu Gor rose. I touched his arm letting him know that all was well and moved off.

Moving back down and into the camp I saw that people were already busy readying themselves for the days travel, baskets were being loaded on the pack kaiila, wagons being hitched to the beasts, bedding and water being loaded or distributed so that the heat of the day was more endurable and the beasts were watered en route. The guards remained at their posts and woul only leave once I had issued the command, I recognized the figure of Kahil as moved towards me to report that he had already sent some scouts out up ahead along the road. "they left about thirty ehn ago Captain to scout ahead and check the flanks of the road. There was nothing to report during the night and I suspect that we have not been seen yet or perhaps they are waiting for us to enter a more favorable ambush position before making themselves known." nodding I responded "good carry on Kahil be sure the men have plenty of water and dried fruits and bosk, they must keep their strength up"

I turned now towards soraya "greetings beast did you rest well?" I moved over towards you taking the small tin from your delicate fingers, the light had not yet reached the horizon but would be there very soon, your figure dark in the early morning small and quick as you hurried to assist and get ready. You were my messenger and I would use you today to relay messages between me my men and the caravan. I was worried that you would be unarmed and had no protection but I knew that you could ride as well as any man if not better. I stood beside my mount and removed my bow and quiver of arrows "here soraya take this, you may need this today and its only to be used in extreme emergencies" I handed the bow and arrows to the girl "fasten it to your pommel or on your back wherever you find it easier to use." I had spoken in a low tone so as not to let the sound carry standing close to her now I wanted to reach out and crush her to me or take her like a beast there and then, but instead I leaned in and kissed her tenderly "take care today little one...I need you"

(01:48:04 )
His Delicious Torment.

|| soraya ||
- Dhal's Property -
-"The essence of Obedience.!"-

-First Girl-

[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to Let all who oppose my Ho: Moving quickly to roll up His sleeping blanket and her small woven rug she stows thew away in a wagon, the heat seemed to begun already even though it still was relatively dark, earlier she has deen Masters men mount and head off and her mind was focuosed on what needs to be done now,ensuring His food pack was wrapped tightly and His botas were full she waited till His return,then her eyes caught sight of Him moving towards her and she felt that familiar burn in her belly and she dropped to knees

"tal my Master "she offers "aii she slept well for being on small rocks all night , a wicked smile played on her lips and she listens as You hand her the bow and quivers and Your instructions , knowing the trust You place in her she answers simply "aii my Master"Understanding the responsibility He has given her she takes it very seriously and then her eyes met His briefly before His lips claimed hers and she heard His words "she will becareful my Master and she needs You very much "
(02:08:17 )
Let all who oppose my Home Stone fall to ruin by my hand
Dhal al Ghur
Captain of the Sea Kur

[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to His Delicious Torment.||: the sky began to lighten long before the Tor tu Gor sent its glory above the horizon, the caravan was already on the move scouts had been posted , men were already moving through the low hills that flanked the road while others followed up as the rear guard. Kahil had seen that the action was all coordinated in effect ensuring the safety of the caravan. I rode the beast along the caravan moving up along the line ensuring that the baskets were secure, the riders vigilant and the wagons were moving along easily. I wanted a safe journey on to Turia and while I moved along the caravan soraya my shadow road along behind me. The Bow and quiver tied to the pommel of her saddle should she need it. I knew she could shoot he had proven herself to me on many occasions and as I glanced back over my shoulder at her I did not smile, she wouldn't have been able to see anyway as the sand scarf was wrapped about my features to protect my skin from the ravages of the elements. She would see the smile in my eyes and knew that she was pleasing to me even in my silence.

I allowed her to ride up beside me as she drew in alongside of me I spoke "go up ahead and let Kahil know that he is to send me word when we are at least 10 pasangs from the place they call 'the Osts Fangs' Two pillars of sandstone that stood high and to the south of the road. They would make a perfect vantage point to see the caravan approach so that they would be forewarned to set up an ambush. "I will be over riding in the low hill over on the right side of the will find me out there with the other men sweeping the right flank" my darl eyes held your and you knewe that I was not smiling, it was business as usual "Be careful beast" was all I said as I sent you on up ahead

(02:27:48 )
His Delicious Torment.

|| soraya ||
- Dhal's Property -
-"The essence of Obedience.!"-

-First Girl-

[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to Let all who oppose my Ho: Drawing the black scarf from the small pouch she wrapped it around her head and mouth the dust and grit was relentless , she kept close to Him her booted heels urging the beast along , the heat was becoming opressive and she was glad of the water bota slung across her shoulder, they rode along side the caravan knowing His was ensuring all was secure , there was a silnce between them but now was not the time for idle talk , her sense sharp she lets her dark gems scan arond her knowing its imporatnt to always be aware of her surroundings , He had taught her such .

His instructions short and clear she dug her heels in harder and letting the beast pick up speed she headed to find Kahil and deliver the message, passing several riders she did not acknowledge them she was only seeking out One and soon she saw Him in the distance , the beast was snorting as it kicked up dust and she rode like she was born in the saddle and soon she caught up to Him and took a moment to catch her breath "Master has sent word He wants notice when we are 10 passangs from"the
Osts Fangs"knowing Kahil knew what it was the two sandstone pillars high up and on the south side of the road , Kahil said no words just a nod and pulling on the beasts reighs she headed in the direction her Master had told her to find Him, her mouth parched from the heat and she can imagine her pale skin would be flushed .

(03:26:04 )
Let all who oppose my Home Stone fall to ruin by my hand
Dhal al Ghur
Captain of the Sea Kur

[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to His Delicious Torment.||: As we rode my eyes swept the low hills, moving fast yet with stealth keeping below the ridge lines as we swept the right side of the road moving ahead of the caravan. I was riding with four other men sweeping as far a two pasangs off the road, there was another team riding and sweeping the opposite side of the road constantly moving along the sides and up ahead of the caravan, there was a read guard that also swept the back of the track. The caravan was pretty well protected, yet anything could happen. These raiders were obviously well trained men and not just some rabble thats why they had become such a problem, or why their success had been so consistent.

The kaiila rode in from the left side of the road with the small figure upon its back, I knew it was my first as the dusty scuffed boots identified her from the others. I was grateful to see her, I made a mental note to get her some new boots and a belly chin. I thought that she would look beautiful in that chain while I ravaged her. Smiling to myself realizing that even out here in the wild during an operation I would think of fucking the beast. It felt good to know that I still desired using her at every opportunity. I would take her tonight to share my bed.

We had barely broken the set of low hills when another rider joined us informing me that the Ost Teeth had been seen "we need to pause the caravan send word soraya." with that I kicked my heels into the beasts flanks surging ahead as I rode hard to meet with Kahil we needed to strategise now, we needed a plan to ensure that we moved past this obstacle would need to maybe make a sweep behind the sandstone pillars. I saw him and his small group of men just below the crest of a hill as they looked over towards the two pillars as they contemplated the options.

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The Sea Kur sets sail for Turia

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