Thursday, April 27, 2017

Scouting the opposite bank of the river

(00:47:15 )
Let all who oppose my Home Stone fall to ruin by my hand
Dhal al Ghur
Captain of the Sea Kur

[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons, caravans and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to | |--| - j a m e e - |--: The caravan had started to arrive at the pont the landing already had a few of the lead wagons waiting, while the pont was on its way back from the opposite bank. I had tethered the kaiila over near the trading store allowing an animal minder to feed and water the beasts. I stood on the bank looking out at the opposite side, my eyes scanning the bank for anything that looked out of place or odd. I was feeling uneasy about this crossing. It was a perfect pinch point that could be taken advantage of. The girls were with me they had come one ahead of the rest with me to take a look at things and try and facittate the crossing before the wagons and pack beasts arrived.

(00:53:41 ) | |
*The hardest part of waiting*

--| - j a m e e - |--
..Property of Nyah..
-Nyahs' Ink-
--treasures aren't all Gold and Silver
some are worth far more--

[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons, caravans and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to Let all who oppose my Ho: as we stood on the bank near You, I was cautious as I looked around, emerald gems set in a deep gaze as I saw Mistress near by as well..i knew the caravan and such would be along shortly it was a good idea for us to have gone on ahead..i looked over at soraya and having heard Mistress telling me to be careful and not slip in the mud along the bank for I knew she didn't want to have to retrieve me from the water...

(00:58:44 )
His Delicious Torment.

|| soraya ||
- Dhal's Property -
-"The essence of Obedience.!"-

-First Girl-

[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons, caravans and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to Let all who oppose my Ho: standing slightly behind you my gaze drifted to jamee before looking at the pontoon returning, water made her nervous , funny as that may sound being Owned by a Captain and previously having lived aboard the Lady Nyah but water was only her friend in the bath tub,pulling the head scarf off for a moment , the heat so stiffling , her black tunic covered in dust from the ride thus far , she wonders if we will break her for a meal or keep going forwards , she simply waits knowing He will give the directions when He is ready

(01:01:35 )
Let all who oppose my Home Stone fall to ruin by my hand
Dhal al Ghur
Captain of the Sea Kur

[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons, caravans and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to His Delicious Torment.||: The other wagons were beginning to pull in and begin to congregate over in an open field beside the river bank. I watched as men ushered the wagons into orderly positions so that they would be able to move out when needed. I was not feeling comfortable about the whole set up and wondered where Kahil the Commander was we needed to talk. I wanted to know what feedback there was from the scouts on the opposite side of the bank.

turning to soraya "go and find the Commander kahil and ask him to join me here on the banks I need to speak to him its rather urgent" my dark eyes looked over her enjoying her as always despite her dressed in a hooded robe and carrying a bow and quiver of arrows. I had used her always as a messenger even in the thickest of battles of late and she had proved her worth on more than one occasion.

(01:09:49 )
Let all who oppose my Home Stone fall to ruin by my hand
Dhal al Ghur
Captain of the Sea Kur

[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons, caravans and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to | |--| - j a m e e - |--: my attention now at you my gaze sweeping over you, we were all dressed the same in nondescript dark hooded robes without banners nor insignia. We had been all armed the same so that the outlaws and raiders would have no idea who or where we had come from. "jamee go back to the trading post" my arm pointing at the stone block building "check on the beasts tell the minder that they must be ready to ride within an ihn should they be needed. He was not to unsaddle them. I also want you to get some sa tarna bread, dried meat and fresh water we may be travelling for a few days away from the caravan. We may need to move within the ahn." with that I turned again to survey the opposite bank and the low ranger of hills on our side of the bank but further north

(01:12:13 )
His Delicious Torment.

|| soraya ||
- Dhal's Property -
-"The essence of Obedience.!"-

-First Girl-

[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons, caravans and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to Let all who oppose my Ho: Seeing the carvans beginning to converge she looks about knowing we were out in the open,watching her Master she knows He is watching every movement and then hearing Him she answers quietly "aii my Master" wrapping her head scarf back around her flaxen mane she pulls it up so only her eyes can be seen and slips back thru the milling people in search of commander Kahil , her bow and arrows slung over her back.

The men look at her as she moves amongst them saying nought to her but parting so she can get through , seeing the Commander deep in conversation she moves abit closer and then he turns to her and she passes the message on and soon she was following Him back to where her Master waits

(01:13:51 ) | |
*The hardest part of waiting*

--| - j a m e e - |--
..Property of Nyah..
-Nyahs' Ink-
--treasures aren't all Gold and Silver
some are worth far more--

[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons, caravans and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to Let all who oppose my Ho: I stood along side Soraya as You surveyed the area, I could see she was looking nervous near the not so much but I eased back letting Master focus upon things...hearing Him speaking to Soraya I moved off to the side..i was wearing my leathers and dark tunic, over that was the black robe that my Mistress had purchased for me, the hood dropped back only to reveal midnight strands of spun silk that crunched back into the hood...Mistress had allowed me to carry my bow and upon my back the quiver of arrows, I had already taken out one or two outlaws so I was prepared yet again..emerald hues focused upon the river where I watched intently for any signs of danger..Your voice speaking to me caught my attention...

'yes Master' repeating to myself your full instructions on what You needed me to You turned away I eased from the bank and moving in the direction You pointed

(01:27:46 ) | |
*The hardest part of waiting*

--| - j a m e e - |--
..Property of Nyah..
-Nyahs' Ink-
--treasures aren't all Gold and Silver
some are worth far more--

[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons, caravans and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to Let all who oppose my Ho: -grabbing my hood and letting it cover my head once more...her green eyes shining like a larl in the forest..she moved upon booted feet towards the trading post...spotting the stone block building, as she approached she saw the beasts off to the side, the Minder was tending them...'excuse me..We need You to make sure the beasts are ready should we need to could be as little as an ahn..and do not, I repeat do not unsaddle them' the Man nodded at the urgency in my soft voice...'thank You Sir' I then left him to do as needed and remembering Master wanted some things for when we would be traveling, I entered in thru the front of the building...
I began to tell the Man what I needed...'sa tarna bread for several and some dried meat and we also need water...several botas please' the Man nodded and went to gather what I needed...the dried meats were packaged along with the bread...he bagged it all except for the water and handed me all of iit...the botas were slung to my shoulder, the rest I carried in my was then I made my way back to where Master was...knowing Soraya was off delivering a message but was pleased to see she had returned just before I did..

(01:34:15 )
Let all who oppose my Home Stone fall to ruin by my hand
Dhal al Ghur
Captain of the Sea Kur

[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons, caravans and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to His Delicious Torment.||: The commander came up and stood beside me and we both surveyed the opposite bank "I have heard that the scouting party you sent across the river has still not returned, its been what 3 days now, I fear them lost. This situation that we are in is untenable we have to avoid this, despite us foreseeing this we have allowed us to get into this situation that could lead to disastrous consequences." I glanced over at the Commander, both of us had the sand scarves hanging loosely about our necks so that we could see each others faces. "we need to know whats happening across the river before we cross. I will take five with me and move downstream about 6 or 8 pasangs before we cross, we will swim the river then scout the opposite bank. I will send back a messenger with word."

I spoke to him my gaze still sweeping the opposite bank without using my hands to indicate any directions, turning to him once more "you will see to it that the caravan gets into a defensive position immediately, we may have to spend the night here without crossing, I want those hills over to the North on our side of the bank secure, I need the high ground overlooking the pont crossing. See to it kahil" The Commander already knew what was needed but nodded his affirmation I could see the concern in his eyes as he spoke "we are in a weak position here Captain, we will secure it as best we can. I will see it I assure you." with that he turned to attend to my commands while I headed back to the trading post and where the beasts were at the ready jamee and soraya shadowing me as we went

(01:52:40 )
His Delicious Torment.

|| soraya ||
- Dhal's Property -
-"The essence of Obedience.!"-

-First Girl-

[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons, caravans and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to Let all who oppose my Ho: Falls in behind You with jamee ,
seeing the bread and fresh botas she had collected she could not help but feel this was going to be a very long day till we found a place to rest, the sound of the river rushing is loud and she just feels uneasy and quickens her pace to be near Him, she fears nothing when she is next to Him , her biggest fear is separation , her small booted feet kicking at the dirt as they near the hut , glancing to jamee trying to read her eyes to see what she would be feeling , the Commander having departed off to do as Master had instructed she looked at the growing number of caravans

(01:52:47 )
Let all who oppose my Home Stone fall to ruin by my hand
Dhal al Ghur
Captain of the Sea Kur

[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons, caravans and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to Caleb Sagev Torvie Raide: turning to the Lieutenant "come Caleb we need to scout the opposite banks we will ride south along the road then swim across the river and stealthily scout the opposite can swim Caleb cant you?"

(02:19:11 )
Let all who oppose my Home Stone fall to ruin by my hand
Dhal al Ghur
Captain of the Sea Kur

[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons, caravans and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to His Delicious Torment.||: mounting the beasts swiftly knowing that they had been watered but not fed properly we rode off, they would feed while we were on the way. Heading back to the road and riding south for ten pasangs before cutting off the road and east towards the river which was about another ten pasangs away, we did not want to let the enemy see what we were up to but we had to check what was happening on the opposite bank before we committed any men on either side of the bank. I had hoped that Kahil and the men would sweep the hilly range to the north on our side of the bank without event because I knew that if it were me I would have a force on the high ground and on the opposite bank so that I could attack the caravan while they crossed the river, their attention and guard being down to perform such a manoeuvre.

approaching the bank we had to ride along further south to find a narrower section for crossing only to find one just further south. We slipped from the beasts stripped naked our clothes in a bundle to keep dry and began to walk the beast into the water, the river was not too wide at this part and then began swimming across one at a time me going first then a men and girls one by one with Caleb bringing up the rear swiming across. We waited on the bank stripping down and wringing out the dampness from the clothes dressing quickly in silence before spreading out single file and moving off along the bank in silence about a pasang in'

(02:36:57 )
His Delicious Torment.

|| soraya ||
- Dhal's Property -
-"The essence of Obedience.!"-

-First Girl-

[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons, caravans and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to Let all who oppose my Ho: Following closely behind you a rider sees me and instead of waiting for me to try and lift up he siply lifts me to the saddle and i nod with thanks and soon have the beast caught up with my Master, the only sound was the hooves hitting the ground and the dust was everywhere and she stayed focused on her Owner nd soon they turned and they were at the river bank and sliding from the mount she saw that they were going to swim across ....

Seeing her Master motion to strip and bundle the clothes to keep them dry she feels the fear rise in her tummy at the thought of the water but soon followed Him in the beast moving aong side her and she just aimed to keep her head above the water and her legs kicked as fast as she could , a few times she had a mouth full of the dirty water but soon she saw the bank and clammered out relieved to be back on solid ground, quickly dressing she fell in behind Him silence is everywhere

(05:23:35 )
Let all who oppose my Home Stone fall to ruin by my hand
Dhal al Ghur
Captain of the Sea Kur

[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons, caravans and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to His Delicious Torment.||: The kaiila were silent as the walked, they had been well trained and sensed the necessity for stealth, they were in hunt mode, we were all in hunt mode and as we moved we all stayed silent only hand signals to communicate. No bare steel to glint or make a sound so our progress was silent and cautious. The brush was high with small trees that were rather thick down at the river banks but thinned out the further away from the river we moved. We traveled in single file our bows close at hand our senses heightened and in tune with everything about us. We listened for any out of the ordinary sound that was not natural the sounds of the fleer overhead was heartening because they took no notice of us as we moved silently North towards the river crossing and the Pont, the closer we got, the slower and more cautiously we moved eyes and ears straining for anything and sign of an ambush

(05:34:29 )
His Delicious Torment.

|| soraya ||
- Dhal's Property -
-"The essence of Obedience.!"-

-First Girl-

[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons, caravans and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to Let all who oppose my Ho: The tension in the air was thick as we moved silently , her heart was pounding and she was sure it could be heard , her eyes flickering from side to side at every movement, the rustle of the breeze was enough for her small hand to reach for her bow, eyes darted upwards then back to scan around , the crossing was up ahead and her breathing was shallow as she let her senses over take her fear so she could pick up on anything that was not right, her Master was in front of her and she watched Him for signals , each no matter how trivial it may of been was teated as a threat they kept moving forwards.....

(05:53:20 )
Let all who oppose my Home Stone fall to ruin by my hand
Dhal al Ghur
Captain of the Sea Kur

[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons, caravans and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to His Delicious Torment.||: the ground was relatively flat with a slight and gradual incline that sloped away from the river bank, we had been travelling parallel to the river bank about a pasang away moving slowly when I suddenly realized that there were no sounds to be heard, it had gotten quiet. I held up my hand to stop leaning foward laying low on the back of the beast as I listened. I heard nothing but something did not feel right, the river was down the gradient to my left and while we were still under cover of the brush I hoped that we had not been seen. Slipping from the beast the others following suit while I drew the saber from its scabbard I moved forward through the bush up ahead leaving the others behind. Crouching as I moved forward I had no idea what it was that I would encounter, but whatever it was it did not feel like it would be a welcoming party.

moving slowly and low I almost bumped into the outlaw as he slept under a tree, there was one other nearby he sat there looking down out across a small trail and down towards the river bank. Pausing I drew the knife from my kidney scabbard and readied myself. Trying to see if there were any others in the immediate vacinity, but couldnt see any. It was three quick steps that brought me to the lookout and with one quick movement with the blade cut his throat before he could make a sound. The saber now arcing found the sleeping man killing him in his sleep, slashing his throat before he even awake. Quickly I moved forward to see what else I could find but had scarcley moved 30' when I saw the main body of men waiting for the signal to attack. I watched estimating the force to be all of 150 to 200 men all armed for hand combat no archers were in sight, yet that did not mean that there were any..they were all dressed in robes of the Aretai Taharian tribesmen and enemy of my ally the Kavar. Keeping low I slipped back to the rest of my group in silence

(06:07:21 )
His Delicious Torment.

|| soraya ||
- Dhal's Property -
-"The essence of Obedience.!"-

-First Girl-

[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons, caravans and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to Let all who oppose my Ho: Seeing my Masters hand signal i pulled on the beasts reigns and it stopped silently, watching as He lowered down listening,until them she had not realised actually how quiet it really had become knowing the river was done there it
was still not easy to see because of the dense brush seeing my Owner slide silenty from the beast soon my booted feet met the earth soundlessly and i reached for my bow and withdrew and arrow and had it loaded pointing to the ground but within an instant it could be sent in any direction that was needed

Disappearing within the bush my Master crouched low like a predator hunting and she felt a bead of sweat trickle down her back she did nt move she held postion ready for whatever may happen next

It felt like time had stopped as she waited her eyes riverted to the place he had slipped into the bushes , her heart beating wildly she waited and then she saw You come back out and she finally drew in a deep breath .

(06:16:44 )
Let all who oppose my Home Stone fall to ruin by my hand
Dhal al Ghur
Captain of the Sea Kur

[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons, caravans and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to His Delicious Torment.||: There was little doubt what the look in my eyes portrayed, it was concern, no speaking just a silent nod and I waved my arm back showing that we were to retreat again in the direction we had come from, Caleb taking up the lead now as we silently retraced our steps as quietly and cautiously as we did while approaching still in single file me taking up the rear still with the blood stained saber in my hand. It was about an ahn later that we mounted the beasts and rode in silence back down towards the river to cross, there was no stripping down this time we rode our beasts into the water swimming with them and emerging sopping wet from the water the beats taking off back the way we came. We had to get back to the caravan to strategize and make a plan to spoil or avoid the impending attack. I wondered how Kahil was doing in the low hills on the river banks?

Saturday, April 22, 2017

The Tortures Arrive

(03:00:24 )

--| Nyah |--
..|Dhal al Ghur's Woman|..
-|House of Coultrain|-
-Merchant -

[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons, caravans and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to ALL: the wagon was away from the caravans ...the prisoners were secured within..... she Moved along the dirt past the field of longer grasses.... there were guards surrounding the wagon... as she passed by they all questioned her reason to visit... she carried a medical Kit... and wore a cape of Green to confuse the injured man and hope to gain"
(03:05:55 )

--| Nyah |--
..|Dhal al Ghur's Woman|..
-|House of Coultrain|-
-Merchant -

[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons, caravans and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to ALL: I had Bathed in the small water hole and redressed in to leathers and a tunic this cape of Green covered my body….hair pulled Back off My face,,,,,,, in the small of my back was sheathed my blade……I would Make My way along the dirt path towards The wagons …one wagon was off on its own…well guarded by a selection of warriors… taking huge steps towards That particular wagon….

I spoke to the guards asking How the man was and they informed me he had woken but was dropping in and Out of consciousness…I would nod and Take one of the water bolas from the side of the wagon as I moved up the steps and past the guard at the Main door then entered lifting the flap as I passed through and stopped……
(03:10:50 )

--| Nyah |--
..|Dhal al Ghur's Woman|..
-|House of Coultrain|-
-Merchant -

[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons, caravans and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to ALL:
the room was dark and The Man lay on the cot with furs under him nothing covering his…. His shirt had been removed …seems the wound had stopped Bleeding but the arrow was still lodged in the chest… just up closer to the shoulder……I made my way towards The Man and Knelt off to one side so I was down at His body level…. my hand Felt his forehead and I motioned to the slave "get me a bowl of water and some rep cloth….for now I was the only person who would care for his wounds…he would have no idea i was one of the archers….I placed The med kit to the floor and opened it ….I would only offer this man basic care I was a merchant not a healer…But I did know a few things…after all I was a Scarer……

the bowl of water placed on the floor alongside the Med kit… the guard checked the ropes that kept this man secured on the cot…… I began to wipe the cloth round The arrow shaft…. the head had passed through jammy had already broken that arrow head off but left the rest to reduce bleeding….I pressed hard on the wound alongside the arrow shaft and Looked to the Mans face……watching the pain cover his face… and smiled….. he moaned and Moved a little the shackles shaking some……then gripping the arrow I moved it back and forward… the man screamed in pain as the guards Moved closer I raised My hand slowly…..

"it is fine sir you are safe" she spoke softly to the Man…in attempt to rouse him back to life so to speak….His head moved slow from one side to the other… I looked over his body to see many wounds some deeper then others but for Now they would be fine…
(03:15:37 )

--| Nyah |--
..|Dhal al Ghur's Woman|..
-|House of Coultrain|-
-Merchant -

[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons, caravans and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to ALL:

 He woke screaming Pulling hard on His restraints… I lent Back away from the Warrior…. The Guards Moved In close but did Nothing just allowed the man to come Back to us ….Trying His best to swing and Kick…But held secure….it was obvious he thought himself still in Battle….

"You are safe……" I spoke out loud…."you are in the medical wagon" and with That I stood and Moved back from the Cot till the wild man came around altogether

I watched as The warrior rolled on the furs moaning and calling out orders to any men… he was still in Battle in His mind…. we allowed him to continue …he would settle when he wore himself out…."

What is your Name I kept asking…..Your Name sir …"I had wondered why someone had not come for Him… he was there leader… maybe They thought him dead….with luck he would be broken to give away all his knowledge but That was work for the tortures….. they had arrived in the Last eve… and Now with the wagons Moving once again… time would need to be set aside for these wagon men to do what they did best…extract information

(04:01:48 )

--| Nyah |--
..|Dhal al Ghur's Woman|..
-|House of Coultrain|-
-Merchant -

[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons, caravans and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to ALL:
The creak's and grind of the heavy wagons moved Over the soil…they were pulled by slow-footed bosk ….Sobs and screaming like terrible music echoed from the wagon…many of the wounded had been questioned in a way noter would Know or see… these men did what they did under The quiet of The night away from people… today They had come to take The man believed to be The Leader of the outlaws…..As I left the wagon and Moved down the steps of the wagon the stench from that wagon made me gag…the sounds of the wailing and wet, heavy noises the tortures made while they were doing There work… My feet hit the ground and without Running I seemed to float quickly over the ground surface… get away myself….
(04:02:12 )

--| Nyah |--
..|Dhal al Ghur's Woman|..
-|House of Coultrain|-
-Merchant -

[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons, caravans and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to ALL:

was then I met one of the FW she spoke softly

"Nyah…How many of these tormented are hung…how many already dead in there chains?' does this ever stop and do these men ever sleep even in the Heat of the Day?

I gripped at my cape and pulled it round my body as I turned to look at The woman's face and looked deep in her eyes…..

"How dare you…How dare you compare those outlaws to These Men"

"I did not " she sprouted…the screams coming from the wagon." I feel the same way as you do Nyah"

"Liar friend of the Outlaw...they are killers….do you not realise without this Information you are Not safe….your children The people of the Homes that travel along these roads…. it could be you in that wagon if it had Been you captured….but No Our Men these men do what They have to to find out where, how and when we could be attacked again….do you not realise this?"

The FW turned and Made her way from Me I glared at her and turned my Back to Make way to my Kaiila

Monday, April 17, 2017

Mopping Up

(04:35:05 )
Let all who oppose my Home Stone fall to ruin by my hand
Dhal al Ghur
Captain of the Sea Kur

[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons, caravans and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to His Delicious Torment.||: The smoke burnt my eyes making them already more bloodshot than they were, the smell of smoke clinging to our hair and clothes as the fires that burn carried the thick oily smoke of the dead enemy burning as they were piled up under wooden pyres and set alight. Still splattered with blood and grime we walked across the field while men checked the dead separating ours from the enemy, ours would have a funeral pyre while the enemy were unceremoniously disposed of.

The caravan was stationary and strung out along the road still as most counted their losses and assessed the damages. I saw Caleb working with his men picking through the bodies killing the wounded enemy and having their bodies dragged to the fires for cremation. His men had done well picking off the raiders with courageous fury he himself dispatching the leader to Hades without mercy. He had done well in his first skirmish as a leader I was pleased.

as I walked my shadow cast over the small figure that remained at my side following never straying further than a few steps, she had nearly been lost and that would have been more terrible than me losing a general as I had come to rely on her more than ever now, she was my right hand. Turning to her as we walked, my eyes red from the smoke "did you send word to Kahil that the caravan was safe and that once he was done mopping up he was to do a quick sweep of the area to ensure it was clear of raiders and to identify a decent place to camp overnight?"

(04:48:13 )
His Delicious Torment.

|| soraya ||
- Dhal's Property -
-"The essence of Obedience.!"-

-First Girl-

[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons, caravans and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to Let all who oppose my Ho: Walking along side my Master ,every part of my body was aching , the head scarf discarded for now,the sound of blood squelching in my small boots as we walked , it was hard not to breath in the pungent smell of death as the fires burned disposing of the enemies pitiful remains , the back of her hand was used to brush her mane from her face as she listened to her Masters words,this day had been hard many sent to the cities of dust , a few by her own arrows and she contemplates this quietly ,she would do anything to help protect the Home , its people and of course her beloved Master and she would be foolish to think she had made a big impact on the outcome today but she did her best evern though she did get caught of guard by that raider , if her Master hadnt seen....she shudders to think of the outcome , but he had and she realised then how much she loved the man whos steel adorned her neck,she will try harder tomorrow be more alert , and be sure not to let herself get in a postion like today ...."aii my Master she had sent a rider to inform Him so He will be aware"

hoping they could find a place to wash and she had placed spare clothes in Nyahs caravan for them both she could just hear squelch squelch squelch as they walked truly unsure if it was only her boots filled with blood...

(05:24:07 )
Personal combat is the ultimate test of my freedom.

Dhal al Ghur
Captain of the Sea Kur

[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons, caravans and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to His Delicious Torment.||: Looking down at the little beast as I walked hearing the sound of her boots as she walked. Her blood streaked face and hair caused me to be concerned for her knowing that she was exposed to terrible things today. Issues that she probably had no prior exposure too or what the impact would be on her emotionally. I knew that she walked and functioned well doing what she had to do but inside her heart and mind I knew what she grappled with, it was worse for her than it would ever be for me. This was not what she was trained or lived for and I would not allow it again. I would not want to lose her or have her injured.

I smiled as she answered me nodding with satisfaction and her efficency while turning now to one of the traders at his wagon.."check for damage we will be moving on again soon so that we can camp for the night and count stock of our position. Pass on the word, I will tell the caravan Master. You did well today defending your property, well done and thank you." I smiled as I moved on, soraya walking alongside carrying a lance that she had picked up, it may have even been the one the raider had tried to use to dispatch her to the city of dust.

Continuing to walk along the length of the caravan checking with the men as I walked ensuring they were fine and the losses not too heavy yet satisfied that they were all in good spirits, despite the withdrawn faces after the adrenalin rush they were happy to be alive and victors. Speaking to the men as I made my way made them appreciate my leadership and most pointed to where I could hear the caravan Master shouting out orders as he sent his men to do his bidding

as we walked up the Olaf the caravan Master a Torvie to be sure he turned to me "Tal Captain, these stupid men are still in battle shock, they need to get their arses into gear because we need to get these wagons and beasts moving" a curt nod was my response "yes of course Olaf we need to get to a suitable camp site for the night so we can assess what our damages are and the next contingency plan in place." Glancing over my shoulder I watched as a few bodies were piled onto a prye "you will need to bring our dead with so we can have the funeral prye near the camp once things have settled, carry on my good man" and with that we headed off to get out kaiila's that we could rondivous with Kahil

(05:40:30 )
His Delicious Torment.

|| soraya ||
- Dhal's Property -
-"The essence of Obedience.!"-

-First Girl-

[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons, caravans and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to Personal combat is the u: Keeping pace with her Master she listened as he spoke to several of His men , praising them for how hard they had fought , her eyes couldnt help but flicker to the piles of dead , many she reconised from around the Port and her heart panged , many of the men were victorious and some just seemed sullen realising what had occured perhaps a few were like her and had never actually seen death on such a scale but she would rather be here by her Owners side than back in a wagon wondering where and how He was.

she had the lance in her small hand that the raider had held to her throat and she is truly unsure why she had picked it up but she had and she clenched it in her hand and kept up with him, a few of His men had nodded to her as she passed them and she dared not look at them unsure what her features would portray , hearing Olafs words she knew soon they would be on the move again and she hoped soon they could rest and she could care for her Owner and make him something to eat and check he truly was unhurt , and get out of the stench of these clothes.

Heading to the beasts she knew soon a pyre would once more be lit and the fires would rage carrying our own off to the cities of dust .

(06:18:58 )
Personal combat is the ultimate test of my freedom.

Dhal al Ghur
Captain of the Sea Kur

[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons, caravans and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to His Delicious Torment.||: when soraya had fallen from her beast or later in the battle she had lost her mount, in fact we both had, but as with most military trained beasts they would find their way back to where they were last dismounted. I found soraya's beast but it was injured and so leaving it with an animal Master to see to it. Mounting my own kaiila I reached down and dragged soraya by the arm dragging her up behind me allowing her to cling to me while kicking my heels into the beasts flanks making it set off clawing into the dirt as it took off into a run. We rode back north past the head of the caravan on towards the North and the Commander Kahil with his contingent of men sweeping the road. We found a rider waiting for us about 4 pasangs down the road following him down a track to a flat area near the deep flowing river where we would set up camp. The girl slipped from the beast with me following, I handed her the reins so that the beast could be tethered. "find us a place to sleep for the night I will seek out Kahil." winking at her I turned to search for the commander.

I found him speaking to a small group of his lieutenants "Tal Kahil," he nodded at his men as he had just finished with them sending them out to act on his commands. "We have captured the leader of the group, he is wounded shot through by an arrow. We will keep him well secured so that we can glean as much knowledge from him as possible." raising a brow I grinned "that is good news, reward whoever it was that captured the head of the Ost" He laughed at my words."I will leave that up to you Captain, it was your companion and her girl that managed to get him, The slave shot him and Nyah captured him." Laughing at this news "I surely will" winking at the man before turning serious once more

"we need a pyre set up away from the camp, down wind and we need to take stock of our men, weapons, defenses, and damage so that we can make informed decisions on what to do next. We have 3 more days before we get to the city of Turia I do not want any more problems. There is a large river crossing coming up, I need that area secure so that we will not be ambushed yet again." He nodded I have already sent orders to get the prye ready, the camp site is being made secure as we speak, men are checking all weapons and defensive capabilities. I will send men to check on the pontoon crossing at first light my Captain" I nodded and smiled pleased that my Commander knew what was needed before he was informed. A good strategist was always hard to come by. I left him now to seek out my little beast so that we could wash eat and rest, the night would be long and the day tomorrow even longer.

(06:44:59 )
His Delicious Torment.

|| soraya ||
- Dhal's Property -
-"The essence of Obedience.!"-

-First Girl-

[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons, caravans and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to Personal combat is the u: looking at her injured beast she frowns slighty , hoping it woud be well enough for her to ride come morn she feels her Owner lift her up behind Him and she slides as close as she can to Him, wrapping her arms around His waist, her hair now fress from the head scarf and braid she tucked her face to His back and as her long mane flew out behind her as he urged the beats on with His boots,
heading north they soon passed the caravan and stopping briefly she gathered up a pack of fresh clothes for them and soon they met up with rider men who lead us down a track to a deep and fast flowing river , the Commander kahil was sweeping the road with his men so for now she thought it could be safe, for now,

Slipping off the beast her Master hands the reigns to her and finds a animal handler to feed and water it , asking him to wipe the beast down as it to was lathered in sweat and blood and could easily get a chill from the events just past she looks at the river and the currentand then back to the flat area and soon was preparing an area for His sleeping furs picking up a fallen small branch she begins to sweep an area smooth discarding any rocks she could see so that He may get a rest this night, knowing he never fully sleeps but hopes some comfort can be sort , the small pack contained fresh clothes for both of them and a rider brought her things she would need to make Him a meal , moving to te river she caefully filled the small pot with a wire handle and took back up to where a fire had been started and she placed the water to boil to make Him black wine, verr cheese and black bread were pulled from a cloth sack and she busied herself trying to clear todays events from her mind and soon she had food and a hot drink prepared and she sat for a moment her head in her hands as she waited for Him

Friday, April 14, 2017

The attack on the caravan is repelled

(00:56:04 )
Personal combat is the ultimate test of my freedom.

Dhal al Ghur
Captain of the Sea Kur

[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to His Delicious Torment.||: the second group had broken away and during the attack things were chaotic and during the fog of war we had lost contact with the small group that had ridden towards the road. I had seen that the crazed attempt to break out and attack the hill was actually very clever as it distracted the efforts of my men at the attack and not the second splinter group that was no doubt heading towards the caravan. The guards at the caravan were alert but I doubted that they were an even match to these obviously seasoned raiders. During the fighting I saw that we were getting the upper hand My companion and her aide were with the main group of defenders who had now turned the tide of the battle, turning to Kahil I spoke rapidly "I will ride after the spliter see to this lot and mop up. I will speak to you again Commander" Turning and running back along the ridge then down towards the kaiila that were tethered soraya waiting there had my beast ready to ride, with one bound I had mounted she following suite both beasts already running while she pulled herself into the saddle following closely behind

(01:08:45 )
His Delicious Torment.

|| soraya ||
- Dhal's Property -
-"The essence of Obedience.!"-

-First Girl-

[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to Personal combat is the u:
The reigns of His beast held tightly in her small gloved hand , her eyes kept scanning for her Owner to appear and her heart seems to be pounding wildly in her chest , nipping under the scarf at her bottom lip until He appears and handing Him the reigns soon she has mounted her own beast and with booted heel kicks its flanks and urges the beast to keep its pace matched , the hot humid air brings nil relief as He turned the beast south and she was close behind

The relentless dust was everywhere as the hooves seemed to barely touch the ground, the chilling snorting sounds of the kaiila seemed to pentrate the quietness , the constant thump thump as they traveeled at pace over uneven ground she usues her thighs to keep her seat as she feels sweat trickle down her back

(01:10:07 )
-• The Spitfire •-
assuming I was like most Women, was your first mistake
-•| Renee |•-
• Brinn Davos' Veiled Woman •
• City Scribe •
• Ward of Mason •
City of Corcyrus, IC

[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to ALL: *the trip was not being nice and comfy. no .. they were under attack again. Just glad we had capable warriors along with us.. Brinn had been calming me down. He was right.. but the moment something happened I was back being all tensed up .. I was highly concentrating on the road ahead... I needed to do ... the wagon would be steered down the road. Josh rode His large beast next to the wagon, His sword held in the palm of His right hand ... "Keep it straight Renee, I think we nailed this.. I am not sure just yet, but it seems the road is clearing" Josh was always at my side, just as much as Brinn was... I was nodding while being in thoughts.. "I see Josh, thank you" the wagon wwas rolling and rocking *

(01:16:12 )

Caleb Sagev
Torvie Raider


[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to ALL: And where was he, he was out off the road heading to a caravan and he was told that was close and could use a hand. He saw some fighting at the road and off it, but he did not know who it was. Then he saw the Captain and his slave riding off coming closer to him and other figures coming as well. He held up his hand to bring to a halt the 40 men with him and waved his hand for them to take a arrow formation the waited and watched ready to charge.

(01:34:05 )
Personal combat is the ultimate test of my freedom.

Dhal al Ghur
Captain of the Sea Kur

[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to -• The Spitfire •--•| Re: The beast hurtled forward, the sounds of the battle had set its nerves on edge and now the beast was set free to run, hurtling down the road towards the caravan I saw the Lieutenant Caleb with his small band of men, waiting for orders as I rode past without slowing I simply waved my arm indicating for him to follow in pursuit. I was sure that the caravan was now under attack.

I knew that the splinter group would never attack straight on but rather harry the caravan from the sides of the road, I had seen that they had ranged weapons bow and lance but wondered what their approach would be. My concern was for the loss of some of the good, and the people from Corcyrus I needed them safe.

the caravan appeared up front at a distance from a pasang away and I could see that there was activity and fighting already guards were trying to fend off the attackers from what appeared to be the rear of the caravan, fighting on both sides of the road seemed intense, they must have gathered more raiders because the numbers had swelled from the original number in fact almost doubling, I was sure that we were now outnumbered.

Turning and shouting over my shoulder at Caleb pointing down the left side of the column "you go left and half follow me," the group riding hard split and swept down either side of the caravan cutting into the raiders like a hot knife through butter. We were now engaged in individual combat my soraya now by my side bow in hand dispatching raiders while I swung my axe hacking into men as we swept down the column towards the rear.

(01:45:54 )
His Delicious Torment.

|| soraya ||
- Dhal's Property -
-"The essence of Obedience.!"-

-First Girl-

[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to Personal combat is the u: dropping the reigns and directing the beast with her knees she pulls an arrow from the sheath and draws back on the string one eye closed as she sights her intended target and lets go the whistling whoosh so close to her ear as she watches it hit the target solidly in the chest and he tumbles to the ground and quickly reloads, her Master beside her with his axe she feels something wet seep thru her sleeve and she looks down and sees blood but feels nothing then quickly realises its from the spray off His axe and she finds another in her sights and lets the arrow fly ,hitting a shoulder she sees him pull it free and glare in her direction and she relaods and fires another arrow off this time hitting him in the eye socket and he drops like a drunken salior flat onto the harden earth, her eyes behind the scarf seek out her Owner ..

(01:48:20 )
-• The Spitfire •-
assuming I was like most Women, was your first mistake
-•| Renee |•-
• Brinn Davos' Veiled Woman •
• City Scribe •
• Ward of Mason •
City of Corcyrus, IC

[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to ALL: * I released the reigns to vin who was next to me on the bench... grabbing a hold of my bow.. I was in need to launch my arrows as soon as they needed to be, the arrows were dragged closer .. there was already one arrow being placed on the notch.. "practice makes perfect vin!" I growled out my words, the veils were tightly wrapped around my face... I didn't stand up.. no that would have been foolish.. but the depths of liquid brown was looking left to right. the place was swamped with kailla-riders.. the stampede sounds were almost deafening ... teeth grabbing a hold of my lower lip. I hoped that my arrows would hit target... I needed them to be... on the right side, one was way to close! Josh was fighting, stabbing another man that attacked him as well ... I pulled the string back and released the arrow to the Man that shouldn't be at my right.. I felt the wild beating of my heart... inwardly praying ... but outside.. cool .. calm .. the spitfire was oozing through out the nice modest woman I was pretending to be ... the arrow hit the Man in the shoulder and He cried out "Hail Corcyrus!"

(01:52:43 )

Caleb Sagev
Torvie Raider


[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to ALL: He and his men broke off the charge letting the Captain pass thru and waved a hand and turned them to where the was heading. His mounts were fresh and rested so he caught up quick. He heard the Captains words and looked back to the left his twenty men.” As her said, you twenty go with him.” He yelled loud enough for them to her him. The word was passed down the line and they broke off to follow the Captain. “The rest with me, left side,” he told them and the raced ahead but stays the same distance as the Captain so they would come in crushing the raiders at the same time. He had his short bow with him and reached back to his right and pulled a arrow, when he was close he would fire a arrow then put it back to it place on the saddle and removed his quiver placing it on its hook, then he would draw his sword and axe, sword in right hand and axe in his left. He held the notched ready to fire when the time was right. He let the beast take him in letting his hand free to fire the arrow and hit the target in the back and he dropped. He was not going to stay on his beast he jumped off safely and started a walked to his enemies. The ax he held at a third way down from the head and lifted it up high and his sword pointed at the closest raider.

(01:56:37 )

Caleb Sagev
Torvie Raider


[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to ALL: 20 other arrows flew as well and when his men saw their leader dismount, all but two stayed mounted to keep the other beasts together so if they needed to mount they could and would not have to chase down their mounts.

(02:13:03 )
Personal combat is the ultimate test of my freedom.

Dhal al Ghur
Captain of the Sea Kur

[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to His Delicious Torment.||: the kaiila swept down the sides of the caravan, mounted rider against mounted rider, the melee was no longer co-ordinated as men fought hard. I had my girl covering my left side closest to the wagons and pack beasts I on the outside my right hand hacking at man and beast trying to turn the tide in the battle and at the same time protect the caravan from too much loss.

I felt my robes tug but did not worry, my right hand whipping in a high right to left arc, the bearded axe cutting through the air to beat a lace point away from me and with the same movement twisting my wrist and running the axe in a reverse action strike back at the attacker the cutting edge of the axe hacking through muscle and bone of his right wrist in a gush of blood as his hand still gripping the lance fell away. My boot drenched in his blood as he screamed and wheeled his mount away, my attention already no the next threat raider on foot with his lance trying to impale one of the pack beast handlers, the axe again whipping in a right to left high to low diagonal strike as I lent out low to my right in the saddle so that my reach would catch the raider under his jaw, taking it off and leaving it hanging by a flap of skin and blood his teeth showing white as it swung away with the arc of the axe. My left hand gripping the beast helped pull myself up onto its back to catch the rest of the battle.

I caught Caleb and the other riders sweeping down the other side of the caravan men screaming and cries of "Hai Port Phenix" as they fought off the raiders from that side of the column, My attention of course on my enemies and my girl, always covering the right while she the left. The fighting had now degenerated down to individual combat between raiders and defenders, the battle intense as we all fought while being out numbered.

(02:24:18 )
-• The Spitfire •-
assuming I was like most Women, was your first mistake
-•| Renee |•-
• Brinn Davos' Veiled Woman •
• City Scribe •
• Ward of Mason •
City of Corcyrus, IC

[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to ALL: * I listened to the cries of the others. I could hear Dhal closeby.. another arrow was grabbed out of the sheath and soon it was notched. I was glancing about "Hold it steady vin!" and with that I rose to my feet, setting one of foot on the bench swiftly turning about, rising the entire length of my body ... I was looking about when something caught my attention on the right once more ... I could glance over the wagon bow before aiming to the raiders at the right side, I withdrew the string of the arrow an soon it was sent flying to the Man.. A horrible sharp cry of pain was heard when He grabbed to the arrow at his throat .. and soon He fell down from His kailla... "YES! Another one bites the dust!" and I smirked, swiftly lowering myself back to the jocky box, grabbing hold of another arrow and notched it already... bloodthirsty glance in the depths of brown eyes...*

(02:28:48 )
His Delicious Torment.

|| soraya ||
- Dhal's Property -
-"The essence of Obedience.!"-

-First Girl-

[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to Personal combat is the u: the sounds of pain ring thru her ears as she gets down to her last arrow , the beast frothing at His mouth as she takes aim and then she feels her self strong hands pull her sideways and she desperatley tries to stay mounted but the beast is spooked and rares up and she tumbles downwards to land on the dirt , the wind knocked out of her she tries to push her self up but feels a boot in the middle of her back then a langauage she does not understand yelling down at her .... she tastes blood in her mouth thinking she must of bit her lip as she fell and thank a rough hand yanks at her arm rolling her onto her back she begins to kick at him her red boots landing on his shins and then he pokes her with the tip of his spear looking strangely at her and he bends down a rips the scarf from her head and the shock was eveident in his eyes that she was not a young warrior but a kajira and her midnight eyes bore into his as she drew what she thought would be her last breath ...

(02:31:36 )

Caleb Sagev
Torvie Raider


[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to ALL: He was on foot and meet up with a raider, he lifted his sword to cut at his chest, the warrior batted away the sword and brought down the axe with his might and his axe sliced through the helm and sank into the man’s head. Caleb let the handle of the axe slide through his hand and there was another raider right there, He dodged to the right and pulled his sword to sing back to the right and sliced right through the raiders guts. His 15 men, standing with bow, saw many of the raiders on mounts and notched arrows and fired at the mounted ones. The other three were at Caleb’s side and fighting two to toe with him and killing anything that looked like an enemy. As he fought his energy within his rose, he began to feel fire filling his veins. He wanted to kill everything close to him that was not his own. He reached to his back and grabbed his dagger in his left hand and started for another raider that was about to climb the wagon. Blood was coming down like rain around him and his other three men; they were all fired up because Caleb was fired up. Caleb spoke of curses and growled as he fought. He knew he and all the men were outnumbered but this was a fight they were going to win. The mounted Raiders saw Caleb’s men firing those arrows and turned their mounts to come to them, they tossed their bows over their shoulder and drew blades.

(02:59:59 )
Personal combat is the ultimate test of my freedom.

Dhal al Ghur
Captain of the Sea Kur

[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to His Delicious Torment.||: The stench of bloody flesh and dying filled the air and the cacophony of sound as the battle raged, the axe wielded with deadly force and precision as it sung through the air, steel upon steel rang out while everything seemed in slow motion as adrenaline pumped through our veins the killing lust upon us. I realized that my left side was now empty and with a sideways glance I saw her laying on her back and he was standing over her his lance point at her throat. I felt my heart crushed within the fist of fear, my dark eyes opened wide in terror at losing her and I realized right then that I loved her.

Everything slowed down, it was surreal as in one slow fluid movement I left the raider at my right and spun over the beast rolling to my left unable to take my eyes off her laying there and him poised to thrust the lance through her throat. I fell to my feet behind him as he reached down to tear away her scarf my axe already swinging over my right shoulder added by the right to left roll my fingers letting the axe go watching it fly towards the back of his head. I could hear my heart beating within my chest like a drum echoing in my ears, all senses heightened as the axe flew on, my feet already stepping forward in a run towards my girl laying on her back....let Odin have mercy on me and my axe find its target in time.

The axe struck him behind the head cutting through his skull and popping out his forehead knocking him forward and onto her, then I was there my hands tearing his body off her throwing it to one side as I bent down and took her up in my arms, her face covered in blood, I could feel the sorrow welling up inside me as I whipped away the blood from her face her eyes closed. Then she opened them "this is not the time for sorrow or furring Master, we have a battle to fight" she then sat up pushing me back "our men needs us" My heart lept when I realized that she was unhurt and in an instant stood tearing my axe from the raiders skull popping it open as I turned to engage with the enemy again. "stay close to me beast"

The battle had turned of this I was sure I had seen that Thaj the leader was on the left side of the caravan and knew that Caleb would put paid to him and the rest of his motley band.

(03:12:24 )
His Delicious Torment.

|| soraya ||
- Dhal's Property -
-"The essence of Obedience.!"-

-First Girl-

[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to Personal combat is the u: laying there she had but one regret and that was if she left her beloved Master , then she felt a huge thump crush her as the raider fell upon her and her fear that the pig wanted to fur her made vomit creep up her throat then she felt the warmth running across her face and the smell and she realised it was blood and then he was pushed from her and she felt strong arms lift her and she saw Owner and their eyes said it all , soon back on her feet she could not help but kick the raider hard with her red boot for messing up her clothes and one for making her scared , grabbing her bow she looked for her beast and soon was back up in the saddle the scarf quickly wrapped back round her flaxen mane and face , she turned to her Master and nodded as she took aim and let the arrow fly and strike a raider as he fled

(03:41:10 )

Caleb Sagev
Torvie Raider


[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to ALL: He stepped to the raider climbing the wagon and slashed at his leg and taking it clean off and turned in time to see one of his men take a spear in the chest and fall back. He roared like a Larl, even those on the other side fighting might have heard him and he throw his dagger at the mounted man and watched his dagger sink into the man but did not wait to watch him fall.

The other three with him where in a fierce battle with two other raiders, The other fourteen men were fighting raiders on the ground and on their mounts. The men that were fighting mounted men were tossing knives and slashing and stabbing when they could. It looked as the numbers were falling in the Port’s favor and that is when he saw a man on a mount directing the fight, he was their leader of some sort he thought.

He looked around and saw another sword laying there on the ground and picked it up in his left hand. “Beast.” He yelled out and his mount took off in a full run for where the voice came from. “Beast!” He called again and the might beast stopped right next to him. He sheathed his right sword and mounted his beast and drew his sword again. As of yet the man had not seen Caleb, his eyes were focused on the battle before him.

That was his next target, he looked back at his men and they were holding their own so he leaned down on his beast and had both blades on each side of his beast’s head and kicked him to go. They did not even have to weave their way through fighting; it was a straight line to him. There was not even anyone around him, he was sitting there on his mount screaming orders, which his own men could hear too and counter the attacks.

”Coward her growled and his beast lifted its head and rammed him beast throwing the man to the ground and Caleb sliding over his mount and the other and landed right next to the man. Caleb grabbed the short sword that fell from his hand but his other sword was still in his left. The warrior stood slow, that hurt al lot, but he was so pumped it did not hurt as bad.

(03:58:46 )

Caleb Sagev
Torvie Raider


[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to ALL: He was already standing when the leader climbed to his feet. Caleb waited; he was not going to just kill the man without giving him a chance to fight back. Caleb took his fighting stance, his 36” spatha in right hand and a short sword in his left. The leader smiled and looked the Torvie over. “You day to die boy.” He spat on the ground at Caleb’s feet standing ten feet apart. The warrior’s was fueled, seeing one of his die before his eyes and the lust for blood made him feel invisible. But he was not stupid either. He had the short sword over his chest as if it were his shield and lifted the left sword up pointing to the leader’s neck and tilted it so the blade was flat.

The Raider leader lifted his blade up high and charged Caleb and swinging straight down to cut his head in two, I lifted my short sword to block the attack and step in at his left 2 feet and swung his other blade in right hand to slash his back open. The Raider Leader turned so fast and blocked Caleb’s attack on his back and blocked it. Then came back with a answer with his blade slashing at Caleb’s right side to open the right side of his guts. Caleb answered back using the plummet of his short sword to bash him in the face. The raider warrior staggered backwards and Caleb rushed forwards and with his left sword slashed at the man’s open neck. The raider fell back onto his back.

Turned to look back and saw the mounted raiders taking off and the other entangled in battle drop their weapons. Now that the leader was dead what was the use to keep fighting.

(04:03:36 )
Personal combat is the ultimate test of my freedom.

Dhal al Ghur
Captain of the Sea Kur

[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to His Delicious Torment.||: I watched as the raiders began to withdraw back into the low hills fighting small skirmishes as they covered their retreat. There were bodies of the fallen scattered about, wounded and dying while men went through the fallen checking to see if there were any still alive, our men were attended to, the enemy dispatched with a sword thrust through the neck.

I rode along the caravan checking the mopping up and through a gap in the wagons saw Caleb engaged with one of the enemy dispatching him swiftly, the lieutenant was covered in blood his eyes wild as he began to rally his men. I called out for all to hear "we need a prisoner I need information" was all I said in a call to all

soraya rode along beside me her face still blood stained as well as the front of her robes. She was a mess but at least she was alive and well...I grinned over at her and winked "we survived the day yet again"

(04:09:20 )

Caleb Sagev
Torvie Raider


[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to ALL: "Take prisoners Caleb said and check out wounded and dead. "Want a report at once." He was holding his side.

(04:13:48 )

Caleb Sagev
Torvie Raider


[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to ALL: He seen his beast standing there and tossed down the short sword and headed back to where his ax was and pulled it free. He used the tunic of other dead to clean his weapons and sheathed them. He then walked over to the other side where there was no fighting heard. He saw the Captain and walked over to him still holding his right side. "Orders Captain? I have prisoners on the other side and one dead, few wounded. He held his right side tight with his hand.

(04:13:51 )
His Delicious Torment.

|| soraya ||
- Dhal's Property -
-"The essence of Obedience.!"-

-First Girl-

[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to Personal combat is the u: pulling the scarf from her head the flaxen mane could be seen , her breathing had settled once more as she caught up to her Master and her eyes brimmed with tears that soon rained down her blood smeared face, she loved You like she had never loved another and this experience had brought it to the open ,her usual detached demeanour had folded, using the back of her hand she tried to wipe her tears but can only imagine the mess she was making, she reached for a bota of water and pulled the bone stopper out with tiny teeth and handed it to You so that Your thirst would be quenched and answered Your words with her soft spoken voice"aii indeed we did my Master aii indeed we did "

(04:19:37 )

Caleb Sagev
Torvie Raider


[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to His Delicious Torment.||: He had reached into his small pack on his master's belt and pulled out a rep cloth and handed it to soraya with out a word.

(04:22:49 )
His Delicious Torment.

|| soraya ||
- Dhal's Property -
-"The essence of Obedience.!"-

-First Girl-

[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to Caleb Sagev Torvie Raide: takes the cloth offered and thanks Him and begins to clean her face , her body was tired and she felt sore but she would be no other place than beside her beloved Master and His men

Thursday, April 13, 2017

In the midst of battle

(04:19:41 )
I am the terror of my enemies

Amir al Salaam
Aretai Mercenary
Fighting under the banner of the Vosk Alliance
Secondary Character

[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --

says to --| Nyah |--..|Dhal al G: The skirmish had been brief and bloody men had been lost on both sides and despite us losing six men the other side had lost but two, I was perplexed that they seemed well trained yet rode under no banners or had anything to tell us who they were? Were they another band of raiders? Surely not! We were the biggest co-ordinated band in the area we wanted to control all of the trade along the Genesian road and beyond into Thassa, it was something that I was not prepared for. I expected a group of men from one of the cities, Corcyrus, Bazi, the Port or even Brundisium and not an unidentified force, this really worried me.

"we have to gain the advantage Thaj, this band of usurpers seems to have stumbled upon us during their scouting, we need to retaliate with haste. Where is our secondary force?" The slight burnoose clad rider looked over at his Commander and spoke rapidly in a Taharian dialect "they wait over beyond the red hill 5 pasangs south oh Great Punisher. A contingent of 100 men await your command" I looked over my shoulder at the almost 100 mounted men behind me all members of the Aretai tribe mercenaries and warrior tribesmen every last one "good I will bring them in if we need them" adjusting the sand scarf about my face I simply said "split into two parties Thaj you lead one and ride along the south side of the road heading towards the caravan where you will flank them and attack from their side I will send a small group down the road while I take the rest on the opposite flank where we can attack from both sides of the road cutting them up into small groups, Harta my friend we must take the advantage of speed and surprise"

(04:46:17 )

--| Nyah |--
..|Dhal al Ghur's Woman|..
-|House of Coultrain|-
-Merchant -

[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to I am the terror of my en:

The Captain Watched from His position and could see that the 3 groups of archers had taken up there positions….. (group 1)…Making way to blend into some trees not far from the river banks and scattered all throughout the area….

(group 2)….A quick glance to His right and He may see the archers on foot now darting spreading there line out amongst the trees and brush on the hill tops….

…(group 3)…the first line of Archers behind him would move forward towards the edge of the Hilltop ready to step forward ….still waiting on The first command…. all was still as The Men waited …..
 as the Archers took to There positions and cover, preparing for the battle that would happen…nothing would stop this….The band of Outlaws nestled in there nest below…all ways out of there camp had been blocked off…in some Manner or form…..

Nyahs 10 Archers spread out 6 feet apart in a small line of defence…..the rest of the Archers in her group settled off in Places hiding watching and waiting the word to attack…..the area was silent yet you could hear the sounds of The outlaws laughing and cheering…..if they thought they were quiet well they were not…… I would Look to My men and offer a soft smirk…the Scarf covered that smirk but My eyes would pass on the message to those watching…..

Was Then That The yellow Flag Was dropped ……motioning for -Group 2- of the Archers to nock the Arrows then dipping the Arrow heads wrapped in cloth into oil and then into the small fires….."FIRE" was shouted… then a volley of flaming arrows were sent down in to the valley of outlaws…

 as soon as The Arrow were in flight The Next flag -green- was dropped for -Group 3- to step forward and set ready to fire… ….Arrows nocked and fired… then they would Drop down On there Knee …. the line behind stepped forward nocking the next arrow and fired……

(Group 1 defending the river bank remained still ….Holding…waiting …. then the archers split …..leaving the Main line of archers to defend the middle area of The dry river…. waiting to surprise those who came This way……Group one waited for there Captain to drop the red flag and when done The arrows were nocked and fired….leaving the 10 archersstill holding there stance waiting and not giving away There position
(05:05:41 )
I am the terror of my enemies

Amir al Salaam
Aretai Mercenary
Fighting under the banner of the Vosk Alliance
Secondary Character

[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to --| Nyah |--..|Dhal al G: the order no sooner given when pandemonium struck the men began falling struck by arrows fired from somewhere I looked up wildly seeing where the the flaming arrows were being fired from it appeared to be from behind the large hill to my left. Beasts were screaming as they were struck by indescriminate hail of burning arrows, men fell from their beasts in flames as their robes caught fire and already the smell of burning flesh premeated the air. Men wild eyed searched for the source but held their positions fighting the impulse to run, it was then that another hail of arrows fell from the opposite side over from the river bank tearing into the men, that was almost line of sight, firing straight at the men.

It was when I shouted the command "Thaj go NOW!" I pointed to the south and the direction of the road while I wheeled my beast towards the hill "THE REST ON ME" Thaj and his men sprang into action, their beasts bursting out of the group riding hard to avoid the falling arrows heading towards the road and with some luck safety. Then arrows fell from just behind the summit of the tall hill before us, I knew then that they had not been surprised by the skirmish but rather prepared for it...this was no band of untrained guards these were battle hardened trained men that confronted us. The group had lost about 15 men and beasts so there was about 30 men that broke away and rode after the Thaj.

The beast sprang forward screaming as it ran the terror of those that were dying and the screams of the wounded beasts has made the adrenaline pump and it sprang forward clawing for traction as it ran where I led it, directly at that large hill where the attack was coming from. The remainder of the men about 35 in all immediately galvanized into action charged after me as we headed directly for the hill knowing full well that there would be men on foot protecting the archers. The advantage was always with mounted men and as the beast charged I like most of the men that rode hard now lay flat along the backs of the charging kaiila directly into the storm.

At the bottom of the hill I pointed upwards with three fingers extended  a hand signal, as I wheeled the beast to my right to scout around the hill and take them from behind while half of the men continued to charge up the hill the rest following me riding hard to skirt the bottom of the hill. I had hoped that the archers that were at the opposite side of the river bank would not have a clear shot or line of sight through the scrub and low bush that grew along the bottom of the hill beside the river bank thus offering us some cover as we charged.


--| Nyah |--
..|Dhal al Ghur's Woman|..
-|House of Coultrain|-
-Merchant -

[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to I am the terror of my en:

the sound of arrows flying through the skies was deafening and as The arrows left the bow another barrage of fire was set upon the men in the Valley…..

Thralls in all areas ran bundles of arrows spreading them out in small piles if needed then retreating out of site…

waiting for any commands from There -Captain of the Port-….

Was Then His arm Raised and he began to swing his arm in a circular Motion….the skill of The archers was amazing as One by one (group 3) The second line of Archers turned as The men on foot waited for any who would Break free of the attack of arrows and charge to attack….. The Captain was an expert in warfare and Knew the only way out of such attack was to attack back and That is what These outlaws were doing…. men on mounts …the soldiers now in front of the Archers would find it hard to fight them off….But the help of archers was only a plus for them…..The sound of The Beasts Hoof slamming at the Ground Now grew louder as The outlaws headed towards The Men…. Archers held There stance till the riders Were in shooting range….

Below in the valley men on Mounts Headed up the hills towards The wall of archers…..(group 2)….smashing into the Arches killing them as there Beasts claws ripped there body, s the screams of the Beast echoed through the Valley……

(Group 1) the archers on the River bank moved slowly through the bush and trees towards The camp….shooting arrows when needed at any who were still willing to fight…..many of the archers were attacked and killed But the line continued to defend….

(05:48:21 )
I am the terror of my enemies

Amir al Salaam
Aretai Mercenary
Fighting under the banner of the Vosk Alliance
Secondary Character

[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to --| Nyah |--..|Dhal al G: The beast run hard clawing at the ground eating up distance as I began to turn the bend of the hill skirting the bottom, some 15 odd men charging along behind me. Laying down across the saddle I had already taken the horned bow from the pommel nocking an arrow with practiced ease, I had been lucky not to have been wounded or killed in those first deadly volleys of arrows. I was a tribesman and knew how to ride almost from birth, there was little doubt that this was an intense battle that only glory was to be found, glory in victory or glory in death. I lifted my torso slightly as I saw an archer come into view and fired almost immediately the arrow taking the archer in the throat, instinctively and within an ihn I had notched another arrow from the quiver at the pommel and fired at another that was nearby also taking him down. I reached now for the quiver knowing that it would be fierce battle now taking five arrows holding it in my left hand so that I could draw and nock at the same time increasing the speed of my retaliation as I worked my way around the base of the hill my men in close pursuit.

"THE GLORY OF NINE WELLS" I heard the cry from the men as they breached the lines at the top of the hill, the sounds of the battle carrying down to my band as they quickly worked their way around the base of the hill. The sound of steel on steel, the screams dying and wounded men and the shouts of commands as they fought for their lives. Adrenalin pumping everything seemed to unfold like in slow motion, senses heightened as the beasts clawed and men focused on the enemy. My bow now in my left hand as I sat upright drawing then releasing at an enemy, reaching forward taking another arrow in my left hand nocking and drawing it immediately as I swung the bow at another archer firing and immediately reaching for the string and arrow shooting rapidly as did a few of the men behind me.

we needed to turn the tide, tipple the advantage to our side and I knew that I had to get the Commander of this group, cut off the head of the snake.

My quiver empty now I cast my bow aside as I drew the scimitar with my right hand leaning over to my right hacking into one of the enemy as I rode past then over to my right slashing at him while working through the men as they scattered, slipping from the beast I charged up the hill towards where the rest of the battle was engaging taking on men as I waded through the small groups of men and beasts towards where I imagined would be the commander, if I was him that's where I would be on high ground where I could command and direct the attack and ensuing battle. Blood spraying as I hacked men crying in death I smelled of blood and must have looked like a djin with only the dark eyes raging above the sand scarf that still covered my face

(06:20:32 )

--| Nyah |--
..|Dhal al Ghur's Woman|..
-|House of Coultrain|-
-Merchant -

[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to I am the terror of my en:

Nyah was hidden on a Branch of a tree The sounds and smells of death and Battle filled The area…… Was Then Nyah raised her hand slightly… the 9 archers in On motion Lifted There Nocked bows… waiting…. and then Men charged towards The area these archers protected…..

One by one The archers took aim and shot to kill ....... the outlaws falling as the arrows hit there Marks…..Nyah nocked her Next arrow taking aim and hitting one of The men in The chest… as One fell another appeared….the archers ducked and weaved behind trees holding the area for now….

Nyah jumped from the branch landing in a crouch position .. and nocked another arrow in what seemed to be one movement….Arrows shooting off in the direction of the attacking outlaws…..her arrow hit hard in to one of those attackers arm she moved quickly to grab another arrow but the Man was on her quicker then she could grip her next arrow…. she then swung her Bow towards The man s Head stepping off one her right foot and swinging as hard as she could her body turning in a circular motion to add to the strength she would need to collect with Him hard enough to at least knock him off guard….the Bow hit hard over his face and he Fell….to the Ground on His face….. dropping the Bow she pulled at The Blade that was sheathed to the small of her Back and Moved to pull back on His Hair and In one swift deep pull of The Blade across his throat….blood spurted from the deep wound….she could hear the sound of him drowning on his blood she dropped His head and retreated to grab her bow…..and Moved off to the line of Trees….. wiping her blade on her cape she sheathed it this time in the leather sheath attached to her thigh….jamee moved over toward her checking all was ok.. Nyah nodded and motioned to the right…. jamee turned quickly to shoot yet another outlaw who was ready to attack one of ours…….We would now Move Forward to join the Other archers who approached the outlaws camp…..

(06:45:24 )
I am the terror of my enemies

Amir al Salaam
Aretai Mercenary
Fighting under the banner of the Vosk Alliance
Secondary Character

[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to --| Nyah |--..|Dhal al G: The fighting was hard and desperate all seasoned fighters, all battle hardened without doubt, men that knew how to wield their weapons and make their enemies pay. A bearded axe swung at my right shoulder from over at my right, pivoting on my right foot, the scimitar whipping from my left to block the shaft of the axe the swing absorbed by my right hand my torso assisting in absorbing the blow by moving back too, then with a right to left whip of my arm and wrist the blade swept along the shaft hacking into the left side of the mans neck in a spout of blood dropping him at my feet, twisting now to my left, the scimitar continuing the flow blocked a sword coming from my left, knocking it away and further out to my left while immediately whipping the scimitar in a reverse left to right diagonally high to low slash at the mans right knee cutting and cleaving making him fall while whipping the blade up from the low right up and over hacking into his neck as he fell finishing him too as that razor sharp blade took off his head spurting and gushing blood.

wild eyes dark orbs searched through the men fighting for the leader but I couldn't identify him, then I saw what appeared to be two women fighting among the men, both archers I began to move towards them as one attacker was knocked back and to the ground his throat slit in an instant, the other woman was cover the other with her bow shooting at my men, I fought off another attacker always moving towards them thinking that I could use them as bait to lure out the Commander or use them for trade. Fighting off the another guard I turned to see the woman that slit the mans throat point at me as I was about to hack into another man when the other woman shot me at her command. I felt the arrow pierce my right chest just below the shoulder spinning me and dropping me to the ground, I knew that the arrow had run through me protruding out my back and as I fell the shaft snapped with the weight of my body as I struck the ground face first and lay as my consciousness swept me from light to darkness and I knew no more.

(07:15:49 )

--| Nyah |--
..|Dhal al Ghur's Woman|..
-|House of Coultrain|-
-Merchant -

[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to I am the terror of my en:

The fight above was still wild The sounds carried on the Breeze and echoed through out the valley…the smell of fire and burning bodies also filled The air pulling at the scarf to stop some of the horrific stench.

Nyah stopped hearing The sound of someone at her rear… she Looked to her small band of archers they now were fighting off these Men …Her cape now tucked up and in to The Belt allowed her better movement….one of the archers Stepped Back behind Nyah dropping his bow down … Then pulled His longsword from his scabbard and when the enemy stepped forward towards Nyah….in one single motion severed the outlaws windpipe…before the man could react…the razor sharp blade sent warm blood over the area…..they moved away as The man fell to his knees…grasping at his throat as he died…falling forward with a loud thump on to the floor of dirt…

was Then I caught eyes with One of The Many outlaws his eyes dark and wild he was covered in Blood a fine Warrior ...... Eyes Locked as I watched you move towards me…Men were dropping it just Never seemed to end…..jamee stepping to my side she was never far… her Bow notched as I looked to her lifting My chin slightly…..the archer with the sword behind Me fighting off any who came near…. I pointed to those eyes and jamee released the shot….she was a good shot as The arrow hit his chest hard and firm. spinning him enough to see the arrow protrude from the Warriors back. and as he fell…my eyes never left his a smile under my scarf…

….Everyone was exhausted .. and the sound of a horn sounded……one of our Home…. the outlaws who lived scattered leaving the dead and wounded…… We Remained in the small circle watching as These bastards run.. and was Then I saw The Mounted Men of the port enter The outlaws ruined camp…. I pulled the blade from its sheath and with jamee and Evan we moved to this Warrior…… My foot pressed to his back as Evan checked him Over

"He is alive" …

I ripped The leather strapping from my Belt and had jamee tie his hands and feet…. I bent down after the Warrior was tied and pulled at the scarf that covered his face…..jamee broke the arrow off at the Exit point leaving the rest through the Man until we returned to the wagons……I motioned to the thralls to get this man to the wagons….they did and I took a Huge Breath in and Looked over the bodies that scattered The ground…

Evan moved round with the other Archers searching for any of our men

(07:27:18 )
I am the terror of my enemies

Amir al Salaam
Aretai Mercenary
Fighting under the banner of the Vosk Alliance
Secondary Character

[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to --| Nyah |--..|Dhal al G: I had lost conciousness and so nothing mattered now, what transpired I had no knowledge of but had I been concious I would have seen my men break off and retreat fighting as the withdrew and ran. The commander of the other group I had no idea of his progress but as for the few men that were left in my group they managed to withdraw as they fought and faded into the brush to escape. I was now a captive and hoped that I would be treated as a leader and not tortured. The fact that the arrow was snapped off and left was good as it helped stem the bleeding until it could be attended to...but what would I know only time would tell if there was mercy or not.

The Sea Kur sets sail for Turia

(04:56:42 ) Personal combat is the ultimate test of my freedom. [PIC] Dhal al Ghur Captain of the Sea Kur [PIC] [ Dhal's Villa - B...