Wednesday, April 12, 2017

And it was morning

(00:37:48 )
-• The Spitfire •-
-•| Renee |•-
• Brinn Davos' Veiled Woman •
• City Scribe •
• Ward of Mason •
City of Corcyrus, IC

[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to ALL: my back was killing me .. I was all for normal bedding again ... Slipping my feet into the boots I wore .. an slowly I brushed my hair .. I was lost in my thoughts.. the brushing was always soothing to me .. the depths of green resting on a spot of the wagon . Brinn had been asking me for a boys name and I just didn't know .. I would let Him decide such a thing. Such matters.. well didn't really both me .. giving birth was the thing on my mind. It would probably hurt.. I was looking forward to go to Turia. I wanted to see my Father. It had been ages! I swore! I wondered while braiding my hair, had I changed since He left. I mean we saw eachother at the fair. He now had the twins. I rose to my feet and grabbed a hold of the veil. without even give it a second thought, the veil was tied around my face. this became a second nature to me .. and did it worry me.. no it didn't

(00:58:49 )
Her Stubborn One
Renee's slavegirl
|City of Corcyrus IC|

[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to -• The Spitfire •--•| Re: eme had been up on her feet and headed out to the side of the road. She gazed up and down the path then bolted across the road to the other side, she stooped down, looking over the large rocks as she moved, she would pick a few up in her arms and heft them back across the road and walked slowly back into camp with the two boulders and walked up to the cooking wagon. Starting from the wheel, she counted off the steps making sure it was fifty paces to seventy-five paces away...she Didn't want to risk, the fire jumping and setting the wood of the wagon on fire by accident
with a couple more trips over the road, eme had gotten all the boulder she needed with the last arm full. eme lowered to her knees around the almost complete circle of largish boulders dropping one at her side, she took the one in her hands, leaning over to the far side of the fire ring, she let it drop with care into place...she Pressed it down with both hands and twisted it just so into place to roughly have the same height as the other...she Didn't want to have the iron grate to be lopsided and have the food spill off by letting the pots and pans slide into the fire or worse to the ground and waste it... Oh, that made eme shiver for real...the Thought of being tied to a wagon wheel stripped and beaten...again She shivered, pressing the rocks down to make sure they were even.... She shifted on her knees reaching over to pick the last boulder up and twist back to the front lifting the boulder and laying it into Was pressed down like the others before it...pressing It into place alongside the others, it would then complete the circle...
eme would gauge the rock formation, she sit back on her heels and held up a thumb before her looking at the rocks, she shifted her hand with the thumb still held up before She held her thumb up, shifting her hand looking at her thumb and the height of the boulders, it would give her a good measure, that the pikes of the rocks all hit along the same mark on her thumb...with A smile, her gaze shifted past the ring of rock, and on to the feet of her Mistress, emes eyes traveled up from her boots up her form. Her eyes stopping on the growing rise of her stomach. It was growing so much, eme wondered if there was more than one in there, she shivered at the thought...two People living inside one body, shifting and moving around... eme had never been touched in that way, she had heard of the bitter stuff she would soon have to take... She had sit close to Mistress, with her arm near her stomach...
she didn't tell Mistress, but, she felt something shift, it scared eme at the time.

(01:04:42 )
Her Stubborn One
Renee's slavegirl
|City of Corcyrus IC|

[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to -• The Spitfire •--•| Re: It made her sit back just a bit from Mistress...eme Thought silently, the babe didn't want her touching its mother...the Thought of that made her feel sick, putting her hand quickly to her mouth, as it watered and she felt she would lose her belly... Pushing to her feet, pushing to her feet, she lowered her eyes, turning on the balls of her feet, the long braid of hair fanned out around her thighs when she turned. Her long hair brushed over her back, with every step taken the long tail played over her back and lapping at her ankles... eme tried to do her best at all she did for her Master and Mistress moreover, her Mistress was the center of her world, well, in short she was everything...the Smile of that, made her steps just a bit more of a bounce to them. It felt like a dance she would do sometimes. Reaching the steps of the cooking wagon, she bounded up the three steps to the wagon, pulling the door outwards, then lifting the flap that hung over the opening... The windows of the wagon were pulled open, the thick curtains had been tied back framing the windows in beautiful vibrant color of dark orange, blacks and browns...they Seemed to be all earth color, the shelves inside the wagon were well stocked with whatever the Master and Mistress could wish for... And the sunlight shown through the window lighting up the inside of the wagon, the fresh air made the various smells in the cooking wagon waft around her as she moved around the wagon collecting the things she would need
...Mistresses black wine was utmost on her list...turning on the balls of her small feet, she moved up to the shelves and looked over them, reaching up with willowy arms, the flat of her bara pressed gently up against the short counter before the shelves..The thick tunic caught and pulled against the counter, pulling the harsh material of the tunic over aroused flesh, her arms trembled as she pulled the tin of black wine down from the shelf into her trembling hands. Her body shuddered, she paused a ehn, taking in a breath. She almost growled at the way her body reacted to pain, even the slightest, it aroused her...blinking As the wave of shuddered ebbed from inside her. Her core warred within her. eme tried to keep it at bay. Rolling her shoulders, she shook her head, but that only made it worst..The long tail of hair swayed over her back licking at her neck and arms, sending prickled flesh up her arms and another shudder to run down her smile...sometimes She thought of cutting the rope of hair...shifting The tin in one hand, she pulled the drawer open before her stepping back to look inside, the black bean grinder was plucked out from within, then with the side of her hip she bumped the drawer closed taking everything to the table placing the items there...

(01:09:59 )
Her Stubborn One
Renee's slavegirl
|City of Corcyrus IC|

[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to -• The Spitfire •--•| Re: the Grinder set to the side, the top of the tin was pulled off, the small scoop inside, lifted out a measure scoop, carefully, the scoop was carried with care then gently poured into the grinder...then eme put the scoop back into the tin, pushing it off to the side... The top was pushed to the grinder, then eme held it with one hand flat to the table, and with the other she turned the crank on top, around and around until she could hear no more popping and crackling of the beans being crush...she Stopped turning, and lifted the clip to the side, pulling open the grinder to see the beans reduce to fine particles...eme Lifted the full grinder up to her nose smelling the aroma..It was strong and bitter smelling, but it was strangely intoxicating....she Could see why her Mistress liked it so much. Tapping the side of the grinder making the bits of the black bean on the walls of the grinder...
eme reach over pulling one of the small bowls off the stack for the spices and salts and pepper...the Grinder was tipped up and the ground black bean pouring it into the small bowl... There was enough to last for two days in the The other box were the fine wire meshed infuser..eme took one out of the box and pulled it open and then filled it full, closing the small little latch, she would pick it up by the mesh link chain and jiggle it to make sure it wouldn't open. The infuser was put next to the kettle...The Bowl was covered up with a white rep cloth to be used later. It was set to the side...turning From the table, she moved along the back of the wagon where the pots and pans and mugs and sugar...taking The tray from the shelf, then crouched down with the tray on her lap, taking out mugs and plates, utensils, reaching over into the next box, a few thick rep cloths to use as pot holder to pick up hot items...eme's Eyes moved over the tray trying to make sure she wasn't forgetting something...she Looked at the sugars, and thought about cream...she Had never made her Master black wine and really didn't know how he took it...eme Crinkled her nose and reach in pulling the covered bowls, setting one then the other to the tray...the Cream she would have to get from the cold box. Thinking she had it all, she rocked back on her heels, and lifted gracefully up to her feet, holding the tray close to her bara when she lifted...the Tray was eased to the table near the infuser, then eme picked up the infuser on the tray...the Tin she had taken the beans from was lifted from the table and replaced to its proper place...
shifting around the counter, the cold box sat in the shadows of the wagon away from the light so the block of ice covered in straw wouldn't melt so fast and kept everything cold...eme Was not sure what her Master took in his black wine. She when she lowered to her knees before the cold box, the lid was lifted as she peered inside. The eggs and tarsk was pulled from the cold box along with the cream in the small bottle. Pulling all the things she got out of the cold box, she held them in her arms rocking back on her heels, she lifted to her feet carefully moving to the table,the items she had taken out of the cold box onto the tray, and looked it over one last time before it was picked up the tray in her hands holding the tray close to her bara.

(01:19:25 )
Her Stubborn One
Renee's slavegirl
|City of Corcyrus IC|

[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to -• The Spitfire •--•| Re: eme moved to the door with the heavy tray in her hands and pressed against her bara...reaching The door of the wagon, she turned with her back to the door , her shoulder was pushed into the curtain over the door, she turned into the curtain, pulling it open with the back of her elbow and ducked her head stepping from the cooking wagon. She carefully moved out on the small porch and descended the steps to the ground. eme headed to the circle of medium boulders that were arranged in a circle. The pile of wood was at it side... eme would lower to her knees carefully setting the heavy tray down next to the fire ring...the Fire ring was perfect, eme reach over pulling the rod and flint from the leather mate by the fire, setting the grate on the small boulders perfectly. She smiled...taking The flint and rod, one in each hand, with the flint she pulled it over the rod, sending a shower of sparks down upon the dry wood. It took a few times with the flint and rod to make the wood spark to life. The red embers from the flint and rod caught on the wood. Setting the flint and rod to the mat, eme pulled her hair back and leaned in blowing on the red embers to make the wood catch. Watching the wood catch fire, eme rested back on her heels watching the fire lick against the wood and slowly engulfed the logs...
the fire was going nicely...smiling Watching it for a few ehns before taking the kettle off the tray and rocking back on her heels, she would hold the kettle to her bare and lift to her feet, turning upon the balls of her feet, eme moved towards the side of the cooking wagon, moving up to the water barrel. She would set the kettle on the side of the wagon and reach up pulling the wooden lid off the top pushing it to the side of the barrel, then picked up the kettle by the metal handle, and slipped it over the side of the barrel, into the water, she could feel the water fill the kettle, feeling the water on her fingers, then pulled it up and out of the barrel, and put it back to the side of the wagon until she pushed the wooden lid back to the top of the barrel...eme's Arm got wet when she pushed the kettle into the barrel pulling it out when it was full…With the lid back on the barrel, she bent at the waist picking up the kettle; eme's long hair fell around her shoulders as she leaned over to pick it up kettle... With it in her hand held tightly, she walked back towards the fire, stopping at the back of the cooking wagon, to pull the tri pod off the back of the porch carrying it with her to the fire ring...

(01:26:07 )
Her Stubborn One
Renee's slavegirl
|City of Corcyrus IC|

[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to -• The Spitfire •--•| Re: when eme set the tripod over the fire grate, she opened the lid to the kettle and picked up the infuser off the tray and dropped it into the kettle placing the kettle on the hook over the fire...eme Set the blackwine to the tripod and moved off to look at the wood situation, she knew she would have to start dinner soon...

(01:40:24 )
-• The Spitfire •-
-•| Renee |•-
• Brinn Davos' Veiled Woman •
• City Scribe •
• Ward of Mason •
City of Corcyrus, IC

[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to Her Stubborn Oneemelyn R: *the smell of blackwine was heavy on the dawn and i groaned while stepping out of the Wagon.. I inhaled sharply , carefully holding myself at the side of the wagon before stepping down the small of stairs... "I swear.. there will be a day when I fall down this steps.. I swear.. I am not made for this... there was a low growl emerging from the depths of my throat and I sat down cross legged at one of the furs near the fires ... . "emelyn, is that blackwine I smell? pour me a cup please.. no .. make that a large mug "

(01:46:37 )
Her Stubborn One
Renee's slavegirl
|City of Corcyrus IC|

[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to -• The Spitfire •--•| Re: eme looked up seeing her Mistress come from her wagon and stand on the steps of the wagon...she jumped to her feet and run to the steps of her Mistresses wagon and moved up close reaching out to take her hand to help her down the steps..smiled nodding...
she smiled up at you... yes Mistress this one just put it on....
she smiled... Mistress may girl help you down the steps?

(01:50:24 )
-• The Spitfire •-
-•| Renee |•-
• Brinn Davos' Veiled Woman •
• City Scribe •
• Ward of Mason •
City of Corcyrus, IC

[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to Her Stubborn Oneemelyn R: "I am seated now already.. but I will scream for you next time my eme... now .. blackwine .. " the tone in my voice seemed harsh.. I was not in the best of moods.. I would be happy if this trip was done .. "I am glad you are here emelyn.. I am .. " and I hated myself for the hormones that were rushing through me ... they were putting things in my head... feelings within me that made me weary and irky... I inhaled sharply and stared at the fires...

(02:01:34 )
Her Stubborn One
Renee's slavegirl
|City of Corcyrus IC|

[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to -• The Spitfire •--•| Re: eme watched your mood and smiled knowing you were seated.. Yes Mistress, I coming up.. eme turned on the balls of her feet, the long tail of hair fanning out behind her, the long rope of hair curled around her hips as eme lifted back to her feet and headed back across the camp to the fire and knelt down smoothly, resting back on her heels...the mug from the mat would soon be lifted into freshly washed hands...she had pushed her hands into the bucket near the fire, there was a few hand fulls of soap chips in it to make sure the hands were clean...eme worked up a lather on her hands then rinsed them and dried them flipping the rep cloth over her shoulder then picked up her Mistresses mug and pulled the ladle off the side of the hook. the ladle was lowered into the kettle and stirred , then lifted carefully out of the kettle and poured into the waiting mug in her hand...the mug was filled up to just below the rim... the ladle was then tapped to the side of the kettle, and hung back up..rocking back on her heels, the mug held in both hands cupped to her bara. eme rose and with careful steps, the hot mug of black wine held carefully as she walked over to her Mistress...reaching her Mistress, she would melt down to her knees, her knees gently brushed to the ground, her thighs kissed closed. eme brought the mug up her bara, holding it to her heart for three beats of a slaves heart... as she held it there, she whispered, for devotion, obedience, and love..
eme would then lift the mug up, placing a kiss to the belly of the mug then held it up to her Mistress... Mistress eme has brought you black wine, she prays it pleases you... she would hold the mug up for her to reach for easily...

(02:13:02 )
-• The Spitfire •-
-•| Renee |•-
• Brinn Davos' Veiled Woman •
• City Scribe •
• Ward of Mason •
City of Corcyrus, IC

[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to Her Stubborn Oneemelyn R: *I had been dozing off for a bit.. the warmth of the fire, the lack of sleep .. the trust I had been putting into the Guards and you to keep me safe.. my face had been slightly nodding.. it was the brushing of your body against mine that made me look up swiftly .. "wha.. oh .. eme.. " pretending to be here all that time ... Kind of .. I groaned into the veil an stretched my back.. rubbing my hands against the kirtle before my left hand was lifted to brush fingers along the sides of your face ... "You please me Mine" it was whispered in the usual husky tone of my voice, the right hand took the mug from your fingers, while the left hand held the contact to your skin ... "are you happy emelyn? " this was a one time question. maybe it was because I was having this hormonal thing that I cared to know if you were happy or not .. I was not sure if I would let you go if you weren't happy .. but at this moment... I asked ... I had tricked you .. I had fought you ..put you down .. and now .. something inside of you seems to have changed *

(02:25:23 )
Her Stubborn One
Renee's slavegirl
|City of Corcyrus IC|

[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to -• The Spitfire •--•| Re: Her hands slowly lowered to the tops of her thighs, she heard your words...she had never had anyone ask if she was happy before... "yes Mistress...eme loves her Mistress and new Master..she is very happy.... branding? well, that does not make eme happy... eme looked up slowly, her smile was cheeky...she knew she was going to be branded, but she would voice her feelings....she knew, she would get branded, but, she would still make a play not to let it happen

(02:31:18 )
-• The Spitfire •-
-•| Renee |•-
• Brinn Davos' Veiled Woman •
• City Scribe •
• Ward of Mason •
City of Corcyrus, IC

[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to Her Stubborn Oneemelyn R: *the words were rolling from your lips, so easily. you spoke with the feelings you were having .I could tell .. I could see it in the depths of your eyes .. it pleased me .. I had been taking you .. wanting to show you what I saw.. and maybe you still didn't see it .. but you had been stopped hiding yourself . and that matter.. that simple thing pleased me .. there was a slow curling of my lips, my fingers grabbed your earlobe and tugged it playfully .. "oh.. but the branding makes me happy.. and you surely want to see me happy do you? oh yes it will hurt.. But honestly, you will be looking so pretty! an you want to look pretty for me do you emelyn?" and I knew I would be having your there. You would do whatever made me happy .. and I for sure was going to let you know such*

(02:42:22 )
Her Stubborn One
Renee's slavegirl
|City of Corcyrus IC|

[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to -• The Spitfire •--•| Re: eme bit back a soft sob, sucking it back down, she smiled..shifting on her knees... yes Mistress, eme knows it will hurt, she knows that her flesh will be burned off...she will feel her flesh bubble and sear to the hot iron...eme has seen it done before... she shivered lowering her head, her words soft but clear... eme will do it for you Mistress...she will not displease you.. her last words, were the softest.. eme will always try and pleases you, even it it hurts or kills her...

(02:49:27 )
-• The Spitfire •-
-•| Renee |•-
• Brinn Davos' Veiled Woman •
• City Scribe •
• Ward of Mason •
City of Corcyrus, IC

[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to Her Stubborn Oneemelyn R: "Have you been eating? " I needed to get your mind back to where we were at this point ... I wouldn't let you go .. ever again. The branding that was in your near future would seal your faith forever.. marking you as mine... I was more then pleased that you were feeling this way, pleased because I had seen it and knew now, that you had felt what i saw. There had been a connection from the start, I had seen you serve and 'tricked' you in comming home to me .. that thought caused me to smile, you'd see the hint of a smile because my veil was opened a bit to drink from the blackwine you had made me ... "You know how to make the best blackwine eme" spoken softly*

(02:52:19 )
Her Stubborn One
Renee's slavegirl
|City of Corcyrus IC|

[ Genesian Road - Approaching ]
-- On Genesian Road approaching or leaving the Port. North to Brundisium or South to Bazi.
Wagons and foot traffic keep the road busy. Watch out for raiders! --
says to -• The Spitfire •--•| Re: eme looked up, as smile touched her lips...your prise was like kisses to my flesh, it made me want to do more for you, just to hear you speak as you just had... thank you Mistress...

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(04:56:42 ) Personal combat is the ultimate test of my freedom. [PIC] Dhal al Ghur Captain of the Sea Kur [PIC] [ Dhal's Villa - B...