Wednesday, July 12, 2017

The Sea Kur sets sail for Turia

(04:56:42 )
Personal combat is the ultimate test of my freedom.
Dhal al GhurCaptain of the Sea Kur

[ Dhal's Villa - Beach & Bluffs ]--Sitting staunch on the cliffs is the Captain of the Port's home, the pillared strength resting with the town and harbor spread proudly before its watchful eye, it's a solid structure of ancient tiled halls and clean simple spaces. .
A nice view of the Thassa can be had from the front patio and balcony. --

says to His Delicious Torment.||: I was in the bedroom folding a change of clothing and placing it on the bed, as well as a few other personal items I knew that I would need on this trip. My mind mulling over the incidents and interrogation over the past few days, and the necessity for the trip that has become an necessity to take. I knew that it had been so long since I had traveled so far south and the problems we would encounter in adapting to the different environment and the harshness of the terrain of the Tahari and its different cultures. Turning to you I smiled and pointed to the bosk back on the bed of furs "pack those things into the bag please pretty beast, whatever small things you will need do so as well there is space enough for both of our things in there" We would travel lightly and purchase clothing that would fit the area when we were there like slave chalwars, slippers, burnoose and whatever else we would need when there.
(05:06:09 )
His Delicious Torment.

|| soraya ||
- Dhal's Property - 
-"The essence of Obedience.!"-

-First Girl-[PIC]

[ Dhal's Villa - Beach & Bluffs ]--Sitting staunch on the cliffs is the Captain of the Port's home, the pillared strength resting with the town and harbor spread proudly before its watchful eye, it's a solid structure of ancient tiled halls and clean simple spaces. .
A nice view of the Thassa can be had from the front patio and balcony. --

says to Personal combat is the u: Moving quickly, gathering up the bosk pack and placing all Your items in it, heads into the small room that is shared with jamee i gather up a change of silks and my hair bruush and soap and other small items, the belly chain is already, glancing around she hopes she has whats needed looking to her claok she has no idea whether she will need it or not, she grabs her basket ,hoping she cant take it with her she will have to wait and see what her Master says.Her red boots where upon her feet so she was ready to go , the cook would have preapred some food to take and there were resh botas of water cooling on the salted ice,looking around once more she pulls the door behind her and wonders when she will be back and what lays ahead of them, this being the first trip she hasnt gone on with Master other than the Road and that in itself was an adventure that changed her life forever.
(05:14:05 )
Personal combat is the ultimate test of my freedom.
Dhal al GhurCaptain of the Sea Kur

[ Dhal's Villa - Beach & Bluffs ]--Sitting staunch on the cliffs is the Captain of the Port's home, the pillared strength resting with the town and harbor spread proudly before its watchful eye, it's a solid structure of ancient tiled halls and clean simple spaces. .
A nice view of the Thassa can be had from the front patio and balcony. --

says to His Delicious Torment.||: as we worked I took looked over at you and smiled "we will sail on the Sea Kur south towards Anango. "grins "there we will put into a cove that we have used in the past and travel overland to Turia where we will stay for a few days to get provisions and hear news about the area that we will be travelling in. We will then leave and head East towards Tor either through the plains depending on how the nomads will be or through the sands of the Tahari on to Tor where we will plan and prepare for the final leg of the journey" My dark eyes flashed at you a smile on my lips you did not see the concern that I felt nor the apprehension at being back in the desert sands of the Tahari and what it could bring. It was a brutal life in those sandy wastes
(05:24:25 )
His Delicious Torment.

|| soraya ||
- Dhal's Property - 
-"The essence of Obedience.!"-

-First Girl-[PIC]

[ Dhal's Villa - Beach & Bluffs ]--Sitting staunch on the cliffs is the Captain of the Port's home, the pillared strength resting with the town and harbor spread proudly before its watchful eye, it's a solid structure of ancient tiled halls and clean simple spaces. .
A nice view of the Thassa can be had from the front patio and balcony. --

says to Personal combat is the u: Her tummy rolled hearing that we will be sailing , ironic she belonged to a Captain and she got sea ill, breathing deeply she shows no dread upon her serene features as she finishes off the packing, hearing they would be stopping in Turia wasa nice surprise and she looked forward to , having no knowledge at all of the other places Master was speaking of she had no idea to be excited or scared , the Plains she had heard of where the slaves ran around barely clad in leather vests and strips of material wound around the waists and between there legs , uncomfortable she would think but she was a silk slave of Ar and had only known silk upon her flesh ,You seemed relaxed but there was something different and she had no idea what it was , she onnly knew she was Your and folow You anywhere that You bid her to.

A cry goes up from the stands in the Ludus as the crowds cheer on their favorite fighter....

(05:30:20 )
Personal combat is the ultimate test of my freedom.
Dhal al GhurCaptain of the Sea Kur

[ Dhal's Villa - Beach & Bluffs ]--Sitting staunch on the cliffs is the Captain of the Port's home, the pillared strength resting with the town and harbor spread proudly before its watchful eye, it's a solid structure of ancient tiled halls and clean simple spaces. .
A nice view of the Thassa can be had from the front patio and balcony. --

says to His Delicious Torment.||: taking the gold talisman from its hiding place and slipping it around my neck and under my tunic where it was not seen, the chain heavy and string was hidden from sight. It was something that I had to have to ensure that some doors were to be opened in places where I needed it most. 

taking a look around once more ensuring that everything was tidy I left my room heading downstairs and waited by the door for you to come and join me. I called Helga the house keeper "I will be away on another of my voyages please see to it that everything is kept orderly just the way I like it. Please ensure that the staff stay busy and the the grounds are kept in good shape, neat and manicured" 

I saw you come and join me by the door as I finished speaking to the house keep and nodded my dark gaze slipping from her to you "its time to go" was all I said as I took the bosk bag with clothing from your fingers and slung it over my shoulder, picked up my personal weapons and headed through the door with you to heel carry your basket of goodies and whatever godsend you kept in there.
(05:40:30 )
His Delicious Torment.

|| soraya ||
- Dhal's Property - 
-"The essence of Obedience.!"-

-First Girl-[PIC]

[ Dhal's Villa - Beach & Bluffs ]--Sitting staunch on the cliffs is the Captain of the Port's home, the pillared strength resting with the town and harbor spread proudly before its watchful eye, it's a solid structure of ancient tiled halls and clean simple spaces. .
A nice view of the Thassa can be had from the front patio and balcony. --

says to Personal combat is the u: Seeing my Master already at the bottom of the stairs, grabbing my cloa kand throwing it around my shouders, the clasp closed , basket clutched in my right hand i quickly come down and wait near You as speak to Helga ,the pack easily slung over Your shouulder , gems watch as Yu gather Your personal weapons , Helga leans in and gives me a quick squeeze , a lil taken back at such a display an awkward smile is given. maybe she was going to miss my constant chatter to her about things or maybe she was worried, having no idea i simply clutch my basket hearing Master say its alright to bring it, that alone gives me a form of security because in the small basket was so many odds and ends that one never knows when one will need something such as a boned needle n thread , a lucky vulo foot and many other girl things
(05:49:35 )
Personal combat is the ultimate test of my freedom.
Dhal al GhurCaptain of the Sea Kur

[ Docks - Dock Area ]-- Somewhere on the docks of the Port. You can be on a ship or simply walking the docks. --
says to His Delicious Torment.||: The men had been ready for a hand now, The Sea Kur was always ready to set sail at a moments notice and tonight was no exception. The night was calm with a light breeze blowing off the land onto the water a perfect wind to set away from the port without much attention being drawn to us. The men on board were ready to cast off they were waiting for me and my party of one to come aboard. Gant had seen to the provisions, Sven had studied the charts although he knew the way South having sailed there on a number of occasions, my men were experienced and seasoned men seafarers and fighters to the last man. 

I watched as they had the lines slipped from the bollards that held the vessel fast and jumped across the widening gap with haste as they came on board the vessel. The yardarm was hoisted filling the sails and men with oars got the hull free and headed out into the channel docks slipping quietly away as the Tri-moons began to rise over the far mountains while still shrouding the Sea Kur as it slipped away without much notice from the Port. 

I stood at the bow my foot up against the railing my hand on the Serpent figure head as it began to move faster out into the bay the water lapping against the hull, lightly drumming the beat of the small waves against the hull. The sky awash with the stars like a million lamps being lit in the heavens, a cover had been set up in the stern where we would sleep when it found us the excitement of the trip already behind us as now the reality of what was happening and what had to be done set in....we were now committed

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

He spills the beans

(04:01:14 )
Personal combat is the ultimate test of my freedom.
Dhal al Ghur
Captain of the Sea Kur
Captain of Port Phenix IC

[ Dhal's Villa - Beach & Bluffs ]
--Sitting staunch on the cliffs is the Captain of the Port's home, the pillared strength resting with the town and harbor spread proudly before its watchful eye, it's a solid structure of ancient tiled halls and clean simple spaces. .
A nice view of the Thassa can be had from the front patio and balcony. --

says to ALL: I sat on the patio contemplating the incident in the barrack cells I had to admit that I had been thrown by the revelation and the utterances of the tortured man, the main reasoning behind my request for him to be cleaned and a healer sent to assist him. I needed to discuss these utterances from him without the fear of pain but rather the reward for the truth. It had been a very long time since I last heard the name being uttered. It was a long time since I had even given it much thought, my life had turned and well it may have not been for the better but it certainly had changed.

I sipped the mug of black wine and thought about what I would do if in fact it was true that this man in fact was Tamuzhe or had believed that it was. The Tahari was a long way away and a completely different world with a completely new set of customs and traditions and a landscape that was much harsher than here. It was a battle against the terrain and not just the marauding tribesmen of the Tahari. Water was more precious than Gold or coin so knowing where the hidden wells were was a feat not to mention that maps were forbidden.

(04:08:19 )
Personal combat is the ultimate test of my freedom.
Dhal al Ghur
Captain of the Sea Kur
Captain of Port Phenix IC

[ Dhal's Villa - Beach & Bluffs ]
--Sitting staunch on the cliffs is the Captain of the Port's home, the pillared strength resting with the town and harbor spread proudly before its watchful eye, it's a solid structure of ancient tiled halls and clean simple spaces. .
A nice view of the Thassa can be had from the front patio and balcony. --

says to ALL: It had been a few days already now since I had spoken to the tortured and broken scout. He had been treated by the healer his wounds had been attended to and was bound to be on the mend. I had left the mans recovery solely in the officer on duty that nights responsibility. He would answer for the mans condition when I spoke to him next. I knew they were feeding him well and attending to his dressings twice daily. It was time now for me to check up on the progress I would head out and see him. I pulled on my black sleen skin cloak pulling the hood up over my head set out to visit the barracks where he was held

(04:26:21 )
Personal combat is the ultimate test of my freedom.
Dhal al Ghur
Captain of the Sea Kur
Captain of Port Phenix IC

[ Streets - Around the Port ]
-- On one of the streets that weave around the Port --

says to ALL: The night was cold and as usual at this time of the year there was no wind nor were the Tri-Moons visible instead a soft light mist had come in over the water covering the ground and swirled about our feet as we walked. The pools of intermittent light tried in vain to keep the darkness at bay making me pull my cloak closer in trying to feel warm and keep out the cold, that was actually not more than a chill but conditions just made things eerie and seem colder than it really was.

I entered the brightness of the duty room, the Captain of the Guards hurrying me through to the cell unlocking the door he spoke in a low tone so that it carried only to me ears "he is recovering well Captain, yet he does not speak. The healer and the guards say that he doesn't say a word but allows them to attend to him without protest." glancing at the weather hardened face of the Captain of the Guards I merely nodded and pushed into the room

... pretty girls stand about on the streets approaching the docks calling out to the sailors with promises of heavenly pleasures ...

(04:49:38 )
Personal combat is the ultimate test of my freedom.
Dhal al Ghur
Captain of the Sea Kur
Captain of Port Phenix IC

[ Port Barracks - Dock Area ]
neat compact rows of stone buildings house the troops of the port, beside that a parade ground where they train improving their skills in the defense of the Port..

says to ALL: I entered the cell it had a bed an small table and a couple of chairs inside. A lamp flickered on the holder on the wall. "your accommodation has improved" the man was sitting on the edge of his bed his eyes flicked to me from the captains and just stared at me in silence. Pulling out a chair I took a seat facing him, The captain of the guard remained standing a sword at his hip, I was armed with one on my left hip and a dagger in a kidney pouch. I watched the man for a moment before speaking "I see that your wounds have been attended to, they have been feeding you and that your conditions have improved, you know why I'm here, and what I need to know?" I did not say anything more but left it up to the man seated on the bed to volunteer in his own words without any pressure

(05:07:29 )
Personal combat is the ultimate test of my freedom.
Dhal al Ghur
Captain of the Sea Kur
Captain of Port Phenix IC

[ Port Barracks - Dock Area ]
neat compact rows of stone buildings house the troops of the port, beside that a parade ground where they train improving their skills in the defense of the Port..

says to His Delicious Torment.||: "I did not know the man that we met at Sadar, he was dressed in robes from the desert people. His face was covered by a scarf yet his voice was deep and his eyes were dark and cruel. It was obvious this man had a problem with the Port and the one he said was in the 'inner circle' he did not elaborate what he mean because he paid in gold and promised us the rest once we had given him the information." I sat in silence allowing the man to speak freely, I had to listen hard as the tone of his voice was low and the words were not pronounced well due to the wounds on his lips and no doubt his tongue. "He did have other men with him as he was not alone. He had the air of an leader because those others that were with him answered to him. They respected him greatly. I witnessed how he punished one of his men by stripping him and having him beaten by six others each whipping him til the flesh flayed from his back arms and legs. He did not show remorse nor showed any mercy. He was as cold as the glaziers of Torvaldsland" My dark eyes took in the fear that showed in the mans blues he was afraid of what was transpiring. That he was captured, he knew that he was going to be punished by the Taharian and was afraid for his life. "I know that he will find me and kill me, it doesn't matter but what does is that I will die without honor"

(05:54:52 )
His Delicious Torment.

|| soraya ||
- Dhal's Property -
-"The essence of Obedience.!"-

-First Girl-

[ Port Barracks - Dock Area ]
neat compact rows of stone buildings house the troops of the port, beside that a parade ground where they train improving their skills in the defense of the Port..

says to Personal combat is the u: Having remained quiet leaning upon the wall , shrouded in the black cloak , listening to the words between my Master and the man, thoughts are running thru my mind, now that my Master has the information He was seeking what will He do, small teeth nipped at a lush bottom lip, indeed something truly was unfolding and what it all meant she did not know, her heart was beating faster in her tiny chest , as she waited

(05:56:32 )
Personal combat is the ultimate test of my freedom.
Dhal al Ghur
Captain of the Sea Kur
Captain of Port Phenix IC

[ Port Barracks - Dock Area ]
neat compact rows of stone buildings house the troops of the port, beside that a parade ground where they train improving their skills in the defense of the Port..

says to His Delicious Torment.||: I allowed the man to speak, letting it flow as he tried to purge himself. He hung his head feeling dejected and forlorn and rightly so. He muttered softly "what has happened to the men that were with me, those that I traveled with, what has become of them?" I sat in silence not saying a word and allowed the Captain of the guards to speak "they are being held in shackles awaiting execution" was all he said allowing the severity of the situation to sink in. The man did not move his head sill held low. "I bed for a swift death at the hands of your men rather than a slow painful death that we would suffer at the hands of that sleen Taharian. He will surely come for us for failing him and put us to a slow death." I did not say anything but remained silent the fact that what he said was evident that someone was masquerading as the Aretai leader. Then spoke in a low tone "do you know where this Tamuzh'e is from, where his base of operations are situated?" I asked my eyes still holding in the man. He looked up at me and said the expression was filled with hate although his eyes were resigned to the death that awaited him "He said it was some place in the Tahari, an oasis" he struggled to recall then he said "thats it.....Oasis of Nine Wells" I knew then that I had to go and see for myself.

A man is Tortured

(03:31:44 )
Personal combat is the ultimate test of my freedom.
Dhal al Ghur
Captain of the Sea Kur

[ Streets - Around the Port ]
-- On one of the streets that weave around the Port --

says to His Delicious Torment.||: again the darkness shrouded us as we moved through the streets of the Port like shadows in the night, moving swiftly and silently. The cloaks about our shoulders were black and hooded shrouding even our form rendering us indistinguishable in the shows and darkness of the streets. The pools of light that danced revealed glimpses of us as we hurried along heading back towards the Port and dock area

(03:38:22 )
His Delicious Torment.

|| soraya ||
- Dhal's Property -
-"The essence of Obedience.!"-

-First Girl-

[ Streets - Around the Port ]
-- On one of the streets that weave around the Port --

says to Personal combat is the u: keeping close to You, her boots silent as they barely touched the ground, the black hooded cloak covering her red silks and sweeping the ground as she moved , her pale skin shimmered on occasion that they passed under lamplight eerily her face seemed to float as darkness melded with their cloaks, her small hand clutched the back of His cloak seemingly they moved as one entity thru the Port streets heading to the docks

(03:44:10 )
Personal combat is the ultimate test of my freedom.
Dhal al Ghur
Captain of the Sea Kur

[ Streets - Around the Port ]
-- On one of the streets that weave around the Port --

says to His Delicious Torment.||: The docks were beyond the lights shinning from the oil lamps along the road leading towards them past the warehouses and at points along the docks. A light mist had drifted in over the water as there was no wind and the night was still even some sounds were muted leaving a strangeness upon us as we moved into the guardhouse of the Port Barracks. The officer on duty was expecting me and hurried to the corridors but this time took us to another room where one of the men was waiting he was tied to a bench on his back. The room was dark and as we entered the stench of faeces and urine assaulted our senses. On closer inspection I could see that the man was wet and bloody, skin had been peeled from his arms and fingers were bloody pulps were the nails had been pulled. He groaned and turned to us and I saw that his face was bloody, his lips pulped from beating his eyes stark and wild as he stared at us stopping me where I stood but three feet from him

(03:54:48 )
His Delicious Torment.

|| soraya ||
- Dhal's Property -
-"The essence of Obedience.!"-

-First Girl-

[ Streets - Around the Port ]
-- On one of the streets that weave around the Port --

says to Personal combat is the u: the night was shrouded in a mist , eerie ,soon we were back at the Port Barracks and silently following my Master in a chill ran over me ,entering a room my hand swiftly covered my mouth and nose , the smell instantly hitting us, deep midnight gems tried to adjust to the darkness of the room and then they fell upon the men tied to the bench, eyes sweeping over the bloody mess , it was evident what the smell was, exposed flesh and muscles on his arms , where his nails were once was now just a mangled mess of flesh , steading herself on her feet she found support against the wall , better that she stays out of the way as her Owner had things to attend to, the bosk milk she had drunken earlier threatening to make an appearance to add to the mess that already was all over the floor.

(04:02:27 )
Personal combat is the ultimate test of my freedom.
Dhal al Ghur
Captain of the Sea Kur

[ Streets - Around the Port ]
-- On one of the streets that weave around the Port --

says to His Delicious Torment.||: the officer in charge spoke curtly to the bloodied man "Tell the Captain what you told me" he said looming over the man. I stood there where I was and listened. the mumbled and the officer barked "speak louder" the man coughed and spoke "the m m men of the sands they wish to control the salt trade. all trade in and out of the Tahari and Tor. They wish to control the northern silk route. They heard that there was one from the Salt Ubars inner circle that did business here in the Port. It was them that sent us here." the officer spoke loudly "tell the Captain who it was that sent you?" the man moaned and said nothing until the officer slapped the man blood splattering with the sound of wet flesh being slapped "speak you dog" the mans head was jerked over at the slap his eyes pleading as he turned and looked over at me "it was the Aretai, the man said to be Tamuzh'e" I took a step back at his words it was if I was being slapped it could not be. I looked at the man, my eyes burning as the stench and confusion at these words.

(04:09:44 )
His Delicious Torment.

|| soraya ||
- Dhal's Property -
-"The essence of Obedience.!"-

-First Girl-

[ Streets - Around the Port ]
-- On one of the streets that weave around the Port --

says to Personal combat is the u: The tension in the room was palpable , she feels the guards eyes upon her briefly no doubt wondering why I was there , hearing her Master speak to the wretch who was bound to the table , midnight gems found a spot upon the ground , the sound of a slap making her jump slightly, then she hers a name and looks to her Master as He stepped back in shock

(04:19:44 )
Personal combat is the ultimate test of my freedom.
Dhal al Ghur
Captain of the Sea Kur

[ Streets - Around the Port ]
-- On one of the streets that weave around the Port --

says to His Delicious Torment.||: "who is this man this Tamuzh'e that you speak of, did you see him?" the man closed his eyes and swallowed hard then whispered his words barely audible "I did once I was in his presence but I could not see his face he wore a sand scarf about his face and was dressed in the robes of those from the deserts" the man coughed with fresh blood splattering from his shattered lips. I turned to the officer "clean this man up I wish to speak to him when he is feeling better, see to his wounds I want him available in a few days get a healer in here to attend to him." with that I turned and left the room, a glance at the little beast over at the side leaning against the wall a look in her eyes told me that the little beauty was repulsed by the scene and stench. I need not have commanded her to heel he hurried from the room without prompting both of us sweeping out the guardroom and into the fresh air and the Port streets once more.

Port Weather - Click for Forecast

(04:29:05 )
His Delicious Torment.

|| soraya ||
- Dhal's Property -
-"The essence of Obedience.!"-

-First Girl-

[ Streets - Around the Port ]
-- On one of the streets that weave around the Port --

says to Personal combat is the u: hearing her Master speak to the officer , relieved that the man would be helped and his wounds attended to , she pity's him not for coming to the Port as a spy or scout was a grave thing indeed but even an animal needs to be fixed if its hurt .Her Master signalled and she soon was heeling Him out and once they hit the fresh air she gasp a few deep breaths to clear her lungs and nostrils , small beads of sweat had settled across the bridge of her nose and she wiped them away , pushing back her hood for a moment her flaxen mane seemed to glitter under he lamplight , her pale skin seemingly translucent as she gathered her composure as she hurried to keep pace with her Master
(04:36:42 )
Personal combat is the ultimate test of my freedom.
Dhal al Ghur
Captain of the Sea Kur

[ Bluffs - Beach & Bluffs ]
-- A road leads up to the bluffs offering a magnificent view of the port and bay, grassy patches, rocky outcrops and wooded areas cover the bluffs as they lead up to the large villa with the port town and bay below. --

says to His Delicious Torment.||: I walked swiftly through the dark, the shadows shrouding my mood my mind tormented at the sound of my step brothers name. It could not be possible it could never be. I did not know the tortured man and he could not know of my youth or my past it was not possible and yet there was the name uttered and spilled from his lips. I shook my head as I walked in the darkness my feet carrying me somewhere, anywhere just walking while my mind ground through this new information like gears in a machine. Mechanical while my emotions were raw as I recalled what happened many many years ago, well it seemed like yesterday or was it not that far back. My mind was in turmoil and before I knew it I was back on the bluffs heading to the villa my refuge for now.

(04:41:44 )
His Delicious Torment.

|| soraya ||
- Dhal's Property -
-"The essence of Obedience.!"-

-First Girl-

[ Streets - Around the Port ]
-- On one of the streets that weave around the Port --

says to Personal combat is the u: His silence was a sign to he that something was happening and she simply hurried her pace behind Him ,noting the path they are on is leading them to the bluffs and villa , the night air heavy now with the mist makes herr shiver under the cloak ,having been with Him thru many things , seeing things many have never witnessed , she would not want it any other way than to be with Him always regardless of where or when , He owned her totally and she was his constant lil shadow

Scouts are seen in the Port

(03:33:58 )
Personal combat is the ultimate test of my freedom.
Dhal al Ghur
Captain of the Sea Kur
Captain of Port Phenix IC

[ - Phenix Grand Hall -Public Area ]
-- where the community gather under the watchful eye of the Port Captain and his lieutenants to socialize, share stories or just chill at night by the great hearth enjoying the warmth of the fire.
The doors open to give you a view of the Harbor from the steps. Benches, low tables and chairs to sit and visit.

says to His Delicious Torment.||: my hand softly stroking the golden mane my hand rough and hard as gentle as can be. A soft content smile upon my lips as I sit and contemplate the men and their motives. I would interrogate them myself personally.

(03:37:14 )
His Delicious Torment.

|| soraya ||
- Dhal's Property -
-"The essence of Obedience.!"-

-First Girl-

[ - Phenix Grand Hall -Public Area ]
-- where the community gather under the watchful eye of the Port Captain and his lieutenants to socialize, share stories or just chill at night by the great hearth enjoying the warmth of the fire.
The doors open to give you a view of the Harbor from the steps. Benches, low tables and chairs to sit and visit.

says to Personal combat is the u: nestles under your hand, enjoying the closeness, knowing you have something on your mind simply by the way you sit, the sounds of the Port wafting in thru the open windows , the lights flickering low

(03:40:11 )
Personal combat is the ultimate test of my freedom.
Dhal al Ghur
Captain of the Sea Kur
Captain of Port Phenix IC

[ - Phenix Grand Hall -Public Area ]
-- where the community gather under the watchful eye of the Port Captain and his lieutenants to socialize, share stories or just chill at night by the great hearth enjoying the warmth of the fire.
The doors open to give you a view of the Harbor from the steps. Benches, low tables and chairs to sit and visit.

says to His Delicious Torment.||: standing up now suddenly on impulse I decided that I would go down and take a look for myself at who and what these guys were up to. If it was not too difficult I could settle this now. "come my precious we have some men to see" was all I said as I set off down the road towards the barracks where the men were being kept

... A whip cracks as a slaver leads a chain of slaves from the docks to the kennels ...

(03:44:36 )
His Delicious Torment.

|| soraya ||
- Dhal's Property -
-"The essence of Obedience.!"-

-First Girl-

[ - Phenix Grand Hall -Public Area ]
-- where the community gather under the watchful eye of the Port Captain and his lieutenants to socialize, share stories or just chill at night by the great hearth enjoying the warmth of the fire.
The doors open to give you a view of the Harbor from the steps. Benches, low tables and chairs to sit and visit.

says to Personal combat is the u: Your movement startled her some but she soon was upon her feet, and hurrying behind you as you head out and down to the road in the direction of the barracks, her boots barely touching the road as she virtually needs to trot to keep up with your stride, her basket held in her hand carrying an array of things encase you needed something ,
(03:45:41 )
Personal combat is the ultimate test of my freedom.
Dhal al Ghur
Captain of the Sea Kur
Captain of Port Phenix IC

[ Streets - Around the Port ]
-- On one of the streets that weave around the Port --

says to His Delicious Torment.||: the walk was brisk and the night cool, light flickered from the lamps wherever they were placed, darkness and pools of light dancing back and forth eerily. The crunch of my boots carried over the stillness of the night as I trudged down towards the Port the little beast following close at hand. Glancing over my shoulder a smile upon my lips when I saw you skipping along behind me keeping pace, those little red boots flashing darkly upon the streets the sounds of our passing along marking our way through the night.

(03:50:58 )
His Delicious Torment.

|| soraya ||
- Dhal's Property -
-"The essence of Obedience.!"-

-First Girl-

[ - Phenix Grand Hall -Public Area ]
-- where the community gather under the watchful eye of the Port Captain and his lieutenants to socialize, share stories or just chill at night by the great hearth enjoying the warmth of the fire.
The doors open to give you a view of the Harbor from the steps. Benches, low tables and chairs to sit and visit.

says to Personal combat is the u: normally she was frightened of the dark but never when she was with her beloved Master ,nothing could hurt her when He was around , the night was still and just the sound of our boots could be heard, the lamps giving off an eerie glow soon a mist would roll in off the water and envelope the Port , that's when she had heard the creatures of the Port come out from their hiding places and try and snatch rats and anything else that looks easy prey , she's not sure if its true but that's what the guards were telling the kitchen girls

(03:55:50 )
Personal combat is the ultimate test of my freedom.
Dhal al Ghur
Captain of the Sea Kur
Captain of Port Phenix IC

[ Port Barracks - Dock Area ]
neat compact rows of stone buildings house the troops of the port, beside that a parade ground where they train improving their skills in the defense of the Port..

says to His Delicious Torment.||: The barracks housed the port guard and was the center of the Port defenses. The guard room stood apart from the rest of the sleeping quarters and the duty officer stood to attention as I entered the doorway suddenly. "Tal, are you the officer of the guard?" I did not wait for an answer but the man nodded as I continued "where are the men that were detained, where are they held, I trust that you have not interrogated them yet?" I fired off the questions one after the other without giving the man a chance to respond decently. "yes Captain, in the cells down the corridor Captain, no Captain!" the man stammered as he tried to keep up with the verbal onslaught. I headed quickly down the corridor to the cells the officer of the guard running ahead before me to open the cell doors

(04:00:57 )
His Delicious Torment.

|| soraya ||
- Dhal's Property -
-"The essence of Obedience.!"-

-First Girl-

[ - Phenix Grand Hall -Public Area ]
-- where the community gather under the watchful eye of the Port Captain and his lieutenants to socialize, share stories or just chill at night by the great hearth enjoying the warmth of the fire.
The doors open to give you a view of the Harbor from the steps. Benches, low tables and chairs to sit and visit.

says to Personal combat is the u: entering the barracks following her Master she felt eyes upon her from all directions , never had she been here before but she held her poise and silently listened to her Master firing off questions then they were off again down a corridor, she dared not look into the cells they passed but she caught a few words calling out to her and she shuddered and tried to stay as close as she could to her Master

(04:08:27 )
Personal combat is the ultimate test of my freedom.
Dhal al Ghur
Captain of the Sea Kur
Captain of Port Phenix IC

[ Port Barracks - Dock Area ]
neat compact rows of stone buildings house the troops of the port, beside that a parade ground where they train improving their skills in the defense of the Port..

says to His Delicious Torment.||: the men sat on the floor their straw beds were all they had to sleep on and there was no blankets. I stood at the door to the cell my right hand carrying the axe loosely cocked over my right shoulder now making a menacing sight for the men that laid or sat upon the floor.

"I'm the Captain of the Port what is it that you want here in Port Phenix. It's clear that you are not merchants and have a military background? I had watched you on the central plaza." My dark eyes shone in the flickering light of the lamps "we can do it one of two ways, either you are open and tell me the truth." pausing for some dramatic effect "or we can do it the hard way where I extract the whole truth from you by means of pain and torture, either way I will have the truth?"

The men glanced over at each other and by the reaction it was obvious that they had discussed this among themselves. "we are part of a scouting party, we were sent here to evaluate the defenses and identify the weak points in your defenses." replying quickly "who sent you?" the pause in the reply was deliberate as I waited "we are not sure who it was, the man that escaped he came to us and recruited us for the task" with I nod I asked again "where has he gone too and where did you meet this man?" I asked and the reply "in the market in the Sadar we have no idea where he came from" nodding I turned and retreated from the cell. I would leave them with this although I did not believe them I would return and get to the bottom of this yet

(04:14:48 )
His Delicious Torment.

|| soraya ||
- Dhal's Property -
-"The essence of Obedience.!"-

-First Girl-

[ - Phenix Grand Hall -Public Area ]
-- where the community gather under the watchful eye of the Port Captain and his lieutenants to socialize, share stories or just chill at night by the great hearth enjoying the warmth of the fire.
The doors open to give you a view of the Harbor from the steps. Benches, low tables and chairs to sit and visit.

says to Personal combat is the u: keeping out of the way she could not help but twitch her nose at the smell in the small cell, the straw was soiled in parts as she listened quietly to her Master speak to the men, she wasn't really sure what they meant but by the look on her Owners face this was not good, her small hands fidgeting behind her back , bits of words drift to her ears , her lips dry she runs the tip of her pink tongue over them and remembers her time on the Road with her Master could this be connected....

(04:21:56 )
Personal combat is the ultimate test of my freedom.
Dhal al Ghur
Captain of the Sea Kur
Captain of Port Phenix IC

[ Port Barracks - Dock Area ]
neat compact rows of stone buildings house the troops of the port, beside that a parade ground where they train improving their skills in the defense of the Port..

says to His Delicious Torment.||: moving quickly down the corridor and out into the guard room bidding my farewell to the officer in charge and headed back into the Port streets my mind going over the new information that I had just received. Glancing over my shoulder to see if you were still with me or if any grabbing hands from those cells had not detained or pawed over your lush body. A smile teasing upon my lips as I walked heading back towards the bluffs and the villa not wanting to spend any more time in the hall it was time for my furs and the warm flesh of my lovely beast...oh those carnal pleasures

(04:25:05 )
His Delicious Torment.

|| soraya ||
- Dhal's Property -
-"The essence of Obedience.!"-

-First Girl-

[ - Phenix Grand Hall -Public Area ]
-- where the community gather under the watchful eye of the Port Captain and his lieutenants to socialize, share stories or just chill at night by the great hearth enjoying the warmth of the fire.
The doors open to give you a view of the Harbor from the steps. Benches, low tables and chairs to sit and visit.

says to Personal combat is the u: glad to be out in the fresh night air she hurries to keep up with her beloved Master and sees they are heading Home , a soft smile plays across her lush lips , soon she hoped they would be in the warmth of furs

The Sea Kur sets sail for Turia

(04:56:42 ) Personal combat is the ultimate test of my freedom. [PIC] Dhal al Ghur Captain of the Sea Kur [PIC] [ Dhal's Villa - B...