Thursday, April 13, 2017

In the midst of battle

(04:19:41 )
I am the terror of my enemies

Amir al Salaam
Aretai Mercenary
Fighting under the banner of the Vosk Alliance
Secondary Character

[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --

says to --| Nyah |--..|Dhal al G: The skirmish had been brief and bloody men had been lost on both sides and despite us losing six men the other side had lost but two, I was perplexed that they seemed well trained yet rode under no banners or had anything to tell us who they were? Were they another band of raiders? Surely not! We were the biggest co-ordinated band in the area we wanted to control all of the trade along the Genesian road and beyond into Thassa, it was something that I was not prepared for. I expected a group of men from one of the cities, Corcyrus, Bazi, the Port or even Brundisium and not an unidentified force, this really worried me.

"we have to gain the advantage Thaj, this band of usurpers seems to have stumbled upon us during their scouting, we need to retaliate with haste. Where is our secondary force?" The slight burnoose clad rider looked over at his Commander and spoke rapidly in a Taharian dialect "they wait over beyond the red hill 5 pasangs south oh Great Punisher. A contingent of 100 men await your command" I looked over my shoulder at the almost 100 mounted men behind me all members of the Aretai tribe mercenaries and warrior tribesmen every last one "good I will bring them in if we need them" adjusting the sand scarf about my face I simply said "split into two parties Thaj you lead one and ride along the south side of the road heading towards the caravan where you will flank them and attack from their side I will send a small group down the road while I take the rest on the opposite flank where we can attack from both sides of the road cutting them up into small groups, Harta my friend we must take the advantage of speed and surprise"

(04:46:17 )

--| Nyah |--
..|Dhal al Ghur's Woman|..
-|House of Coultrain|-
-Merchant -

[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to I am the terror of my en:

The Captain Watched from His position and could see that the 3 groups of archers had taken up there positions….. (group 1)…Making way to blend into some trees not far from the river banks and scattered all throughout the area….

(group 2)….A quick glance to His right and He may see the archers on foot now darting spreading there line out amongst the trees and brush on the hill tops….

…(group 3)…the first line of Archers behind him would move forward towards the edge of the Hilltop ready to step forward ….still waiting on The first command…. all was still as The Men waited …..
 as the Archers took to There positions and cover, preparing for the battle that would happen…nothing would stop this….The band of Outlaws nestled in there nest below…all ways out of there camp had been blocked off…in some Manner or form…..

Nyahs 10 Archers spread out 6 feet apart in a small line of defence…..the rest of the Archers in her group settled off in Places hiding watching and waiting the word to attack…..the area was silent yet you could hear the sounds of The outlaws laughing and cheering…..if they thought they were quiet well they were not…… I would Look to My men and offer a soft smirk…the Scarf covered that smirk but My eyes would pass on the message to those watching…..

Was Then That The yellow Flag Was dropped ……motioning for -Group 2- of the Archers to nock the Arrows then dipping the Arrow heads wrapped in cloth into oil and then into the small fires….."FIRE" was shouted… then a volley of flaming arrows were sent down in to the valley of outlaws…

 as soon as The Arrow were in flight The Next flag -green- was dropped for -Group 3- to step forward and set ready to fire… ….Arrows nocked and fired… then they would Drop down On there Knee …. the line behind stepped forward nocking the next arrow and fired……

(Group 1 defending the river bank remained still ….Holding…waiting …. then the archers split …..leaving the Main line of archers to defend the middle area of The dry river…. waiting to surprise those who came This way……Group one waited for there Captain to drop the red flag and when done The arrows were nocked and fired….leaving the 10 archersstill holding there stance waiting and not giving away There position
(05:05:41 )
I am the terror of my enemies

Amir al Salaam
Aretai Mercenary
Fighting under the banner of the Vosk Alliance
Secondary Character

[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to --| Nyah |--..|Dhal al G: the order no sooner given when pandemonium struck the men began falling struck by arrows fired from somewhere I looked up wildly seeing where the the flaming arrows were being fired from it appeared to be from behind the large hill to my left. Beasts were screaming as they were struck by indescriminate hail of burning arrows, men fell from their beasts in flames as their robes caught fire and already the smell of burning flesh premeated the air. Men wild eyed searched for the source but held their positions fighting the impulse to run, it was then that another hail of arrows fell from the opposite side over from the river bank tearing into the men, that was almost line of sight, firing straight at the men.

It was when I shouted the command "Thaj go NOW!" I pointed to the south and the direction of the road while I wheeled my beast towards the hill "THE REST ON ME" Thaj and his men sprang into action, their beasts bursting out of the group riding hard to avoid the falling arrows heading towards the road and with some luck safety. Then arrows fell from just behind the summit of the tall hill before us, I knew then that they had not been surprised by the skirmish but rather prepared for it...this was no band of untrained guards these were battle hardened trained men that confronted us. The group had lost about 15 men and beasts so there was about 30 men that broke away and rode after the Thaj.

The beast sprang forward screaming as it ran the terror of those that were dying and the screams of the wounded beasts has made the adrenaline pump and it sprang forward clawing for traction as it ran where I led it, directly at that large hill where the attack was coming from. The remainder of the men about 35 in all immediately galvanized into action charged after me as we headed directly for the hill knowing full well that there would be men on foot protecting the archers. The advantage was always with mounted men and as the beast charged I like most of the men that rode hard now lay flat along the backs of the charging kaiila directly into the storm.

At the bottom of the hill I pointed upwards with three fingers extended  a hand signal, as I wheeled the beast to my right to scout around the hill and take them from behind while half of the men continued to charge up the hill the rest following me riding hard to skirt the bottom of the hill. I had hoped that the archers that were at the opposite side of the river bank would not have a clear shot or line of sight through the scrub and low bush that grew along the bottom of the hill beside the river bank thus offering us some cover as we charged.


--| Nyah |--
..|Dhal al Ghur's Woman|..
-|House of Coultrain|-
-Merchant -

[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to I am the terror of my en:

the sound of arrows flying through the skies was deafening and as The arrows left the bow another barrage of fire was set upon the men in the Valley…..

Thralls in all areas ran bundles of arrows spreading them out in small piles if needed then retreating out of site…

waiting for any commands from There -Captain of the Port-….

Was Then His arm Raised and he began to swing his arm in a circular Motion….the skill of The archers was amazing as One by one (group 3) The second line of Archers turned as The men on foot waited for any who would Break free of the attack of arrows and charge to attack….. The Captain was an expert in warfare and Knew the only way out of such attack was to attack back and That is what These outlaws were doing…. men on mounts …the soldiers now in front of the Archers would find it hard to fight them off….But the help of archers was only a plus for them…..The sound of The Beasts Hoof slamming at the Ground Now grew louder as The outlaws headed towards The Men…. Archers held There stance till the riders Were in shooting range….

Below in the valley men on Mounts Headed up the hills towards The wall of archers…..(group 2)….smashing into the Arches killing them as there Beasts claws ripped there body, s the screams of the Beast echoed through the Valley……

(Group 1) the archers on the River bank moved slowly through the bush and trees towards The camp….shooting arrows when needed at any who were still willing to fight…..many of the archers were attacked and killed But the line continued to defend….

(05:48:21 )
I am the terror of my enemies

Amir al Salaam
Aretai Mercenary
Fighting under the banner of the Vosk Alliance
Secondary Character

[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to --| Nyah |--..|Dhal al G: The beast run hard clawing at the ground eating up distance as I began to turn the bend of the hill skirting the bottom, some 15 odd men charging along behind me. Laying down across the saddle I had already taken the horned bow from the pommel nocking an arrow with practiced ease, I had been lucky not to have been wounded or killed in those first deadly volleys of arrows. I was a tribesman and knew how to ride almost from birth, there was little doubt that this was an intense battle that only glory was to be found, glory in victory or glory in death. I lifted my torso slightly as I saw an archer come into view and fired almost immediately the arrow taking the archer in the throat, instinctively and within an ihn I had notched another arrow from the quiver at the pommel and fired at another that was nearby also taking him down. I reached now for the quiver knowing that it would be fierce battle now taking five arrows holding it in my left hand so that I could draw and nock at the same time increasing the speed of my retaliation as I worked my way around the base of the hill my men in close pursuit.

"THE GLORY OF NINE WELLS" I heard the cry from the men as they breached the lines at the top of the hill, the sounds of the battle carrying down to my band as they quickly worked their way around the base of the hill. The sound of steel on steel, the screams dying and wounded men and the shouts of commands as they fought for their lives. Adrenalin pumping everything seemed to unfold like in slow motion, senses heightened as the beasts clawed and men focused on the enemy. My bow now in my left hand as I sat upright drawing then releasing at an enemy, reaching forward taking another arrow in my left hand nocking and drawing it immediately as I swung the bow at another archer firing and immediately reaching for the string and arrow shooting rapidly as did a few of the men behind me.

we needed to turn the tide, tipple the advantage to our side and I knew that I had to get the Commander of this group, cut off the head of the snake.

My quiver empty now I cast my bow aside as I drew the scimitar with my right hand leaning over to my right hacking into one of the enemy as I rode past then over to my right slashing at him while working through the men as they scattered, slipping from the beast I charged up the hill towards where the rest of the battle was engaging taking on men as I waded through the small groups of men and beasts towards where I imagined would be the commander, if I was him that's where I would be on high ground where I could command and direct the attack and ensuing battle. Blood spraying as I hacked men crying in death I smelled of blood and must have looked like a djin with only the dark eyes raging above the sand scarf that still covered my face

(06:20:32 )

--| Nyah |--
..|Dhal al Ghur's Woman|..
-|House of Coultrain|-
-Merchant -

[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to I am the terror of my en:

Nyah was hidden on a Branch of a tree The sounds and smells of death and Battle filled The area…… Was Then Nyah raised her hand slightly… the 9 archers in On motion Lifted There Nocked bows… waiting…. and then Men charged towards The area these archers protected…..

One by one The archers took aim and shot to kill ....... the outlaws falling as the arrows hit there Marks…..Nyah nocked her Next arrow taking aim and hitting one of The men in The chest… as One fell another appeared….the archers ducked and weaved behind trees holding the area for now….

Nyah jumped from the branch landing in a crouch position .. and nocked another arrow in what seemed to be one movement….Arrows shooting off in the direction of the attacking outlaws…..her arrow hit hard in to one of those attackers arm she moved quickly to grab another arrow but the Man was on her quicker then she could grip her next arrow…. she then swung her Bow towards The man s Head stepping off one her right foot and swinging as hard as she could her body turning in a circular motion to add to the strength she would need to collect with Him hard enough to at least knock him off guard….the Bow hit hard over his face and he Fell….to the Ground on His face….. dropping the Bow she pulled at The Blade that was sheathed to the small of her Back and Moved to pull back on His Hair and In one swift deep pull of The Blade across his throat….blood spurted from the deep wound….she could hear the sound of him drowning on his blood she dropped His head and retreated to grab her bow…..and Moved off to the line of Trees….. wiping her blade on her cape she sheathed it this time in the leather sheath attached to her thigh….jamee moved over toward her checking all was ok.. Nyah nodded and motioned to the right…. jamee turned quickly to shoot yet another outlaw who was ready to attack one of ours…….We would now Move Forward to join the Other archers who approached the outlaws camp…..

(06:45:24 )
I am the terror of my enemies

Amir al Salaam
Aretai Mercenary
Fighting under the banner of the Vosk Alliance
Secondary Character

[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to --| Nyah |--..|Dhal al G: The fighting was hard and desperate all seasoned fighters, all battle hardened without doubt, men that knew how to wield their weapons and make their enemies pay. A bearded axe swung at my right shoulder from over at my right, pivoting on my right foot, the scimitar whipping from my left to block the shaft of the axe the swing absorbed by my right hand my torso assisting in absorbing the blow by moving back too, then with a right to left whip of my arm and wrist the blade swept along the shaft hacking into the left side of the mans neck in a spout of blood dropping him at my feet, twisting now to my left, the scimitar continuing the flow blocked a sword coming from my left, knocking it away and further out to my left while immediately whipping the scimitar in a reverse left to right diagonally high to low slash at the mans right knee cutting and cleaving making him fall while whipping the blade up from the low right up and over hacking into his neck as he fell finishing him too as that razor sharp blade took off his head spurting and gushing blood.

wild eyes dark orbs searched through the men fighting for the leader but I couldn't identify him, then I saw what appeared to be two women fighting among the men, both archers I began to move towards them as one attacker was knocked back and to the ground his throat slit in an instant, the other woman was cover the other with her bow shooting at my men, I fought off another attacker always moving towards them thinking that I could use them as bait to lure out the Commander or use them for trade. Fighting off the another guard I turned to see the woman that slit the mans throat point at me as I was about to hack into another man when the other woman shot me at her command. I felt the arrow pierce my right chest just below the shoulder spinning me and dropping me to the ground, I knew that the arrow had run through me protruding out my back and as I fell the shaft snapped with the weight of my body as I struck the ground face first and lay as my consciousness swept me from light to darkness and I knew no more.

(07:15:49 )

--| Nyah |--
..|Dhal al Ghur's Woman|..
-|House of Coultrain|-
-Merchant -

[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to I am the terror of my en:

The fight above was still wild The sounds carried on the Breeze and echoed through out the valley…the smell of fire and burning bodies also filled The air pulling at the scarf to stop some of the horrific stench.

Nyah stopped hearing The sound of someone at her rear… she Looked to her small band of archers they now were fighting off these Men …Her cape now tucked up and in to The Belt allowed her better movement….one of the archers Stepped Back behind Nyah dropping his bow down … Then pulled His longsword from his scabbard and when the enemy stepped forward towards Nyah….in one single motion severed the outlaws windpipe…before the man could react…the razor sharp blade sent warm blood over the area…..they moved away as The man fell to his knees…grasping at his throat as he died…falling forward with a loud thump on to the floor of dirt…

was Then I caught eyes with One of The Many outlaws his eyes dark and wild he was covered in Blood a fine Warrior ...... Eyes Locked as I watched you move towards me…Men were dropping it just Never seemed to end…..jamee stepping to my side she was never far… her Bow notched as I looked to her lifting My chin slightly…..the archer with the sword behind Me fighting off any who came near…. I pointed to those eyes and jamee released the shot….she was a good shot as The arrow hit his chest hard and firm. spinning him enough to see the arrow protrude from the Warriors back. and as he fell…my eyes never left his a smile under my scarf…

….Everyone was exhausted .. and the sound of a horn sounded……one of our Home…. the outlaws who lived scattered leaving the dead and wounded…… We Remained in the small circle watching as These bastards run.. and was Then I saw The Mounted Men of the port enter The outlaws ruined camp…. I pulled the blade from its sheath and with jamee and Evan we moved to this Warrior…… My foot pressed to his back as Evan checked him Over

"He is alive" …

I ripped The leather strapping from my Belt and had jamee tie his hands and feet…. I bent down after the Warrior was tied and pulled at the scarf that covered his face…..jamee broke the arrow off at the Exit point leaving the rest through the Man until we returned to the wagons……I motioned to the thralls to get this man to the wagons….they did and I took a Huge Breath in and Looked over the bodies that scattered The ground…

Evan moved round with the other Archers searching for any of our men

(07:27:18 )
I am the terror of my enemies

Amir al Salaam
Aretai Mercenary
Fighting under the banner of the Vosk Alliance
Secondary Character

[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to --| Nyah |--..|Dhal al G: I had lost conciousness and so nothing mattered now, what transpired I had no knowledge of but had I been concious I would have seen my men break off and retreat fighting as the withdrew and ran. The commander of the other group I had no idea of his progress but as for the few men that were left in my group they managed to withdraw as they fought and faded into the brush to escape. I was now a captive and hoped that I would be treated as a leader and not tortured. The fact that the arrow was snapped off and left was good as it helped stem the bleeding until it could be attended to...but what would I know only time would tell if there was mercy or not.

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