Saturday, April 22, 2017

The Tortures Arrive

(03:00:24 )

--| Nyah |--
..|Dhal al Ghur's Woman|..
-|House of Coultrain|-
-Merchant -

[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons, caravans and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to ALL: the wagon was away from the caravans ...the prisoners were secured within..... she Moved along the dirt past the field of longer grasses.... there were guards surrounding the wagon... as she passed by they all questioned her reason to visit... she carried a medical Kit... and wore a cape of Green to confuse the injured man and hope to gain"
(03:05:55 )

--| Nyah |--
..|Dhal al Ghur's Woman|..
-|House of Coultrain|-
-Merchant -

[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons, caravans and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to ALL: I had Bathed in the small water hole and redressed in to leathers and a tunic this cape of Green covered my body….hair pulled Back off My face,,,,,,, in the small of my back was sheathed my blade……I would Make My way along the dirt path towards The wagons …one wagon was off on its own…well guarded by a selection of warriors… taking huge steps towards That particular wagon….

I spoke to the guards asking How the man was and they informed me he had woken but was dropping in and Out of consciousness…I would nod and Take one of the water bolas from the side of the wagon as I moved up the steps and past the guard at the Main door then entered lifting the flap as I passed through and stopped……
(03:10:50 )

--| Nyah |--
..|Dhal al Ghur's Woman|..
-|House of Coultrain|-
-Merchant -

[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons, caravans and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to ALL:
the room was dark and The Man lay on the cot with furs under him nothing covering his…. His shirt had been removed …seems the wound had stopped Bleeding but the arrow was still lodged in the chest… just up closer to the shoulder……I made my way towards The Man and Knelt off to one side so I was down at His body level…. my hand Felt his forehead and I motioned to the slave "get me a bowl of water and some rep cloth….for now I was the only person who would care for his wounds…he would have no idea i was one of the archers….I placed The med kit to the floor and opened it ….I would only offer this man basic care I was a merchant not a healer…But I did know a few things…after all I was a Scarer……

the bowl of water placed on the floor alongside the Med kit… the guard checked the ropes that kept this man secured on the cot…… I began to wipe the cloth round The arrow shaft…. the head had passed through jammy had already broken that arrow head off but left the rest to reduce bleeding….I pressed hard on the wound alongside the arrow shaft and Looked to the Mans face……watching the pain cover his face… and smiled….. he moaned and Moved a little the shackles shaking some……then gripping the arrow I moved it back and forward… the man screamed in pain as the guards Moved closer I raised My hand slowly…..

"it is fine sir you are safe" she spoke softly to the Man…in attempt to rouse him back to life so to speak….His head moved slow from one side to the other… I looked over his body to see many wounds some deeper then others but for Now they would be fine…
(03:15:37 )

--| Nyah |--
..|Dhal al Ghur's Woman|..
-|House of Coultrain|-
-Merchant -

[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons, caravans and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to ALL:

 He woke screaming Pulling hard on His restraints… I lent Back away from the Warrior…. The Guards Moved In close but did Nothing just allowed the man to come Back to us ….Trying His best to swing and Kick…But held secure….it was obvious he thought himself still in Battle….

"You are safe……" I spoke out loud…."you are in the medical wagon" and with That I stood and Moved back from the Cot till the wild man came around altogether

I watched as The warrior rolled on the furs moaning and calling out orders to any men… he was still in Battle in His mind…. we allowed him to continue …he would settle when he wore himself out…."

What is your Name I kept asking…..Your Name sir …"I had wondered why someone had not come for Him… he was there leader… maybe They thought him dead….with luck he would be broken to give away all his knowledge but That was work for the tortures….. they had arrived in the Last eve… and Now with the wagons Moving once again… time would need to be set aside for these wagon men to do what they did best…extract information

(04:01:48 )

--| Nyah |--
..|Dhal al Ghur's Woman|..
-|House of Coultrain|-
-Merchant -

[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons, caravans and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to ALL:
The creak's and grind of the heavy wagons moved Over the soil…they were pulled by slow-footed bosk ….Sobs and screaming like terrible music echoed from the wagon…many of the wounded had been questioned in a way noter would Know or see… these men did what they did under The quiet of The night away from people… today They had come to take The man believed to be The Leader of the outlaws…..As I left the wagon and Moved down the steps of the wagon the stench from that wagon made me gag…the sounds of the wailing and wet, heavy noises the tortures made while they were doing There work… My feet hit the ground and without Running I seemed to float quickly over the ground surface… get away myself….
(04:02:12 )

--| Nyah |--
..|Dhal al Ghur's Woman|..
-|House of Coultrain|-
-Merchant -

[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons, caravans and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to ALL:

was then I met one of the FW she spoke softly

"Nyah…How many of these tormented are hung…how many already dead in there chains?' does this ever stop and do these men ever sleep even in the Heat of the Day?

I gripped at my cape and pulled it round my body as I turned to look at The woman's face and looked deep in her eyes…..

"How dare you…How dare you compare those outlaws to These Men"

"I did not " she sprouted…the screams coming from the wagon." I feel the same way as you do Nyah"

"Liar friend of the Outlaw...they are killers….do you not realise without this Information you are Not safe….your children The people of the Homes that travel along these roads…. it could be you in that wagon if it had Been you captured….but No Our Men these men do what They have to to find out where, how and when we could be attacked again….do you not realise this?"

The FW turned and Made her way from Me I glared at her and turned my Back to Make way to my Kaiila

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