Monday, April 10, 2017

And another resting point

(13:38:31 )
-• The Spitfire •-
-•| Renee |•-
• Brinn Davos' Veiled Woman •
• City Scribe •
• Ward of Mason •
City of Corcyrus, IC

[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to ALL: *before I would step out of my wagon, I tied the scarf around my face once more. the green color would make my eyes appear bigger.. emelyn feared my eyes when I would walk around all veiled, I loved that. it gave me that power over her. not that I really needed it but anyway. I saw Josh and waved Him over. I was wondering if we were finally going to move .. I was getting pretty restless.. I hated this .. Josh stepped up and I lashed out as soon as He was within earshot "have you heard something? I mean I want to be moving again!" Josh shrugged "I have no idea Lady Renee. The Guards didn't come back with reports. "

(13:51:52 ) -- Priest King Agent --
- Brinn Davos -
- Merchant -
-Corcyrus | I.C -
[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to -• The Spitfire •--•| Re: It's not Josh's fault that the caravan has paused for a while," I said as I reached into the baack of the wagon for a jug of wine. "People are filling their water sacks from the local well. Not everyone can carry so many provisions and supplies as we do." I lean over and kiss you as I uncork the wine jug.

(13:55:57 )
-• The Spitfire •-
-•| Renee |•-
• Brinn Davos' Veiled Woman •
• City Scribe •
• Ward of Mason •
City of Corcyrus, IC

[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to -- Priest King Agent ---: *Finally you were near me again .. I was on the edge of a Mental Breakdown.. the depths of liquid brown shot fire while turning to you .. "There have been an ambush. I think Dhal handled it. But I am not sure, nobody knows a thing! " I stomped down my foot and then I gasped, looking at you eyes widely. I was sounding just like that horrible woman Elspeth... I inhaled sharply, taking the scarf from my face a moment before I took a swallow of the water bota that I was holding .. "I am sorry, the entire day without blackwine does this, but next time we'll go by boat.. I am not made as a Wagon Woman"

(13:57:55 ) -- Priest King Agent --
- Brinn Davos -
Renee's Man of the House
- Merchant -
-City of Corcyrus, IC-
[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to -• The Spitfire •--•| Re: “Boats are all very well, provided your destination happens to follow a convenient river. The roads to Turia are rarely lined with canals...” I said with a reassuring smile.

(14:08:08 )
-• The Spitfire •-
-•| Renee |•-
• Brinn Davos' Veiled Woman •
• City Scribe •
• Ward of Mason •
City of Corcyrus, IC

[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to -- Priest King Agent ---: "I know this Brinn.. I really do .. but I .. " and I shushed right there right now ... I felt the swell of my stomach move and instinctivly my hand was resting upon the large bulge... a soft smile playing on the lines of my lips while brown eyes were resting upon your face... "it is restless" just explaining why I would stop mid-sentence.. "anyway.. there was an ambush.. from six or eight men .. and they were encircled and that is last that I heard.. I do not know if we are going to move soon or not .. "

(14:11:31 ) -- Priest King Agent --
- Brinn Davos -
Renee's Man of the House
- Merchant -
-City of Corcyrus, IC-
[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to -• The Spitfire •--•| Re: “Ambushed? Six or eoight men? They must have been insane. Look at the size of the caravan... I probably slept through the raid and didn't notice.” But I do seem to grow concerned as you draw attention to your pregnant belly. “Is everything okay? Maybe we shouldn't have travelled while you are with child... Do you require more pillows?” I had brought an enormous number of soft pillows on this trip on the assumption that lots of pillows would be good for a pregnant woman.

(14:22:06 )
-• The Spitfire •-
-•| Renee |•-
• Brinn Davos' Veiled Woman •
• City Scribe •
• Ward of Mason •
City of Corcyrus, IC

[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to -- Priest King Agent ---: "If I was a fragile southern Woman.. then Yes.. but I am fine now Brinn.. thank you"
it was absurd the number of soft pillows you brought along with you on this trip .. I think we needed at least two extra wagons for that! at least! the Caravan was starting to move again slowly ... "come Love" and I took your hand in mine. dragging you up to the bench of the wagon .. I loved keeping the reigns within the palms of my hands.. steering ..I checked the bow behind me. I had been speaking to a few of the Men.. I had a few ideas on how I could defend myself. I was told to hide under the wagon, shoot arrows.. ofcourse if my belly would fit underneath it as well! sheesh!! I grinned at my own thoughts and glanced at you.. swiftly tying the scarf back to cover my mouth and nose .. "emelyn hadn't seen me veiled, she was scared.. She said I could make her crawl with my eyes.. she amuses me"

(14:28:17 ) -- Priest King Agent --
- Brinn Davos -
Renee's Man of the House
- Merchant -
-City of Corcyrus, IC-
[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to -• The Spitfire •--•| Re: I nod with appreciation as you secure your veils in place. “I'll be glad when we reach Turia,” I say as I gaze over the horizon. I wasn't going to mention it, but I had noticed riders in the distance keeping pace with our caravan, tracking us during the route we took. Unlike the doomed, futile assault of the six or so men, these semed more organised, more professional, and they were no doubt a advance scouting party for a larger force. “So, have you given any thought to baby names yet?” I ask to keep your mind off the journey and also because I was curious to know your preferences.

(14:35:03 )
-• The Spitfire •-
-•| Renee |•-
• Brinn Davos' Veiled Woman •
• City Scribe •
• Ward of Mason •
City of Corcyrus, IC

[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to -- Priest King Agent ---: *that flicker of apreciation made me warm and fuzzy on the inside.. I knew what this veil meant to you .. I was hating it .. wholeheartedly and just yet .. I had seen that worried glance in to the depths of your eyes but I brushed it off when you gave me that question .. "I have to admit Brinn. I have no many things happened in the mean time .. I am .. just .. I have no idea.. have you gave it some thought?" I was trying not to panick. the glance was back to the trail we were following, the way to wagon moved, made my body shift. sometimes painfully. but I was not going to let you know such... I would be fine ... We were on our way to the Ost Fangs ..*

(14:36:24 ) -- Priest King Agent --
- Brinn Davos -
Renee's Man of the House
- Merchant -
-City of Corcyrus, IC-
[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to -• The Spitfire •--•| Re: "If it's a boy we could call him Tarl..." I say, with a slight smile.

(14:45:45 ) -- Priest King Agent --
- Brinn Davos -
Renee's Man of the House
- Merchant -
-City of Corcyrus, IC-
[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to -• The Spitfire •--•| Re: "I think I see Dhal up ahead," I say as I lean back in the wagon and put the wine jug to my lips.

... a group of whores and seamen laugh as they make their way back to the tavern ...
(14:47:10 )
-• The Spitfire •-
-•| Renee |•-
• Brinn Davos' Veiled Woman •
• City Scribe •
• Ward of Mason •
City of Corcyrus, IC

[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to -- Priest King Agent ---: "seriously Brinn.. I Have not thought about it .. " teeth were gnawing at my bottom lip ... "How bout Thorgard? " I gave you a glance.. "what if this is going to be a girl ... ? " and as you took another sip of your wine I grinned.. glancing about seeing Dhal up ahead as well .. "yup, that'll be Him"

(14:48:56 ) -- Priest King Agent --
- Brinn Davos -
Renee's Man of the House
- Merchant -
-City of Corcyrus, IC-
[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to -• The Spitfire •--•| Re: “I should speak to the man, introduce myself,” I muse as I rub my chin. Also, I think to myself, but do not say out loud, I should mention to him about the unwanted attention we have been attracting from the bandit outriders on the horizon. What I can't voice out loud to my pregnant woman, I can certainly discuss with a warrior of Gor.

(14:55:41 )
-• The Spitfire •-
-•| Renee |•-
• Brinn Davos' Veiled Woman •
• City Scribe •
• Ward of Mason •
City of Corcyrus, IC

[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to -- Priest King Agent ---: "yes do so ... Brinn"
and with that I smiled.. I knew the Men were around us for our safety, but i was feeling off.. I didn't feel well travelling like this.. however.. I would not lash out ... no .. I needed to keep myself calm at this point .. I was inhalin sharply and kept the depths of brown focussed on the road before us ... I was in need to bring the Wagon to Turia... *

(14:57:33 ) -- Priest King Agent --
- Brinn Davos -
Renee's Man of the House
- Merchant -
-City of Corcyrus, IC-
[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to Her Stubborn Oneemelyn R: “Greetings girl,” I say as you emerge from the back of the tent. It occurs to me that you still need to be branded soon. I gaze at your bare thigh. Perhaps you have forgotten what will be done to you, but I haven't. “We are about to begin moving again. If you need to pee, now is the time to do so, otherwise crouch down beside your Mistress. Make sure she is comfortable.”

(15:03:19 )
Let all who oppose my Home Stone fall to ruin by my hand
Dhal al Ghur
Captain of the Sea Kur

[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to -• The Spitfire •--•| Re: The beast moved swiftly along the rough dirt track the me riding fast all dressed in robes like Taharian tribesmen in dark hooded robes and sand scarfs concealing their features riding under no banners all nondescript yet heavily armed. The road was clear all the way to the Ost Fangs rock pillars making progress easy once more. I pulled up next to Caleb the lieutenant "we will set up camp here for the night there is still 2 ahn before night fall" find the well and let us rest."
Wheeling the beast away from the men I rode back towards the head of the caravan passing the Commander Kahil on the way "set up a perimeter we are camping here for the night. We will move on again tomorrow before the Tor tu Gor lifts its light to the horizon, first light."
with that I continued to ride back up the road towards the head of the caravan my messenger and first girl trailing behind me carrying the half emptied bota's of water and the small parcel of food. I saw the wagons for Corcyrus leading the caravan riding up to it to see the Lady Renee and her companion seated up front. "Tal Lady Renee, I trust the trip goes well?"

(15:05:59 )
Let all who oppose my Home Stone fall to ruin by my hand
Dhal al Ghur
Captain of the Sea Kur

[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to -- Priest King Agent ---: I sat there on the beast pulling down the sand scarf so that it hung about my neck turning to you "Tal I'm Dhal al Ghur I'm honored to finally get to speak to you and greet." I smiled as I looked over at you, finally meeting the man that was a big part of the city Corcyrus

(15:06:03 ) -- Priest King Agent --
- Brinn Davos -
Renee's Man of the House
- Merchant -
-City of Corcyrus, IC-
[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to Let all who oppose my Ho: watch as you ride up and greet Renee, who after all is far more well known than what appears to be a modest merchant at her side. For a moment I say nothing, letting Renee make the customary greetings to a man she already knows well.

(15:09:08 ) -- Priest King Agent --
- Brinn Davos -
Renee's Man of the House
- Merchant -
-City of Corcyrus, IC-
[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to Let all who oppose my Ho: “Greetings to you, Captain,” I say, granting you that title as it seems appropriate enough. “I'm Brinn Davos, now merchant of the city of Corcyrus, by before that Brundisium, and I count myself fortunate to ride in a caravan that enjoys the protection of renowned warriors such as yourself and your men. May I offer you some wine?” hold out the stoppered jug if you wish to take a drink. “It is from a fine vineyard in Vonda. Not the usual cheap stuff you might be offered around a campfire late at night.”

(15:10:43 )
-• The Spitfire •-
-•| Renee |•-
• Brinn Davos' Veiled Woman •
• City Scribe •
• Ward of Mason •
City of Corcyrus, IC

[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to Let all who oppose my Ho: *I was being tensed up... I would not let you know .. A dip of the head in respect would be gifted to you. I was exhausted. for sure.. would you have seen such.. I had been wondering ... "Dhal. it does goes well.. " and I wouldn't let you in that I had been worried about the ambush and all the things that a pregnant woman could have... no .. this was probably a Man thing .. I knew I was having a high status within the City .. but still ... then you introduced you yourself to Brinn and I would the two of you speak for a time*

(15:14:36 )
Her Stubborn One
Renee's slavegirl
-City of Corcyrus, IC

[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to -- Priest King Agent ---: eme had pulled back the flap of the tent then ventured out, just as she rounded the corner of the tent..She would hear your words, her heart started to beat quickly hearing him speak of the branding...I Would try not to show emotion of what he had said...she Would simply say...her Eyes slightly lowered...
yes Master, this one greets you Master... she looked to her Mistress then the bit about using the chance to venture into the brush and take a squat... Nodding to him, she move with a gentle grace her small form moved to her Mistress, she knelt melting to the ground before her feet, she bowed her head and knees brushed to the ground, thighs softly closing, she put her hands on her thighs palm up...eme Swallowed hard the words of the master still ringing in her ears... eme said with head bowed, Greetings my Mistress this one hopes the morning finds you well...

(15:16:25 )
Let all who oppose my Home Stone fall to ruin by my hand
Dhal al Ghur
Captain of the Sea Kur

[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to -- Priest King Agent ---: I held up my hand to refuse the drink but then thought better of it "of course , well met Brinn Davos of Corcyrus. "I took the jug from you hefting the jug up over my elbow putting the neck to my lips and drank, sipping at first then a good mouthful enjoying the taste of the wine "indeed it is good wine, my gratitude" passing the jug back to you. "We are setting up camp a few pasangs from here" pointing at the twin pillars of stone that stood out high above the lands that surrounded them "perhaps I will share some time with you around the fire this evening?" wheeling the kaiila "now if you will please excuse me" riding off back down the line looking for the rear guard my messenger riding close behind

(15:24:23 )
-• The Spitfire •-
-•| Renee |•-
• Brinn Davos' Veiled Woman •
• City Scribe •
• Ward of Mason •
City of Corcyrus, IC

[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to -- Priest King Agent ---: "oh He is more impressive then His reputation" I chuckled softly as Dhal drove off again ... "oh sure .. you can do that... or are you asking my permission? " there was a taunting tone in the depths of my voice... "I am glad we are going to stop for a little while again ... I am getting pretty fed up with travelling ... " the cushions weren't helping all the time ... but okay.. the caravan stopped in the front and I was suddenly sitting up straight. depths of brown weary watched the road ahead.. was this the place for the encampment.. "is this Ost Fangs Brinn? " my voice was small ... almost like I have been scared there was something else*

(15:28:54 ) -- Priest King Agent --
- Brinn Davos -
Renee's Man of the House
- Merchant -
-City of Corcyrus, IC-
[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to -• The Spitfire •--•| Re: “I honestly have no idea what this place is. I've never been this far south before.” Which for once was true. I had travelled quite widely across Gor on Priest King business, but never to Turia. I knew the name of our station agent in that city, but not much else. “But if we're using it as an encampment, it will be safe enough. And at least you will be able to ease that sore bottom of yours,” I say with a grin. “You are many htings, my love, but an intrepid wagon girl you will never be.”

... Calls from the vendors echo thru the streets of the Port ...
(15:30:19 ) -- Priest King Agent --
- Brinn Davos -
Renee's Man of the House
- Merchant -
-City of Corcyrus, IC-
[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to Her Stubborn Oneemelyn R: “Emelyn – can you cook, girl? Good enough to entertain guests I mean? I wish to invite Dhal to a meal tonight round our camp fire. You are to prepare and cook food that will not dishnour your Mistress or I when you serve it. Do you understand?”

(15:31:27 )
-• The Spitfire •-
-•| Renee |•-
• Brinn Davos' Veiled Woman •
• City Scribe •
• Ward of Mason •
City of Corcyrus, IC

[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to Her Stubborn Oneemelyn R: "eme.... stash away all the cushions again .. I am not needing them .. well .. wait .. maybe I need them in the bed .. " I wasn't to sure and I couldn't make decissions at this point .. this travelling thing wasn't good for my mood .. nor my health... and I realized! that you would be branded.. how it scared you ! "oh you would look so lovely with a brand mine!"

(15:33:49 ) -- Priest King Agent --
- Brinn Davos -
Renee's Man of the House
- Merchant -
-City of Corcyrus, IC-
[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to -• The Spitfire •--•| Re: I nod, hearing you say that. “The brand will make her even more beautiful. She will grow to love it eventually.”

(15:34:35 )
-• The Spitfire •-
-•| Renee |•-
• Brinn Davos' Veiled Woman •
• City Scribe •
• Ward of Mason •
City of Corcyrus, IC

[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to -- Priest King Agent ---: "If we can agree on that Southern Woman thing as well! I am pleased" I was teasing, cause I knew exactly that you were trying to make me a southern Woman.. well slightly .. within the safety of our home .. you'd allow me to be Northern with keys and all that jazz.. I nuzzled into your side. arms wrapped around your arm ... "I have to admit Brinn.. travelling with this HUGE belly is a terror .. "

(15:35:41 )
-• The Spitfire •-
-•| Renee |•-
• Brinn Davos' Veiled Woman •
• City Scribe •
• Ward of Mason •
City of Corcyrus, IC

[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to Her Stubborn Oneemelyn R: "as long as we love it Brinn... she has no say in it ... She is a slave" and while I said such I watched you .. I'd be watching your reactions.. earlier today I had impressed your slavery upon you again .. You knew whom you belonged to and why... and I was pleased having a girl like you ..

(15:37:00 ) -- Priest King Agent --
- Brinn Davos -
Renee's Man of the House
- Merchant -
-City of Corcyrus, IC-
[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to -• The Spitfire •--•| Re: “If it's any consolation, I'm probably more worried about you than you are about yourself. I keep worrying that any sudden shock might be bad for our child. I can only hope that the spitfire inside you will keep the child safe.”

(15:39:40 )
-• The Spitfire •-
-•| Renee |•-
• Brinn Davos' Veiled Woman •
• City Scribe •
• Ward of Mason •
City of Corcyrus, IC

[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to -- Priest King Agent ---: "Brinn! I am not made of sugar! You know I am a Northern Born Woman! I am strong! not like any southern princess" I couldn't help myself .. I did love you being all over protective ... but .. sheesh.. treating me like I would be made from that stuff, on earth, was called cotton candy... I inhaled sharply and groaned cause I had lost my temper and I was trying hard not to do so ... *

(15:40:23 )
Her Stubborn One
Renee's slavegirl
-City of Corcyrus, IC

[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to -- Priest King Agent ---: eme turned and just sort of looked up at you, she softly said... yes Master this one can try? she looked a bit worried and smiled faintly to you...Now the last part made her worry, displeasing Mistress would be like a stab to the heart...she would pipe up again... This girl will do her best my Master, the best she can...

(15:44:56 ) -- Priest King Agent --
- Brinn Davos -
Renee's Man of the House
- Merchant -
-City of Corcyrus, IC-
[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to Her Stubborn Oneemelyn R: “Try? Try is not the kind of word I like to hear from a slave,” I say with a frown. “'Try' suggests you might fail, and make us appear foolish in front of important guests. 'Try' is the sort of word that could earn you a whipping. If you are at all concerned about your skills, then I suggest you find a camp slave who knows how to cook, and you beg her to tell you what to do. Beh her on your knees, on your belly, whatever works, but make sure you know how to cook a meal suitable for guests around our camp fire tonight, unless you wish to have your wrists tied to a wagon wheel afterwards and be whipped.”

(15:46:58 ) -- Priest King Agent --
- Brinn Davos -
Renee's Man of the House
- Merchant -
-City of Corcyrus, IC-
[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to -• The Spitfire •--•| Re: “I know you are stronger than the soft city girls of Corcyrus, but even so, you are pregnant and it is natural for me to be overly protective and concerned about you, my love. I wouldn't be a man if I didn't feel that way.” I kiss you again and place my hand gently on your stomach, to feel our child inside you.

(15:51:14 )
-• The Spitfire •-
-•| Renee |•-
• Brinn Davos' Veiled Woman •
• City Scribe •
• Ward of Mason •
City of Corcyrus, IC

[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to -- Priest King Agent ---: *listening to the words you spoke to emelyn, I knew that you would be this way with her and I was fine .. You were placing your hand to the swell of my stomach and as soon the warmth of your hand would be felt, the baby gave you a hard strong kick against the palm of your hand .. it made me snicker .. "It is strong .. The heart of Warrior.. or a Northern Man.. " and I grinned.. "alright I will allow you to be worried and overly protective" to be honest it was a really wonderful feeling to have you worried about my health..
the caravan had already been stopping before us... and I steered the wagon to enter a circle of wagons.. slowly there were wagons doing the sames, there were many circles around us ... I stopped the wagon an I hopped down from the bench of the wagon, with a jump.. giving the reigns to the thralls "tend to the beasts boys" and with that I rose my hands to tor tu gor.. stretching slowly, hearing my spine pop, one by one .. until I felt just a little pain .."Let's set up camp Love... and I really can use a blackwine now .. you did bring the beans did ya? "

(15:52:42 )
Her Stubborn One
Renee's slavegirl
-City of Corcyrus, IC

[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to -- Priest King Agent ---: eme scrambled for the right words, she quickly fell to her belly her head to the ground she placed her hands at the side of her head, in full submission as she begged... my Master this one begs forgiveness she used a wrong word...she will not Try she will Do my Master...this one will fix food, so good it would melt in your mouth.. Master.. she shook on her knees, she didn't want to be whipped....

... A whip cracks as a slaver leads a chain of slaves from the docks to the kennels ...
(15:53:12 ) -- Priest King Agent --
- Brinn Davos -
Renee's Man of the House
- Merchant -
-City of Corcyrus, IC-
[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to -• The Spitfire •--•| Re: “There is no shortage of beans. Only the pillows take up more room!” I laugh as I help you down. “I know you would turn into a prickly she-sleen if you didn't have blackwine during the journey.”

(15:54:53 ) -- Priest King Agent --
- Brinn Davos -
Renee's Man of the House
- Merchant -
-City of Corcyrus, IC-
[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to Her Stubborn Oneemelyn R: “Good girl,” I say with a smile. For there is nothing like the threat of a whipping to stir a girl to greater effort. “Know this – I will not whip you for no reason. I am not a sadist. But if you displease either of us, well, then the whipping will be administered. Now set about building a camp fire and boil water for the black wine beans while I unload our bedding for the night.”

(15:55:42 )
-• The Spitfire •-
-•| Renee |•-
• Brinn Davos' Veiled Woman •
• City Scribe •
• Ward of Mason •
City of Corcyrus, IC

[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to -- Priest King Agent ---: *hearing your words the back of my gloved hand lashed out to hit your chest.. "Brinn! if you ever compare me with those sleens EVER again! I am going to make you sleep in that wagon filled with pillows!" surely there was a bemused tone in the depths of my voice... I shook my head and I just could not believe you and your words.... *

(15:58:22 ) -- Priest King Agent --
- Brinn Davos -
Renee's Man of the House
- Merchant -
-City of Corcyrus, IC-
[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to -• The Spitfire •--•| Re: I laugh again as you set about slapping me like that. “See – already you've been too long in the wagon without a cup of hot black wine in your hands...”

(16:03:05 )
-• The Spitfire •-
-•| Renee |•-
• Brinn Davos' Veiled Woman •
• City Scribe •
• Ward of Mason •
City of Corcyrus, IC

[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to -- Priest King Agent ---: "just be glad that you are in time before I pull out the Spitfire" * I knew i didn't need to remind you that I was not for sale .. I was loving you so much.. that I could only threaten to do bad things to you ... I would never be able to do them to you ... I hid a yawn behind my gloved hand I just prayed that nobody saw that.. I'd be helping setting the beds... *

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