Wednesday, April 12, 2017

The Archers revealed

(20:06:23 )

--| Nyah |--
..|Dhal al Ghur's Woman|..
-|House of Coultrain|-
-Merchant -


Nyah had left the Port with The Last of the caravans jamee was with Nyah and dressed accordingly…

Nyah wore dark leathers with her tunic a leather jerkin that was laced along the front of her body following the shape of her body down to her mid thigh …..Her thick belt held many pouches scattered and secured in place with buckles, holding many items That could be used in her caste and for hunting when needed…. In the small of her back was sheathed the blade that she preferred to use when Hunting…On her right arm she wore a leather armband secured with strapping laced and buckles…..her quiver a leather pouch filled with arrow lent against her thigh for Now..her bow placed across her lap ….Her clothing colours were in tones that would blend well in to the surroundings her long light cape with a hood and a scarf to cover her face….. for now the scarf wrapped round her neck and shoulders

jamee was also dressed in dark leathers that sculptured the shape of her body , fur boots with a soft soles, her tunic was of green in colour and sleeveless but on Her wrist she wore one of Nyahs armbands to protect her whilst she used a bow……she also wore a leather jerkin strapped and buckled along her chest….a fur hung over her shoulder secured by the emblem of the Port holding the fur secure….her hair now pulled back and secured…on her back a quiver filled with arrows and fletched with the feathers from a hunt …..Jamee had raided Nyahs scaring box to etch some markings on her face…something her Master of the tuchuk, Nyah's brother had her do when on a hunt…she would remain near Nyah at all times…. the group worked in pairs and Jamee was Nyahs…Hunting was not new to these two and when needed they worked well as a team. …

(20:06:46 )

--| Nyah |--
..|Dhal al Ghur's Woman|..
-|House of Coultrain|-
-Merchant -


the travels would take had been told that The caravans would not be safe so plans had been put in place to have The train of wagons looked after and protected....Nyah was from the tuchuk and used a bow with ease...Over her time she had raised through the ranks and now she had many archers under her command….
for now she would lead the team of arches that she had trained and hunted with for Many many Years...a selection of both Men and Women archers 10 in all… they All now wereTravelling in the rear of The second Last caravan…..Kaiila flanked Those caravans 2 on each side of each caravan the last and The third caravan had spare supplies and goods for trade and 3 guards in each wagon … 5 caravans in total….

I remained silent the constant motion of the wagon kept My mind occupied listening to the sounds of the wheels over the dirt roads….lifting my eyes slightly now and then to look at My archers as they also concentrated on the thoughts That invaded there Minds…..Messages had been sent that a camps had been found …one That was suspected to be one of many these raiders held these outlaws needed to be stopped for my trade to continue I knew in time I would be not allowed to Travel due to safety…. Now with the many armed men ahead of us and The Archers to move in from the rear we were hoping to would secure the area… travelling at night on foot to protect the perimeter of the camps

(20:32:42 )

--| Nyah |--
..|Dhal al Ghur's Woman|..
-|House of Coultrain|-
-Merchant -

says to | |--| - j a m e e - |--: The wagons slowed and pulled off to the side to form a Camp circle we had not caught up with the Others yet but they were Not to far ahead….and these rebel outlaws were interested in attacking the wagons up front We hoped they would not expect us …not yet anyways… so with luck this would work to Our advantage for Now… I stood i slung my bow over My shoulder and Made way to the Back of the wagon.. My Quiver in My other hand I would Jump down and wait for the 9 other archers to follow…. Looking over I watched as the slave girls set up the fires and got all that under control…I looked to those with me and Motioned for them to come to the fires ….

"Come we need to talk on plans"

and I settled to a log and gathered up a stick Breaking it …then smoothed out the dirt before Me

(20:49:25 )

--| Nyah |--
..|Dhal al Ghur's Woman|..
-|House of Coultrain|-
-Merchant -

says to | |--| - j a m e e - |--: As the Men and women climbed from the wagon They all gathered round The fires.... food was being Heated already for The hungry Men and women.... But as she was crouching she Began to speak....The stick moved Through the dirt as she drew the outline of the camp.... and The road ahead and behind.....making an x at certain places as she spoke.....

1 group of 4 archers will set up a small camp back here ...." as she marked behind the Camp and down the road a Little "2 of you will remain awake throughout the night then you will swap to have the other 2 take over...I need you to be sharp at all times... you know The whistle that will alert others ".. she then moved the stick to mark the dirt up the road some...on one side of the road she marked an X...."3 men On each side...1 will sleep and you will rotate guard duty between you all...The other 3 archers will stay here" and she Marked another x further down the road....."again you will pass the message along if you hear or see any movement again your whistle.....

(20:51:24 ) | |

--| - j a m e e - |--
-Property of Nyah-
-Nyahs' Ink-
--treasures aren't all Gold and Silver
some are worth far more--

says to --| Nyah |--..|Dhal al G: I waited for You to jump down nd like Your shadow I was soon at Your side...bow and quiver of arrows slung over my back, I knew I was to stay close by You not with the other slaves that were setting up camp, tending the fires and You took a seat upon a log I followed and knelt off to Your side...the Archers each

(20:54:37 )

--| Nyah |--
..|Dhal al Ghur's Woman|..
-|House of Coultrain|-
-Merchant -

says to | |--| - j a m e e - |--: eyes would Look up from the dirt to the archers and I would watch.....

"Any questions?"

(20:57:45 ) | |

--| - j a m e e - |--
-Property of Nyah-
-Nyahs' Ink-
--treasures aren't all Gold and Silver
some are worth far more--

says to --| Nyah |--..|Dhal al G: as You spoke..all the Archers looked from each other to You..the plans created in the dirt before us all...'no questions'

(20:58:46 )

--| Nyah |--
..|Dhal al Ghur's Woman|..
-|House of Coultrain|-
-Merchant -

says to | |--| - j a m e e - |--: you were next to me and listening as I looked up ...looking at each Archer i stopped Looking to you.. and nodded... you will be with me... I will have you gather Our water for the night...just ours the Others will tend There own needs....."

you had been part of My archers for as long as I could remember....they all were aware of who you were and when we were out doing things like this no one ever questioned.....i would nod....

"now all eat we leave as soon as food is done"

(21:02:35 ) | |

--| - j a m e e - |--
-Property of Nyah-
-Nyahs' Ink-
--treasures aren't all Gold and Silver
some are worth far more--

says to --| Nyah |--..|Dhal al G: I nodded softly as You spoke to me the other Archers listening as well...'aye my Mistress I will stay with You and gather only Our one else's'

(21:09:22 )

--| Nyah |--
..|Dhal al Ghur's Woman|..
-|House of Coultrain|-
-Merchant -

says to | |--| - j a m e e - |--: I stood and Placed My bow leaning it against the tree... My boot ran over the drawings in the dirt.... and I looked to the outskirts... it was going on to dusk...and I had wanted us all set up before Night of the girls bought over bowls of stew for us all and passed them out amongst the Archers I took mine and Moved on Over to one of the Guards....his name was Massa.... and as I called His name I frowned slightly... then Moved closer to him...."who called You That?" he grinned...."Hello Nyah what is Happening? he knew well enough that I would sort the Archers and he His men... That he would protect the supplies and we Archers would settle out of camp.....

"When food is finished we will move out of Camp and at First daylight will be ready Back here to continue travel" He nodded and wished us well...."you need us you are aware of The Call..." he looked to me and gave a smile..."Your Mate will have us if anything Happens to you You know this right"...I would chuckle "then Nothing will happen...." and with a smile I moved on back to the fires to finish My food with My men

(21:22:32 )

--| Nyah |--
..|Dhal al Ghur's Woman|..
-|House of Coultrain|-
-Merchant -

says to | |--| - j a m e e - |--: "jamee...." i spoke and I will be on watch first.....I saw you slept on the trip.... so between us we shall be fine.... our furs were attached to the side of the wagons.. and when I had finished my stew I placed The bowl on the Log and Moved over to the wagon...each Archer had his own belongings and would gather them and ready themselves ...already they had broken in to the small groups and soon were heading off in the directions they were given… When my furs were untied I would then tie Them to My back securing the leather strapping across my chest... my quiver also attached and over my shoulder hung my bow...the Other archer a Male Even his name Moved over to join both jamee and myself...."ready " he asked... I smiled "yes ' and i looked to my girl

(21:30:39 ) | |

--| - j a m e e - |--
-Property of Nyah-
-Nyahs' Ink-
--treasures aren't all Gold and Silver
some are worth far more--

says to --| Nyah |--..|Dhal al G: 'yes Mistress' fell from soft lips, I was good for a few ahns at least...I placed my bowl which was now empty with Yours and followed You to retrieve my own fur...tying mine to my back and reattaching my quiver and placing my bow back across my shoulder...You allowed me the quiver and hunting bow, cuz I was sure Others might question me on it...but I would just direct them to You if that happened..

Looking from You back to the Archer...'i'm ready as well'

(21:44:50 )

--| Nyah |--
..|Dhal al Ghur's Woman|..
-|House of Coultrain|-
-Merchant -

says to | |--| - j a m e e - |--: I would Move off towards The side of The close to the scrub as possible.. and begin the trek along the path towards our camp.... three other archers were on the other side across from us and Like ants hidden in the bush we all made way to our words were spoken walking in single file aware of what was happening around us.... taking in all that was to was not long and I motioned for the archers on the other side of the road to make camp in the small covered area off to there right and We continued along the path to find another area that would house us in safety.....I knew you were a slave but any who would see you that didn't know you would think you to be a young woman that had taken on archery as your choice of skills.....a smile coated my lips ...if anyone needed confirmation on anything regarding you ... I was always next to you....well for now

(22:37:00 )

--| Nyah |--
..|Dhal al Ghur's Woman|..
-|House of Coultrain|-
-Merchant -

[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to | |--| - j a m e e - |--:
was not long and We found a place that would be just perfect.... pushing past The bushes and in to a small to the left was a tree that would be an excellent advantage point.... all three of us looked and smiled.... Evan readied his furs to sleep I pulled my furs from my back and placed them in under the bushes out of site..... then took to climbing The tree... My quiver on My back my bow over my shoulder.....Each step on the forks of the tree Lifted me higher as I held out my hand for jamee to follow... helping her up ....then Turned to look up higher and continued to climb until I was up high enough...but not to far incase I needed to get down in a hurry... I sat myself in the fork of the Branch and lent back waiting on jamee

(22:44:06 ) | |

--| - j a m e e - |--
..Property of Nyah..
-Nyahs' Ink-
--treasures aren't all Gold and Silver
some are worth far more--

[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to --| Nyah |--..|Dhal al G: we were always good at picking the perfect spots...I followed You to the clearing and my eyes lit up seeing a tree...yes this was perfect...I took my fur from my back unleashing it I spread it out near Yours, reattaching the quiver to my back...bow to the shoulder I was set to climb...and as Your hand served as a bridge I stepped up and moved like the kitty I was...from branch to branch, testing each as I moved, liking the fact that the branches thus far had been sturdy..i watched as You settled against the branch in the fork...just right by You I selected the next available branch, it snaked out from the trunk of the tree acting as a ledge...perfect I thought and I curled that leather clad ass to the branch and rested my back against the larger branch...

(22:51:01 )

--| Nyah |--
..|Dhal al Ghur's Woman|..
-|House of Coultrain|-
-Merchant -

[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to | |--| - j a m e e - |--: in the distance i could see My wagons the smoke from the fires giving the -main camp- away to any who may risk there lives to raid....was not long and my girl was up that tree near me looking out towards the North..watching as I watched bow relaxed across my lap it was quiet as I let out one of the whistles that would ask if the others were set up and settled for the wait....soon The sound gave its response....the sound of a night bird echoed back to me... and I knew we 6 were safe for now.. I looked to you and smirked my kitty was comfortable her long legs stretched out over The tree limb that hung out over the archer who slept below... I had visions of you falling asleep and rolling from the tree branch to land on him in his sleep... I chuckled to myself Knowing how stealth you were and how that would Not happen unless it was what you planned.....I turned to look back at The main camp wondering if The laughter would lure the raiders in to that camp...knowing we could take them out from here is need be

(22:58:50 ) | |

--| - j a m e e - |--
..Property of Nyah..
-Nyahs' Ink-
--treasures aren't all Gold and Silver
some are worth far more--

[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to --| Nyah |--..|Dhal al G: having settled there on my branch I layed my bow across my lap, it did no good across my shoulder...those catlike eyes to the North...thinking of all the Sexy Torvie Warrior that lived there...remembering Mistress saying I was going to be visiting Essa the Physcian for training in healing..i was also excited about that, I did enjoy the North and the Jarls there...laughing as I remembered a time or two at the docks...slapping my leather clad thigh I looked down to the sleeping Archer beneath me...mayhaps when it was time I would awaken Him...grins as I looked over at You

(23:11:02 )

--| Nyah |--
..|Dhal al Ghur's Woman|..
-|House of Coultrain|-
-Merchant -

[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to | |--| - j a m e e - |--: I would not even try to imagine what was in your thought but when I turned to see That smile i knew it was all bad... your eyes scanned the area as did mine...watching listening.....all was quiet.. and still…. That was always a good breeze….. as I looked up between the canopy of the tree…I  could  see the clouds move and create shadows for us ...just to Make it a little harder.... but we were good at what we did.. and you had the hearing of a kitty... I knew things would be fine......was then I heard a sound... my hand reached to you touching your side and when you looked to me... my two fingers pointed to my eyes then One finger out to the west of our position.....I didnt have a good view from where I sat.... but I knew you could be a tabuk maybe of even some woodland creature

(23:30:28 ) | |

--| - j a m e e - |--
..Property of Nyah..
-Nyahs' Ink-
--treasures aren't all Gold and Silver
some are worth far more--

[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --

says to --| Nyah |--..|Dhal al G: You were good like that I knew You knew what I was thinking most of the
my eyes then turned...always on alert...the cloud cover didn't last too long and just as it began to break I heard the noise...something moving...not Your difrection but off to the west a lil..northwest, making it a perfect view for me..the Archer asleep beneath me I leaned forward resting my elbow to the branch in front of me...bringing my bow up I took a arrow from the quiver and notched it...pressing a finger to my if to say ssshhhh...I could still hear the movements in the brush...

(23:35:37 )

--| Nyah |--
..|Dhal al Ghur's Woman|..
-|House of Coultrain|-
-Merchant -

[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --

says to | |--| - j a m e e - |--: I watched your direction and remained still not moving for if I was to move and make a sound ...Then -whoever whatever- would see me... plus you were capiable of this..... My back pressed to the trunk of The tree as I remained silent watching over my shoulder ....seeing your fingers Move to your lips ...i would move my head slightly acknowledging your action..... I remained in the position I was in.....and waited......

(23:50:05 ) | |

--| - j a m e e - |--
..Property of Nyah..
-Nyahs' Ink-
--treasures aren't all Gold and Silver
some are worth far more--

[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --

says to --| Nyah |--..|Dhal al G: from the corner of my eye I took a glance...everything was so quiet...The men all sleeping or at least I thought sojust when I got a good was a tabuk, I leaned further into the branch and was about to fire my arrow when the Archer beneath me grunted real loud and the tabuh froze before dashing back into the thicket...ohhh I was disgusted but I couldn't let the Men see that so I retracted my arrow and layed my bow back to my lap and leaned back again...
'well so much for that Mistress, that tabuk got away'

(23:58:03 )

--| Nyah |--
..|Dhal al Ghur's Woman|..
-|House of Coultrain|-
-Merchant -

[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --

says to | |--| - j a m e e - |--: I could feel your tension and watched as your Muscles in Your thighs tightened... Gripping the Branch to keep you stable.... I still didnt move ...waiting for you to fire The shot....was then a grunt from below and then.... a moment of quiet... followed by the sound of 4 feet scurrying through the brush....I would chuckle softly and Look down at the archer then back to you whispered I would nod ....."you owe me a beast for that mine....." and would then look back out over the area in front of me incase any other might have seen The beast as you did....

(00:02:20 ) | |

--| - j a m e e - |--
..Property of Nyah..
-Nyahs' Ink-
--treasures aren't all Gold and Silver
some are worth far more--

[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --

says to --| Nyah |--..|Dhal al G: 'its all His fault' pointing down to the Farting archer...He could have held His noises til I got the beast at least...waves my hand in front of me...He must have ate beans for supper...nods

(00:04:10 )

--| Nyah |--
..|Dhal al Ghur's Woman|..
-|House of Coultrain|-
-Merchant -

[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --

says to | |--| - j a m e e - |--: I would chuckle and lean back I had secured the best spot seems all the smells were wafting up to you.....I always made sure you had The Best of everything -s-

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(04:56:42 ) Personal combat is the ultimate test of my freedom. [PIC] Dhal al Ghur Captain of the Sea Kur [PIC] [ Dhal's Villa - B...